bozzwell said:
Why do you and VF21 insist on Pedja's supporters moderating their position before you will "be able to accept him for what he is..."?
It appears petty at best.
What are you talking about?????????
What I was referring to are the blind Peja homers, the people who are so convinced Mr. Stojakovic can walk on water AND feed the multitude with one fish that they cannot accept or even comprehend anyone not wanting to fall and worship at his feet.
Some of them praise Peja so highly that NO ONE could possibly live up to the high expectations.
There is a major difference between those few and the majority of Peja supporters, who are at least willing to recognize that Peja, like everyone else not holding claim to the title "son of God" is not perfect, and does have weaknesses.
My comment wasn't that I won't accept him for what he is. My comment was:
If people would quit trying to make him into something he isn't, perhaps we'd all be able to accept him for what he is... instead of always arguing about what he is not.
I'll clarify:
If some members of this forum, most of them of Serbian background, would stop acting as though Peja was in actuality UBERPEJA, then some of us wouldn't swing to the other side of the pendulum so drastically.
Peja isn't a failure, certainly, but he also isn't/hasn't been the savior of the Kings. The truth is somewhere in the middle. He is good, very good. He is arguably - at least at times - the best pure shooter in the league today. BUT he is not perfect; he has failings; he is - like virtually every other player in the game - subject to criticism.
Give credit where it is due, certainly, but going too far in the praise/acclaim direction invariably leads to some of us wanting to balance it out.
That's what I meant. If that - an ultimate attempt to be fair - is petty, then so be it.