What about fan confidence?

Game in and game out, which Kings player do you have the most confidence in?

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We argue incessantly about nearly everything. We have thread after thread dissecting the various aspects of the team, the players, etc.

I'm curious. Instead of talking about who's clutch, who has the best shooting percentage when the game is on the line, etc. I have a slightly different question for my newest poll - and it doesn't involve book titles.

I haven't included Bonzi, Jason or Cisco in the choices, since we've yet to see them play in Kings uniforms. I've only included those people who are currently under contract with the Kings.
I vote Brad. Everyone can agree Bibby is clutch, etc, but I like Brad a lot more as the core of this team, for all he can impact in a game and everything he can do for us. He seems a lot more sturdy and reliable, outside of the broken leg fiasco.
I have confidence in Mike, Brad, and Peja to play well and make big plays most of the time... but in that order.
I feel very comfindent. If we are in a pressure situation, I feel confindent to choose Mike Bibby for teh big shot. 2 games in a row? Winning shot vs LA in Semi Finals? Nice game winner a while ago verse Indiana too. Mike Bibby has got he game face of cinfidence. HE has the confidence inside himself he can make the big shot which is a slightr difference bewteen the rest.
Everyone can agree that Mike is who you want with the game on the line, which is why the other poll got closed. This is a different question, of who you trust game in, game out in every situation. But I assume a lot of people will still vote for Mike.


Super Moderator Emeritus
captain bill said:
Everyone can agree that Mike is who you want with the game on the line, which is why the other poll got closed. This is a different question, of who you trust game in, game out in every situation. But I assume a lot of people will still vote for Mike.
Different people can interpret having confidence in different ways. It doesn't necessarily include OR exclude the game on the line scenario.
B-52 .... coming back off that injury at the tail-end of last season affected Brad's confidence .... but, once he got back into the swing of things, Brad was bombs-away !!!
I vote Bibby, not because I think he's any better or more clutch or anything like that, but instead because I think he turns to himself to reach down and bring it each night... whatever the results may be. Combine that with good old-fashioned talent (which is never enough alone) and he's earned my confidence beyond all others.
I have confidence in Peja. (okay, okay...I know that's not the unanimous view around here lol).

My confidence in him extends beyond the basketball court and his ability (or not) to hit the baskets. It is also founded on the type of (good) person i believe him to be.

I can forgive him his 'softness', the periods when he 'goes missing' on court and last season his 'underperformance' generally.

Next season i think we will see a big improvement, as the work he says he will put in to improve his game is something else i have confidence in.
When a game is on a stake, then I'd go with Mike.
With a thick screen and feed Peja could be deadly too. I looking forward to it.
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I have confidence in all of the guys. The only player I had waivering confidence last year was Cat. When he would walk the ball up and jack up a needless 3 I would grind my teeth down to my gums.

That being said I chose Mike b/c I feel like the guy is leading the show when he is out on the court just by the way he plays and carries himself.
peja has to prove (perhaps re-prove?!) his reliabilty. kenny thomas, corliss williamson, and brian skinner are all, essentially, roleplayers who have yet to find their role on this team. understandeable, with so little time to fit in and lingering thoughts of being traded this off season. kevin martin also has yet to prove his reliabilty. i have confidence that brad miller is gonna put up 15, 10, and 5 every night, and that he's gonna make the greater percentage of his shots, but i dont have confidence that he's gonna be able to keep a cool head game in and game out.

all that said, mike bibby is the guy i have the most confidence in game in and game out. i'd say b-jax if he were gonna be a king this coming season, cuz he brings it every single night. you know exactly what yer gonna get from bobby every game, and thats 110%. but, now that he's gone, i gotta go with bibby. very rarely does he lose his composure, and he's excellent offensively when he doesnt have to be the primary scorer. he's great as a go-to guy in clutch situations, but its very wearing on him to be the #1 option game in and game out, as we saw at the end of last season. some nights the shots would just fall. other nights they wouldn't. but i feel that ya can always rely on mike to play smart, take high percentage shots, run the right plays and execute them effectively, and be a solid floor leader. he's got his faults, like every other king, but he's the guy i think the kings shouldnt consider trading, despite all the "nobody's untouchable" talk. i like his attitude. i like his heart. he's a pretty chill kinda guy, but i've never felt like he didnt have the heart of a champion. he's a great competitor, and despite his lack of defense, a well-rounded point guard.


bibby is the man, regardless of where the shot clock is.... you wont be worried if the ball is in his hands.... you're surprised if the shot doesnt go in or if he doesnt make the right pass....


Super Moderator Emeritus
This is purely a subjective poll, BTW. There cannot be a right or wrong answer since it's asking which player each person has the most confidence in...
I cn't decide whether to put "none-of-the-above" or "all-of-the-above"

I can count on Peja to often give a good (sometimes spectacular) three quarters of play... and then when it is the 4th q or the playoffs, some short quick defender is allowed to get into peja's jock (allowed, by a combo of peja and the refs) and completely shut him down.

I can count on Bibby to have a big offensive game, especially when the game is big, or it is the "clutch time" at the end of a close game. Unfortunately, I can also count on him giving UP a big game to his opponent, whomever it is. Bibby goes off for 35 points in crucial big game, yet Chucky Atkins scores 33. Hmmmm....?

I can count on Brad to put up some damn good numbers and play inspired and inspiring ball. I can also count on him to be perhaps the least athletic player in the game, and to begin to break down as the season wears on. Even worse, I can count on him to dawn his "wounded sphinkter" mask and whine and gripe his way through one-in-four quarters of play.

I can count on the rest of the team to basiccally be some varying degree of scrub with some good traits and major glaring holes/weaknesses which can be exploited.

I have always been aware of all these flaws, but I PREVIOUSLY thought that the kings had a good complimentary mix. Let Peja and DC disappear offensively in the 4th, we had Bibby to pick up the 4th Q slack as long as someone else was shouldering some of the load getting us INTO the 4th. No D from Bibby? Christy and bjax can pick up the load. etc... The Kings players had flaws, but they were good pieces who fit together well to make a complete whole. Also, the Kings REALLY seemed to genuinely like each other. For real. They really had each other's backs. The Kings had good parts, and a whole that was better than the sum of the parts.

Unfortunately, it turns out that the only REAL consistancy it turns out I've been able to take for granted from the Kings is the constant crucial injuries that submarine them.

So in the end, I gues I'd have to say that Brad Miller is the king I'm most confident to be king-like. <which is to say a walking MASH unit>

I had a lot more confidence in Mike before this year's playoffs. That said, his history is more than enough to put him above everyone else for me.
I went with Mike because I'm confident that he will at least give a damn. I could have gone with Brad for the same reason, but Brad has a tendency to sometimes care a little too much, and then it gets bad.


Hall of Famer
GoGoGadget said:
I went with Mike because I'm confident that he will at least give a damn. I could have gone with Brad for the same reason, but Brad has a tendency to sometimes care a little too much, and then it gets bad.
"How can anyone care too much?" Mikey Rourk Year of the Dragon
rhuber said:
my wife always says that just before she stops speaking to me for three days :eek:

Tread cautiously ;)

hee hee hee...I always get my husband with that one...falls for it everytime ;)

Anyway, I voted Bibby...because (this year especially) he has been the one that we can depend on to win the game for us when it seemed impossible. He has my vote of confidence over any other player...for sure.
I voted for Bibby, and Brad Miller is my 2nd choice. Obviously Bibby had some free throw issues this season, but overall, when the ball is in his hands I feel like things are under control.