What about fan confidence?

Game in and game out, which Kings player do you have the most confidence in?

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big bad brad is who i voted for. i do have lots of confidence in mike and peja also, that is for sure. well peja in the first 3 quarters, mike for clutch shots. brad usally brings more then just points, i have confidence in him getting 10 rebounds a night, i can't say the same about mike of bibby ( with mike it would be 10 assists instead of rebounds)
Bibbs got my vote as well. I do agree with Vlad though, it really looked like Peja needed some love. I have a feeling Peja will come back, we the fans, need to give him some more love.:D


Hall of Famer
I picked Brad Miller.

No one is more reliable from 15 feet than him...If he would just shoot every chance he got, he could average close to 20 points.

I like Mike, a very close second, but I feel Brad can just hit that shot whenever he needs to.

And Peja...He'll be great draining everything he shoots, no matter where from, how heavily defended, or whatever, but then he just disappears for long stretches of time. And he's the last person I want taking a clutch shot.
i definately think Mike. Maybe he's not #1 in all the games but you know that you can pretty much expect about the same from him day in and day out.