Welcome Davion Mitchell

this was a great read. Davion is another small town ( Hinesville, GA: population 33k) kid from humble beginnings, and still with his high school sweetheart. I can understand why Davion would like it here since all we got is basketball in Sac. I’m at the point now, if we trade Mitchell, I’m cancelling my season tickets and done with basketball. Cause I don’t want to watch Mitchell’s career in another jersey
Yeah it’s going to be an interesting camp. Fox perceives himself as the “head of the snake”. Generally two headed snakes don’t function well. Hali came in with a very different mindset of complementing Fox. I don’t think Hali would ever have made that statement coming in to his rookie camp.

btw, I love Mitchell as a player but I’m not sure how well this overlap is going to go. Really think that Fox for Simmons trade is the way to go.
Yeah it’s going to be an interesting camp. Fox perceives himself as the “head of the snake”. Generally two headed snakes don’t function well. Hali came in with a very different mindset of complementing Fox. I don’t think Hali would ever have made that statement coming in to his rookie camp.

btw, I love Mitchell as a player but I’m not sure how well this overlap is going to go.
I don’t know how big Fox’s ego is but if his ego reaches a compromise of “ok this guy the leader of the defense and im the offensive leader” we’ll be just fine.

I also see Haliburton being the guy that’s always on the floor with Fox and Mitchell switching off and then the 3 guard lineup for the 4th. Hmm, I can also see Mitchell and Fox being on the floor at the same time also. Ok as I type this, I’ve concluded we’ll be fine lol
I don’t know how big Fox’s ego is but if his ego reaches a compromise of “ok this guy the leader of the defense and im the offensive leader” we’ll be just fine.
My gut is Fox’s ego is very big (as is most players of his stature). He already somewhat gave up offensive leadership to Hali. Just noticed Hali there a lot and Hali’s tweets. Fox was conspicuous in his absence.

it could all work out great but I can see it having a few problems also.
My gut is Fox’s ego is very big (as is most players of his stature). He already somewhat gave up offensive leadership to Hali. Just noticed Hali there a lot and Hali’s tweets. Fox was conspicuous in his absence.

it could all work out great but I can see it having a few problems also.
fox never really showed any poor body language giving up some of his offense to Hali from what I recall.

you are right though, there could be problems. At least this is truly a glass is half full problem for once.
Exactly... if anything I think he's smart enough to realize he's never winning anything here without a lot of help.
Yeah I think since he’s been a proponent of trading Fox for Simmons he’s lightweight searching for cracks.

We are overthinking that statement IMO. Head of the snake is just coach speak for first line of defense ie point guard.

Fox can maintain his spot if he actually starts playing good defense.
yah Fox is still a much better scorer then Off-Night

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member
It would be hard to give the league award to someone not there.
Yes. I wasn't dialed in enough to realize that there were two different MVP awards. It turns out there are two separate awards, one which corresponds to "NBA Season MVP" and one that corresponds to "NBA Finals MVP". Since there was technically only one playoff game, I think a lot of us just assumed there was only one award (each team only plays five games...feels like a one-MVP-award event), and that it would be given to the MVP of the winning team. Glad to see Mitchell get his due, of course.
haha further reinforces my opinion the kid is driven by competition. Kind of like AI... practice your talking about practice.

though I suspect the Fox Mitchell battles in practice will be epic. The kid who can blow by everyone against the kid no one blows by.
Should help make both of them better.