You fail to understand why it's ridiculous that professional athletes have to have a second job? You fail to understand why it's ridiculous that athletes that play in the best league in the world, in their respective sport, have to leave the country to make any money?
They couldn't schedule a parade, because it couldn't be arranged for the day after. And, for many of these women, within forty-eight hours after the end of the WNBA season, they have to report to their paying jobs, overseas.
Yes to all.
Look, I know you‘re hot on the WNBA, and I very much enjoyed it too when the Monarchs were in SAC and attended many games over those 13 seasons, but you’re not being realistic when asking these questions.
It’s by no means ridiculous. Their salaries are commensurate with the interest and revenue their sport is able to generate.
If the WNBA were more popular, played more games, drew higher attendance, and generated more media coverage and sponsorships — the league would generate a lot more revenue thus their athletes and coaches would be able to negotiate a lot more compensation.
Even so, the average WNBA salary is reportedly 130K. Not exactly chump change or absolutely necessitating a 2nd job, unless they’re living in downtown Manhattan. Minimum salary was around 42K (don’t know if that increased with the last CBA or not) which could certainly require a 2nd income depending upon the city/state the player resided in but certainly far from destitute.
The problem is that many are incorrectly and unfairly comparing WNBA salaries to NBA salaries when they are in fact independent businesses/leagues with numerous different circumstances dictating different earnings (nobody compares the CFL or XFL to the NFL or complains about those disparities do they?)
First, the NBA has more than twice the amount of franchises and plays an 82 game regular season, or more than double the WNBA‘s 34 games. And the average attendance of those games is also more than double (’around‘ 18K compared to ‘around‘ 8K). The average ticket price is also much higher.
None of this is even factoring in media and sponsorship revenue, which, w/o researching, likely has an even higher disparity.
Would I like to see the WNBA grow and generate more revenue so the players could earn more money? Absolutely. But is it unfair or ridiculous that they don’t? No. Because they are currently earning salaries commensurate with what their product is able to generate.
That’s why I fail to understand the outcry.