Warriors @ Kings Game Thread

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vj9999 said:
I disagree this time. He was off and that is it. He was trying, but shots were not going in. He played 45 minutes the night before, played really hard and all he gets is crap from people.
What about Mike? Mike has played 40+ minutes the last week and even when his shots aren't falling he does the other things to get the job done. Rebounds, Dishes, occasionally plays defense :D.. But he gets it done, and he brings it every night. Peja on the other hand does not!!@!!!!


Homer Fan Since 1985
BigWaxer said:
As much as I like Peja I cannot disagree. As I said the other night, this team as constructed will only go as far as peja plays. After tonight I am thinking we wont be going to far
There are so many fans who have been waiting for Peja to "be the man." Well, folks, he does not have it in him. That is not his game. He can only step up when he has a Vlade or a Doug spoon feeding him.

Bibby is disgusted. Why, because he is busting his butt out there. Peja was the only other regular starter out there and he deserted him. Mike cannot be happy about getting beat by the Warriors at ARCO. But, what is worse is that the man that wants to leave the Kings is still here and he does not show up to play very often.

I will still love the Kings, as I have for 20 years. However, as this team stands, I have no further expectations of them this year. I will just enjoy watching basketball...revel in the wins that we get...and place no expectations on this group of players. I will wait for the off-season and see what happens.
iheartBrad said:
at one point i was hoping to see Cat miraculously appear on the court to spout off 4 3's
Seriously^, I know Brads hurt and Cat was out but it's really weird to look at our Kings come crunch time and wonder where the scoring is going to come from. It's been a long time since I had to do that.


Super Moderator Emeritus
vj9999 said:
I disagree this time. He was off and that is it. He was trying, but shots were not going in. He played 45 minutes the night before, played really hard and all he gets is crap from people.
I hesitate to do this and will only do so to illustrate a point:

He was off. He was trying but shots weren't going in? Sorry, but if that young man had been wearing a different number, say - oh, just for argument's sake - #4, there would have been NO excuses given him. NONE.

All Peja gets is crap from people? He's a veteran player on our team. He's actually been here LONGER than anyone else! We should be able to count on him. If his outside shot isn't falling, he is 6'10" tall and he should be going inside.

I'm sorry, vj9999, but he doesn't deserve any more passes. He deserves the same strict criticism as anyone else. I didn't see hustle tonight. I saw a half-hearted attempt in the early part of the game.

Speaking personally, I find it very disheartening that I no longer look at the ball in Peja's hands as being a good thing. He shot 4 of 19, with 2 of 8 from outside. That is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sorry.
6th said:
There are so many fans who have been waiting for Peja to "be the man." Well, folks, he does not have it in him. That is not his game. He can only step up when he has a Vlade or a Doug spoon feeding him.

Bibby is disgusted. Why, because he is busting his butt out there. Peja was the only other regular starter out there and he deserted him. Mike cannot be happy about getting beat by the Warriors at ARCO. But, what is worse is that the man that wants to leave the Kings is still here and he does not show up to play very often.

I will still love the Kings, as I have for 20 years. However, as this team stands, I have no further expectations of them this year. I will just enjoy watching basketball...revel in the wins that we get...and place no expectations on this group of players. I will wait for the off-season and see what happens.
Great post. I feel so bad for Mike. Just to see the look on his face tells it all. He's out there giving it all, along with most of the team, while Peja is nowhere to be found.
I love Peja and im still gonna continue to support him (Im thinking we need a GO PEJA thread like our GO KINGS thread so the thread karma can kick in and get Peja back to Peja form)

but it was obvious that he had absolutely NO energy...and i can understand that due to all the great things he did in last nights game...but he needed to make a more conscious effort...he just seemed pretty disinterested out there tonight ::sigh::

Hopefully he'll be ready and well rested (since he didn't exert<--is that a word? much energy tonight) for Tuesday nights game against Portland...::sigh::
vj9999 said:
I disagree this time. He was off and that is it. He was trying, but shots were not going in. He played 45 minutes the night before, played really hard and all he gets is crap from people.
I agree.

But I must admit, my patience is running very thin with Peja.
I did have to laugh when they showed the replay of Mikes "flagrant foul" he did have a nice little fist rolled up in that foul...lol

but he was done...nothing left he could of done..when that last 3 of his didn't go in..we then lost the game...

in a way i feel sorry for the Trailblazers :)
I have to agree VF... Peja no longer gets a free pass from me. I have really been a supporter of him but night in and night out lately he is proving to me he is just your average roll player


Hall of Famer
Sad to say dear sweet Peja homers. But baring a miracle and Peja just absolutley showing out the rest of the season and the playoffs. HE IS GONE
VF21 said:
I hesitate to do this and will only do so to illustrate a point:

He was off. He was trying but shots weren't going in? Sorry, but if that young man had been wearing a different number, say - oh, just for argument's sake - #4, there would have been NO excuses given him. NONE.

All Peja gets is crap from people? He's a veteran player on our team. He's actually been here LONGER than anyone else! We should be able to count on him. If his outside shot isn't falling, he is 6'10" tall and he should be going inside.

I'm sorry, vj9999, but he doesn't deserve any more passes. He deserves the same strict criticism as anyone else. I didn't see hustle tonight. I saw a half-hearted attempt in the early part of the game.

Speaking personally, I find it very disheartening that I no longer look at the ball in Peja's hands as being a good thing. He shot 4 of 19, with 2 of 8 from outside. That is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sorry.
I'm afraid that I will have to go with you on this one. I must add that at no point in this season did Pedja look like he has or is about to get his groove back. At no point in this season did he look like he's a great shooter. In spells, a game or two here and there - maybe, but over first 65 or so games, you have to stop and say something is seriously wrong here. The question is not only is he ever going to get back at his best (and I can live with his poor rebounding as long as he chips in highly efficient 20+ ppg) but if he continues like this he will lose premium value on the off season market, too.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I apologize. I do NOT want to dump on a member of our team. I LOVE THIS TEAM.

But, once again, I saw no real effort on the part of someone who had announced they didn't even want to be here and has yet to show otherwise. He wasn't "off" - that I could have accepted, albeit grudgingly. What he was was non-committed. He didn't try for the rebounds; the ones he got pretty much bounced into his hands. He took quick shots, he took ill-advised shots, etc.

Again, IN MY PERSONAL OPINION, I want to watch guys with heart out there giving their all. I don't care if they're pure shooters, or if they have to work very, very hard for each bucket. I just want to see the guys playing who make it really clear they want to be here playing for the Sacramento Kings more than anything else.

And now, I'll stop...



Hall of Famer
only took VF 3/4 of the season to figure out what i have seen all year. If you say you want off a team that means you want off that team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Entity said:
Sad to say dear sweet Peja homers. But baring a miracle and Peja just absolutley showing out the rest of the season and the playoffs. HE IS GONE
Please, let's keep it civil okay? There's no need for the "homer" stuff, etc. We can discuss this as KINGS fans and still show some respect for each others opinions.

I have to agree with VF21 and 6th as far as Peja is concerned. I have absolutely no FAITH in him any more. He has been spoon fed his whole time with the Kings and does not know how to take the next step on his own. Daddy Vlade and savior Doug is gone. He is not reliable. TRADE HIM. Let him walk. The Kings will be better for it.
Entity said:
only took VF 3/4 of the season to figure out what i have seen all year. If you say you want off a team that means you want off that team.
But everyone thought he would improve when Webber left(even me). Im sorry but it's starting to look like we traded the wrong guy to me.
Entity said:
Sad to say dear sweet Peja homers. But baring a miracle and Peja just absolutley showing out the rest of the season and the playoffs. HE IS GONE
Oh please, stop with the Peja homers. I'm a Kings fan and if I recall, Peja is STILL with the team. Just because some of us members want to back a certain player doesn't mean we are "homers".
VF21 said:
I apologize. I do NOT want to dump on a member of our team.
At some point it is needed. I am sorry I have been watching all year while people dumped on Cwebb. Now that Cwebb is gone IMO Peja is getting what he deserves.

It doesn't make anyone one any less a Kings fan to display/voice what we are all seeing. That is our Peja not stepping up to the challenge


Hall of Famer
Rockmeister said:
Oh please, stop with the Peja homers. I'm a Kings fan and if I recall, Peja is STILL with the team. Just because some of us members want to back a certain player doesn't mean we are "homers".
I never said anybodys name. but hey the guilty dog seems to always bark. Ask Brady
Rockmeister said:
Just because some of us members want to back a certain player doesn't mean we are "homers".
Not to mention the fact we all are Kings fans in a sense means we are homers. But we cannot avoid reality here.
VF21 said:
I hesitate to do this and will only do so to illustrate a point:

He was off. He was trying but shots weren't going in? Sorry, but if that young man had been wearing a different number, say - oh, just for argument's sake - #4, there would have been NO excuses given him. NONE.

All Peja gets is crap from people? He's a veteran player on our team. He's actually been here LONGER than anyone else! We should be able to count on him. If his outside shot isn't falling, he is 6'10" tall and he should be going inside.

I'm sorry, vj9999, but he doesn't deserve any more passes. He deserves the same strict criticism as anyone else. I didn't see hustle tonight. I saw a half-hearted attempt in the early part of the game.

Speaking personally, I find it very disheartening that I no longer look at the ball in Peja's hands as being a good thing. He shot 4 of 19, with 2 of 8 from outside. That is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Sorry.
I always considered you fair and objective, even when we disagree.

I am all for criticism of Peja when he performs like tonight, but what threw me off with your comment was "disgusted".

I think Peja should get lot of criticism in the media tomorrow and whenever he performs like this. Tapping him on the shoulder and saying "It's ok, but try a little harder" will not cut it.

Peja is having a weird season. More injuries than usual, big team changes (and he suffers from them more than Mike just because of the kind of game they play). Sure his comments last summer were uncalled for, but alot of people took it to the next level. I know that with Webber gone, we need somebody else to blame everything on.

I am willing to give Peja an off season. If he has 2 off season tan we have a problem.

I always defend everyone no matter what the situation is. I defended Webber, I defended Doug (like last year mid season when everything was blamed on him) and while Peja is wearing a Kings jersey I will defend him (no matter how crap his performances are).
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