Vlade says DMC will NOT be traded this year

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Vlade is NOT going to broadcast his intention to trade Boogie to the NBA because he would lose his leverage. C'mon let's not be naive. You don't win at poker by showing your hand.

The question was put to Joerger "How are you going to coach Cousins?" and it was a ringing non-endorsement of said player. Paraphrasing Joerger said: "The roster is in flux and.... we are going to try to get the best players we can and go from there....I am excited I think Willie is a tremendous talent...."

Now let's breakdown this Q & A and read between the lines. Joerger was asked point blank about Boogie and the first player he mentions is WCS!!! If that does not give you a hint of the thought process and sentiment behind the scenes I don't know what does.

Joerger went onto say "I am going to talk to DeMarcus in a little bit" almost as afterthought, but nowhere in his response did he say anything resemble a commitment or endorsement along the lines of "Boogie is the best big man in NBA and I respect his game and talent and I cannot wait to help him become more dominant as we build around him...".

If anything the tone was "get on board or get out". It was an implicit ultimatum of sorts to Boogie and every player on the roster. But there is a long time between now and the first game of the season, The roster is going to look a lot different then and whether Boogie will still be around is far from conclusive.
Oh for goodness sake, really? He said he was going to talk to Boogie in a little bit, because freaking DeMarcus was there. He meant 'in a little bit' as in "right after this" in about 5 minutes. There was no 'afterthought' whatever nuance to it. Joerger did a fantastic job avoiding very pointed questions meant to do NOTHING but try to plant a seed of division. Vlade was also very clear. Either you are IN or you are OUT. No one has ever doubted that DeMarcus has been all IN on this team from the get go. Most players would have left, would not have remained committed to this TEAM. I like that he speaks of family, loyalty, trust and accountability, for everyone. That's all DeMarcus has asked. I think we are about to see the Beast unleashed with a focus.
Vlade is NOT going to broadcast his intention to trade Boogie to the NBA because he would lose his leverage. C'mon let's not be naive. You don't win at poker by showing your hand.

The question was put to Joerger "How are you going to coach Cousins?" and it was a ringing non-endorsement of said player. Paraphrasing Joerger said: "The roster is in flux and.... we are going to try to get the best players we can and go from there....I am excited I think Willie is a tremendous talent...."

Now let's breakdown this Q & A and read between the lines. Joerger was asked point blank about Boogie and the first player he mentions is WCS!!! If that does not give you a hint of the thought process and sentiment behind the scenes I don't know what does.

Joerger went onto say "I am going to talk to DeMarcus in a little bit" almost as afterthought, but nowhere in his response did he say anything resemble a commitment or endorsement along the lines of "Boogie is the best big man in NBA and I respect his game and talent and I cannot wait to help him become more dominant as we build around him...".

If anything the tone was "get on board or get out". It was an implicit ultimatum of sorts to Boogie and every player on the roster. But there is a long time between now and the first game of the season, The roster is going to look a lot different then and whether Boogie will still be around is far from conclusive.
That is some serious mental hula hoops you are doing to convince yourself of what you want. Impressive stuff.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Last I checked Indiana and Houston had two coaching vacancies available as well with lone all stars on their respective teams. I guess coaching Paul George and James Harden aren't as enticing. I can understand James Harden though.
You have stumbled across exactly the point.

There is absolutely no way a coach of Joerger's stature chooses a Sacto rebuild over other team's with established stars. None. We would have been lucky to get a top assistant willing to be a sacrificial lamb to our newest rebuild.

You come because we have a superstar too, one built along the same lines as the guys you have already coached. A Sacto rebuild is the worst situation in the NBA.
I can think of 12 million other reasons that he's here. I seriously doubt DMC had anything to do with his decision. Why would it? The guy won 30 games for the first time in his career.
So one player is responsible for wins and losses? Good to know. Silly me for believing that this was a team game after all these years and that complimentary talent, coaching and front office stability actually matter.
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Vlade knows that is it easier to get Joerger and Cousins working together than getting another talent as good as Cousins. That talent level is ridiculously difficult to get.
This franchise has spent countless years in the draft lottery hoping that ping pong balls would magically align just right so that they could have a chance at a player like DeMarcus. They've never landed a top pick in any draft that included a worthwhile player, but finally got lucky that one fell to them in a very rare occurrence YET some are oh so eager to give that player up and return to the days of hoping the team lands another talent just like him. Go figure. It only took 25 years for it to happen the first time.


Hall of Famer
So one player is responsible for wins and losses? Good to know. Silly me for believing that this was a team game after all these years and that complimentary talent, coaching and front office instability actually matter.
Not only did DMC (with spite in his cold loyalty-lacking heart) hire and then fire multiple coaches, trade Isaiah Thomas, and then not draft Steph Curry, he also burned down my house, poisoned the water supply, and unleashed a plague unto all of our families.
What does hiring the best candidate available to coach the team have to do with personnel? You hire the guy who gives you the best chance to win, not to cater to a guy who has never accomplished anything but post hollow numbers at meddling efficiency and win a gold medal, which was also awarded to Mason Plumlee, who still happens to be competing while our "franchise guy" has been on vacation for a month.

Joerger was hired because he was the best coach available with the most impressive coaching resume, including championships in the IBL, CBA and D-League and three playoffs in a row in the brutal West. He was not hired explicitly to come in and work with Boogie. He was hired to turn the team into winners with or w/o Boogie. It is not his job to conform to a brooding malcontent. It is the said malcontent job to shape up or ship out.

And Joerger already has an opinion on Boogie as an outsider. But regardless of whether his impression is favorable or less so, nowhere did I suggest he would be so presumptuous to conclude definitively he cannot work with him, because he has not had that first hand experience. But my impression based on how he handled the question posed to him, is that in private conversations with Vlade and front office types their collective commitment to him is wavering. And after another season of one damn thing after another, who can blame them?

Perhaps you missed the part where he mentioned Ben and Cuz specifically as already working out? or missed the nuance of the fact that he stated that he and Zack Randolph had talked about Boogie and drawn parallels between Zack's early time and the player he evolved into. If I was to read between the lines and make wild conjecture, I would say that Vlade and Joerger are both very much aware of the talent that DeMarcus has and smart enough to realize that the way to success is to harness it, build stability and stop wasting the prime years of your super star. You might also have missed the part about this not being a total rebuild. that this was a team on the rise. Trading your All-Star Super Star and hoping to get....... something would not fit that narrative.. The heavy lifting (getting that cornerstone piece) has, indeed, been done.
You do have one valid point, Joerger was NOT brought in to deal with a brooding malcontent. Why would he be? The only thing DeMarcus is discontent with is losing, and perhaps frustration in not being coached effectively.


Both sides of the argument are reading way to much into this, the reality is like all things in the NBA results/what's avaliable will dictate if anyone is traded or not, Vlad basically said we are going to give this a chance to work and see from there. I don't really even see the need for a thread tbh even as a DMC 'hater" I could see this coming and understand why he said it and is most likely doing it. Clearly they thought coaching was the issue in previous cases (except for 9-6 GOAT) so why would they move him now that they think they have a good coach?
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All that reading between the lines is just head-in-a-cloud waste of time IMHO.
Whether you think this was a fierce commitment to never trade Big Cuz,
or you believe you heard hints and subtext about this being DMC's last chance...
You are missing a very simple point:

If somehow this year would go bad
(for whatever reason - even bad luck)
there will be an absolute nessecity to trade DMC, and even the most die-hard Boogie-supporters should be on board, because the alternative would be most likely to let him walk for nothing.

If, on the other hand, this same-page start will bear fruit and make this team significantly better (as I'm quite certain will happen) - the Kings wouldn't want to change and break that team up.

Either way - it has nothing to do with what Boogie does, or doesn't do, as some of us try to portray it.
It's not about our big guy's conduct or what-not. It's a no-brainer in any of the cases - a simple matter of business circumstances that dictate the future path, IMHO.

Am I missing anything?
Both sides of the argument are reading way to much into this, the reality is like all things in the NBA results/what's avaliable will dictate if anyone is traded or not, Vlad basically said we are going to give this a chance to work and see from there. I don't really even see the need for a thread tbh even as a DMC 'hater" I could see this coming and understand why he said it and is most likely doing it. Clearly they thought coaching was the issue in previous cases (except for 9-6 GOAT) so why would they move him now that they think they have a good coach?
I can't believe we came up with this on the very same minute! (My post was just longer, and I type on my smartphone...)

I guess great minds (although mine is mediocre...) DO think alike.


I can't believe we came up with this on the very same minute! (My post was just longer, and I type on my smartphone...)

I guess great minds (although mine is mediocre...) DO think alike.
I think in this case it's mediocre minds think alike as well:p


Hall of Famer
I don't think Vlade would start his career as a GM by lying. He needs to be trustworthy to deal with free agents and the like. These convoluted stories about how he would lie to keep peace on a temporary basis make for interesting reading and give an insight into how the mind of the writer works.

An issue bigger than short term peace is that we need to dig our franchise out of a bad hole, Lying, for any reason, would have long term negative affects.
You have stumbled across exactly the point.

There is absolutely no way a coach of Joerger's stature chooses a Sacto rebuild over other team's with established stars. None. We would have been lucky to get a top assistant willing to be a sacrificial lamb to our newest rebuild.

You come because we have a superstar too, one built along the same lines as the guys you have already coached. A Sacto rebuild is the worst situation in the NBA.
First of all - I think you are right with your comments about Boogie, Valde and Joerger.
But in theory the jobs in Indiana and Houston could be a less favourable situation for Joerger despite the superstars on the teams.
Joerger just got fired, because there was a gap between management and himself.
Now when you look at Indiana and Houston both franchises moved on from successful coaches for various reasons. In Indiana it was pretty much the same situation for Vogel like it was for Joerger in Memphis. And McHale got fired, because management sided with Harden (I believe) and thought he couldn't reach his players anymore despite his recent playoff success.
Both franchises expect immidiate success. They want to be back in the playoffs asap and a first round exit is probably not acceptable.

In Sacramento a coach has way more leash, after the Malone and Karl desasters. Sacramento is trying to build stability and Joerger isn't on the hot seat here. Vivek and Vlade won't fire or let a coach go over a disagreement about the playstyle of the team, because we did it with Malone and it backfired completely.
Strangely the Kings coaching job presents itself as the least risky and most stable job available, without the need for a full scale rebuild.
Unless you follow and believe Voison, Grant and the national media and basketball “experts“ of course.
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Both sides of the argument are reading way to much into this, the reality is like all things in the NBA results/what's avaliable will dictate if anyone is traded or not, Vlad basically said we are going to give this a chance to work and see from there. I don't really even see the need for a thread tbh even as a DMC 'hater" I could see this coming and understand why he said it and is most likely doing it. Clearly they thought coaching was the issue in previous cases (except for 9-6 GOAT) so why would they move him now that they think they have a good coach?
I'm with you and Ron. I think this move really emphasized the fact that Vlade wants to move forward with THIS team. When Vlade took over, he got the newly appointed coach and the roster. Last year Vlade did some significant roster changes and drafted a big man. At the end of the year he was not convinced that the fit between the roster and the coach was a productive one, so he removed the coach. Now he has picked his choice of a coach. A coach that he really worked hard to get. NBA teams make adjustments every year. Vlade will make his by the end of the next season. I'm pretty sure that the team is now very close to what Vlade wanted. Everybody following NBA basketball understands that if the Timberwolves would ask to trade Karl-Antony Towns and Andrew Wiggins for DMC, it is the obligation of the GM to pull the trigger. However, that's not going to happen, so let's relax and concentrate on what we can get from the draft. I'm really optimistic right now. I consider the playoffs a certainty next year.
Best Fans in the world are Kings Fans - Check
Owner saves the Kings for Sacramento - Check
DeMarcus is an All Star - Check
Vlade is a great GM - Check
Front Office is improved - Check
Dave Joerger is a great Coach - Check

OK time to draft another Good Rookie, sort out the Free Agents and perhaps a trade. Add a couple of solid wing defenders and three point shooters and BOOM!

I can't wait for it all to unfold:)
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Another reason Joerger probably didn't want Indiana is that Bird said coaches are only good for 3 years. He said in his presser he wants to be here 12-14 years (his words). He wants longevity and stability.
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I'm having a strong suspicion that one of our forum members here is Ailene Voison. I won't out you Voison but I'll leave it to others to figure it out. Fair warning Voison, if I ever to see you in person, I'm going to throw a bucket of water on you and watch you melt away.
nah, she's not that smart or ambitious. she hasn't even learned to use twitter yet, much less infiltrate a fan board.

It does seem obvious that she's got a petty vendetta against DeMarcus and even Vlade. To suggest that Vivek twisted an arm or that Vlade caved to get DJ sounds so ridiculous. To throw in a jab about DeMarcus is not even from left field.. its from way out in the outer parking lot.

It is a wonder to me that nobody at the Bee has said "give it a rest Aileen, you're being too obvious".


Hall of Famer
Okay, I was admittedly ignoring the desperate denial angle.

Really. At the point you need it to happen so desperately you actually lie to yourself, believe it, and preach it...you've got to get that under control or you could be setting yourself up to be desperately unhappy for a long time as a Kings fan. Or maybe not even a Kings fan. We just brought in a coach who's never missed the playoffs, in the West. Suffice it to say if he continues that streak here the odds of Cousins leaving, perhaps ever, shoot down dramatically. You could find yourself in the same untenable situation as some of the Kings fans of old who claimed to be trying to root for the team and against Webber. Its virtually impossible. There's not even the nationalist angle powering many of the Serb fans of that era.
Ok. Stop with the vacuous rhetoric. Did Divac say unequivocally that he would not trade Cousins at any time? Or, did he not? It's a very simple question that doesn't require a paragraph of dismissive riffs, Serb fans, Webber, and the ever-present word, "if."
Ok. Stop with the vacuous rhetoric. Did Divac say unequivocally that he would not trade Cousins at any time? Or, did he not? It's a very simple question that doesn't require a paragraph of dismissive riffs, Serb fans, Webber, and the ever-present word, "if."
He said unequivocally that he will not trade Cousins this year which is as far as any reasonable person would look ahead for this type of statement.

If you would like to argue about what will happen after the next season or semantics enjoy, you might be lonely.

edit: changed from "this season" to "this year"
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He said unequivocally that he will not trade Cousins this season which is as far as any reasonable person would look ahead for this type of statement.

If you would like to argue about what will happen after the next season or semantics enjoy, you might be lonely.
Forgive me if I split hairs, but I heard him say "this year" not "this season" which is entirely different and allows for an evolution in the mindset by the all star break if need be.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm having a strong suspicion that one of our forum members here is Ailene Voison. I won't out you Voison but I'll leave it to others to figure it out. Fair warning Voison, if I ever to see you in person, I'm going to throw a bucket of water on you and watch you melt away.
Voisin tried to sneak on here with fake persona years ago. She was found out very, very quickly. I doubt if she would do it again.
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