Update on Garcia

Sprained ankles are killer. I sprained my ankle pretty bad about a month ago playing basketball, and I am now just starting to be able to run and jump. It still feels a bit awkward. Of course Cisco is a pro athlete and I have to believe he is getting better treatment, but sprained ankles take some time to heal up.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
mbkings10 said:
Sprained ankles are killer. I sprained my ankle pretty bad about a month ago playing basketball, and I am now just starting to be able to run and jump. It still feels a bit awkward. Of course Cisco is a pro athlete and I have to believe he is getting better treatment, but sprained ankles take some time to heal up.
Well there are a lot of different degrees of "sprain". The worst of them are basically torn ligaments and take along time to get over. But there are a lot of lesser degrees that you can bounce back from much quicker. With a mild sprain and some pain tolerance, you can brace it up and be back out there in a week, although maybe not at 100%. Thinking Cisco's was somewhere in between.
I sprained my ankle mid August last year at my soccer tryouts and to this day it still hurts me when I put some pressure on it, it feels so uncomfortable, ankle sprain usually should heal in a week or two but its been like 7 months now and mine still hurts.
Yeah ankle problems are no good- I had my series of them and it really is an injury you have to let heal completely otherwise it's really easy to tweak it over and over again. Plus, you begin to favor one ankle more and that isn't good either.

Hopefully he will be back soon though, because we miss him out there and being able to go to an 8 man rotation will help us down the road.
According to the scoutring report on the Pacers team site on NBA.com, Garcia is still out. But I believe it when I see it tonight.
He's back - The jokes have stopped coming, with teammates and coaches no longer chiding Francisco García for the odd way he sprained his left ankle.
Now they simply want him back, and should get their wish Tuesday at home against Seattle. García's return will allow the Kings to return to an eight-man rotation, lightening the ballhandling load put on Mike Bibby and Ron Artest. García, who sprained the ankle after tipping a dead ball stuck atop the rim against Cleveland, has missed nine games since.

Good, Garcia will help so much... he was big before the injury.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
He was playing well, but its going to be interesting to see where the minutes come from now. Maybe drop the Og to a pure platoon betwwen Kevin and Bonzi, and then have Cisco get all the backup min behind Mike and Ron -- maybe 20 or so. But I have a feeling that one of that group is going to get a bit squeezed for PT on any given night.
I think Ron is fine bringing it up the court, and isn't too bad at it (been doing it for awhile anyways). It's not like it'll go away, but it'll be lessened to a degree, indeed.
i love ron bringing the ball up the court... i have never seen or heard of him getting picked... he is a good dribbler and I want the teams leader brining it up if he can. I just dont like ROn taking his 1v1 jumpers nad tryign to do it by himself. we a passing team. he will get his open looks. I like his 1v1 post up tho
SacKings4Life21 said:
i love ron bringing the ball up the court... i have never seen or heard of him getting picked... he is a good dribbler and I want the teams leader brining it up if he can. I just dont like ROn taking his 1v1 jumpers nad tryign to do it by himself. we a passing team. he will get his open looks. I like his 1v1 post up tho
Jesus, we need a point guard.
Ron doesn't normally get picked, I think it's just his size and he dribbles kind of low which gets people a little nervous about him dribbling, I admit I sometimes get a little nervous when he dribbles the ball up the court. But I'm fine with him handling it
kingkung said:
Jesus, we need a point guard.
Now? I don't think it matters since I think we couldn't have anyone stay with us for the playoffs if we signed someone (since we likely will make them), and wouldn't really know the team. Unless it'd be Luis Flores, who got released from his Spain team. It's going to be Bibby/Garcia/Artest/likely Hart soon (based on what Rick said about why he's been using a 7-man rotation last week) at the point.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
kingkung said:
Jesus, we need a point guard.

We're fine.

Our system has never made much use of pure PGs anyway. We've got a couple of low level guys on the roster, but Rick has decided, probably correctly, that he'd rather have better players on the court playing somewhat out of position than play scrubs just because they are supposed to play a certain position.