Update on Garcia

LMM said:
Another question:

Is Bonzi even travelling with the team on this road trip?

Anyone seen him on the sidelines?

I'd like to see him also :)
My friend saw him at the movies on Greenback last night so he wasn't with the team last night.
kennadog said:
Ummmm....they said AT LEAST a week. Could be longer. They said it was very badly swollen. Rats!:( I guess whether he's with the team or not, will depend on if they think he can rehab better back in Sac and/or if they want him to see the team doctor.

For Bonzi, I thought they said a week last Friday. Of course, he's likely to be very rusty.


Well, I've read both, so didn't know what to side with. If it's longer, we'll simply play Monia/Corliss, or sign someone.
Man that must be frustrating for Cisco. I mean you go up to help the refs and the game go along, to knock a stuck ball down, and boom. Your ankle folds over. That's hard to accept. Especially a young guy. Going over inyour head over and over again how it happened, why you did it. That you shouldn't have done it. Talk about a rookie move. ;)
He came down on Miller's foot.

It woulda been cool if Miller reached out to catch him or something... He just stood there.
Well he is 7 foot. Reach out or something. He did just stand there.

Help Cisco from hitting the floor woulda been cool...

Maybe I'm just frustrated.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Hmmmm. Hadn't thought of that. Did you notice the look on Miller's face when Cisco crumpled to the ground? Kind of a "Oh great. I bet I get blamed for THAT, too..."

VF21 said:
Hmmmm. Hadn't thought of that. Did you notice the look on Miller's face when Cisco crumpled to the ground? Kind of a "Oh great. I bet I get blamed for THAT, too..."

All I saw was Miller looking at Garcia and kind of throwing his palms face up like "what are you doing rookie??". Hehe.
Kings113 said:

Well, I've read both, so didn't know what to side with. If it's longer, we'll simply play Monia/Corliss, or sign someone.
I think we'll hopefully see Corliss in there, I dont want to throw Monia to the wolves yet.
VF21 said:
It might have been nice had Miller stepped out of the way.
I don't even know why I post anymore. You are more active on the board than me and always say what occurs to me before I read these posts. Brad probably could have reached up and tapped the damn thing down, but he just stood under the basket Some people just lack the ability to forsee an accident about to happen.

Cisco, for crying out loud, let the frigging ref worry about the ball next time.

The Kings just caught another stray round. Geeze, it never ends!
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Miller was under the basket and not in a position to get the ball with Cisco in his way. I don't think he expected Garcia to suddenly jump for the ball. Cisco was not very smart to jump up like that when he is standing right next to someone. I couldn't believe he did that. I was like, "what was Cisco thinking?" :confused: He should have moved out of Miller's way and let Miller get it.

EDIT: Actually it doesn't much matter now. Neither was thinking and it just happened, because neither was thinking. Voila...freak accident.
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it was no ones fault. both players were looking at the ball on the rim and none of them knew where each others feet were so thats why it no ones fault
Yeah its the definition of an accident. Its either both their fault or the fault of neither. Same result.

I think we should start a Kings Injury Hall of Fame for weird accidents, bad luck, or whatever. Cisco with a bad ankle sprain trying to get a ball down; Brad's lay-up drill broken leg; Bobby's Shaq-smashed hand; Tag's trip-in-the-dark broken hand; Hurley's accident; Reef's elbowed broken jaw and ???;)


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Ok, let's PLEASE not start even considering "blaming" someone for a freak ankle twist. It was an accident, no more, no less, and looking back on it and trying to blame someone is pointless.

We have better things to think about. Like how to slip Kobe another Sacto-burger. :)
Warhawk said:
We have better things to think about. Like how to slip Kobe another Sacto-burger. :)
If you choose to accept this mission and are caught, kingsfans.com will disavow all knowledge....;)
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Tough break. The rookie better keep in mind he plays for the KINGS and freak accidents are everywhere!! They even lurk in your own home at night, just ask Tag (well, if he was still here)
On a side note, why the hell is Bonzi NOT with the team? Weren't we going to crucify some guy who dared alledgedly leave a game early when they were injured? I'm assuming, since he was spotted at the movies, that it isn't some catastrophic family emergency?
Maybe Bonzi stayed behind for some treatment so he could be ready to play during the road trip? Maybe they knew he wouldn't be ready to go against the Cavs, but was close, so it was better for him to work out and rest then travel and stay in a hotel? That's what I can think of. I'm sure there is a reason if he is planning on joining the team Friday. I hope they send Cisco home to rest and I really hope Bonzi will be back soon.
As far as I know, there isn't much 'treatment' to under-go with that type of injury at this point. Guess my point was more idle musing on why some players are expected to be with the team every second, even when months away from returning, and others can just show up whenever.
Be good if he was able to return on Friday.


accidents happen... i cant believe you guys are blaming people... LOL... it was just a freak accident.........
Fillmoe said:
accidents happen... i cant believe you guys are blaming people... LOL... it was just a freak accident.........
What are you talking about, it WAS Finley's fault! (or was it the Indian Burial ground? I forget)
Warhawk said:
Ok, let's PLEASE not start even considering "blaming" someone for a freak ankle twist. It was an accident, no more, no less, and looking back on it and trying to blame someone is pointless.

We have better things to think about. Like how to slip Kobe another Sacto-burger. :)

totally agree...