Tyreke Evans detained by CHP this evening for reckless driving


Hall of Famer
Not true. Most people, even though it's unfortunate, learn and adjust from experience. Tyreke, after doing something like this can actually help lead Cuz in the other, better direction.
Well, according to that line of reasoning every dumb immature thing Tyreke does would make him that much more of a maturing influence on Cousins. I don't buy it.
The only speeding ticket I ever got was for doing 41 in a 30MPH zone. It's not even like I was being unsafe, just going a little fast for the posted speed limit. And it was on one of those streets where the speed limit should probably be a bit faster, and where most people do 45-50 going by that area... which is exactly why the motorcycle cop was sitting there. Classic speed trap. I'm usually smarter than that.

Anyhow, I couldn't be too mad, because I know that I've deserved tickets for way worse (speeding, changing lanes without signaling, talking on the phone, illegal u-turns, California rolls, stretching the yellow, and on and on). Now that I have a kid, I'm much more careful, but I'll do 75-80 on the freeway when I'm in a hurry.

In Tyreke's case, this is him being a 20 year old. Not good, but anyone (and you know who you are) who is pretending like this is the end of the world should really just get over it. This is such a minor thing that it's not even funny. Put some illegal drugs or alcohol or even a few 19 year old girls in the car with him, and now we have a really bad situation. But speeding down the freeway? Come off it, duckie.


The Game Thread Dude
TDOS strikes again.

Noce's drunk driving barely illicit ed a response, this on the other hand is getting a little overblown.
Haha who cares?

No drugs? no alcohol? no guns? He's speeding. I was 20 years old the one and only time I put my foot all the way to the floor and went 100 mph...But I did in a 55 mph zone. At least he was in a 65...haha.

It's not like he raped a girl in Colorado, or went into the stands and punched a bunch of fans, or met the sister of a pseudo-celebrity and married her less than a week later...wait a minute...
TDOS strikes again.

Noce's drunk driving barely illicit ed a response, this on the other hand is getting a little overblown.
Agree. I opened this just hoping drugs or alcohol were not involved and felt relieved that there were not. Clearly unwise and Tyreke will have to deal with the embarrassment and fines (as he should) but not a huge deal.
In Tyreke's case, this is him being a 20 year old. Not good, but anyone (and you know who you are) who is pretending like this is the end of the world should really just get over it. This is such a minor thing that it's not even funny. Put some illegal drugs or alcohol or even a few 19 year old girls in the car with him, and now we have a really bad situation. But speeding down the freeway? Come off it, duckie.

Some people are making it into a bigger deal than it is. But at the same time its not minor at all. If you want a 20 yr old "kid" to learn from his mistakes, he needs to realize how serious it is to drive in excess of 120MPH on the road.

Yes many of us have driven well over the speed limit and drove dangeriously, especially when we were younger. But the attitude of it being such a minor thing and it could've been worse is not the way to go in my opinion. If Tyreke doesn't think its serious and learns from this and make better decisions, then next time it may very well be with alcohol and drugs.

I'm not sure if there is something in his contract that forbids reckless driving, but getting into an accident at such speeds can turn into a very seriously wreck with equally serious injuries or death not only to himself, but to others on the road. Its no joke. If he got in a wreck and was seriously injured, there goes the season. I hope his brothers and the team talks to him privately about what could've happen to his life and others.
"Officers say they didn't find any drugs or alcohol in Evans' vehicle. After finding he had a clean record, Evans was cited and released for reckless driving."

Yeah, seems like trouble. Talk to me when there's a dead hooker in the trunk.

Raise your hand if you've never tried to see how fast your car could go. Anyone? I got my Pontiac Grand AM GT to 110 on county roads before I chickened out. Probably the dumbest thing I've done. I was 21 at the time, just out of college.
*raises hand*

I drove my Eclipse on the highway at 125 last year... I was 35 then. :D 'Twas fun!

IMO, this is such a non-issue. The news is blowing this way out of proportion. He's young, end of story.
From Tyrekes twitter account. thetyrekeevans:
"Apologies to fans, the Kings and my fam for bad decision making. Driving is a privilege & speeding was a mistake. I've def learned my lesson"
I wasn't much upset before. I just wanted him to learn from the experience - like most of the rest of us have managed to do from our youthful mistakes. But now that he's made his apology, can we note that he failed to apologize to the general public??? Apologizing to fans, to the Kings and to his family is a start, but he hasn't learned his lesson until he realizes he needs to apologize to the other 99.9%.


Hall of Famer
Well, according to that line of reasoning every dumb immature thing Tyreke does would make him that much more of a maturing influence on Cousins. I don't buy it.

Kingster, I like you, and your a good dude. But give the Cousins thing a break for a while. Your starting to resemble those that wouldn't give the Rubio thing a break.
Some people are making it into a bigger deal than it is. But at the same time its not minor at all. If you want a 20 yr old "kid" to learn from his mistakes, he needs to realize how serious it is to drive in excess of 120MPH on the road.
What am I supposed to do about that? I don't consider this to be a major offense.

Yes many of us have driven well over the speed limit and drove dangeriously, especially when we were younger. But the attitude of it being such a minor thing and it could've been worse is not the way to go in my opinion. If Tyreke doesn't think its serious and learns from this and make better decisions, then next time it may very well be with alcohol and drugs.
I'm not arguing that it could have been worse. I'm just saying that the dude was speeding, and if you want to flog him with sugarcane for it, have at it. I'm gonna take his apology at face value and assume that he's not going to drive 120MPH anymore. I'm also going to be grateful that he wasn't drinking, that he didn't have guns in the car, that he wasn't hosting a party in the back seat, etc., etc.

I'm not sure if there is something in his contract that forbids reckless driving, but getting into an accident at such speeds can turn into a very seriously wreck with equally serious injuries or death not only to himself, but to others on the road. Its no joke. If he got in a wreck and was seriously injured, there goes the season. I hope his brothers and the team talks to him privately about what could've happen to his life and others.
So do I. I hope that he doesn't do it again. And I'm definitely glad that no one was hurt. It's dumb to drive a car that fast. You wanna get your kicks, go to a track and do that kind of thing under professional supervision.

But he's still just a 20 year old kid with a bunch of money. Can't expect his judgment to always be above reproach. Dumb mistake. Hope he doesn't repeat it. But let's not kill him over it.
I wasn't much upset before. I just wanted him to learn from the experience - like most of the rest of us have managed to do from our youthful mistakes. But now that he's made his apology, can we note that he failed to apologize to the general public??? Apologizing to fans, to the Kings and to his family is a start, but he hasn't learned his lesson until he realizes he needs to apologize to the other 99.9%.
You've got to be kidding
Some people are making it into a bigger deal than it is. But at the same time its not minor at all. If you want a 20 yr old "kid" to learn from his mistakes, he needs to realize how serious it is to drive in excess of 120MPH on the road.

Yes many of us have driven well over the speed limit and drove dangeriously, especially when we were younger. But the attitude of it being such a minor thing and it could've been worse is not the way to go in my opinion. If Tyreke doesn't think its serious and learns from this and make better decisions, then next time it may very well be with alcohol and drugs.

I'm not sure if there is something in his contract that forbids reckless driving, but getting into an accident at such speeds can turn into a very seriously wreck with equally serious injuries or death not only to himself, but to others on the road. Its no joke. If he got in a wreck and was seriously injured, there goes the season. I hope his brothers and the team talks to him privately about what could've happen to his life and others.
I have to disagree here. Driving too fast is not the same as driving impaired or transporting controlled substances. By this logic, next time, he might be speeding away as a getaway driver after a bank heist, smuggling illegal immigrants across the border, whilst simultaneously not wearing his seatbelt and talking on his cell phone. What he did really isn't a big deal, what Zach Randolph (purportedly) did, is a big deal.


Hall of Famer
Kingster, I like you, and your a good dude. But give the Cousins thing a break for a while. Your starting to resemble those that wouldn't give the Rubio thing a break.
Has nothing to do with the Rubio syndrome. It is relevant to the argument that had Tyreke's maturity influencing Cousins. That was recently discussed, wasn't it?
Like it has been said, some people need to relax.

He was driving 35 MPH over the speed limit. He wasn't driving 100 miles over the speed limit while he was drunk or on drugs.

A 20 year old speeding because he has a nice new car...
What am I supposed to do about that? I don't consider this to be a major offense.

I'm not arguing that it could have been worse. I'm just saying that the dude was speeding, and if you want to flog him with sugarcane for it, have at it. I'm gonna take his apology at face value and assume that he's not going to drive 120MPH anymore. I'm also going to be grateful that he wasn't drinking, that he didn't have guns in the car, that he wasn't hosting a party in the back seat, etc., etc.

So do I. I hope that he doesn't do it again. And I'm definitely glad that no one was hurt. It's dumb to drive a car that fast. You wanna get your kicks, go to a track and do that kind of thing under professional supervision.

But he's still just a 20 year old kid with a bunch of money. Can't expect his judgment to always be above reproach. Dumb mistake. Hope he doesn't repeat it. But let's not kill him over it.

My main point and concern is that people around him need to let him know that it is serious in the sense that 120MPH CAN end up in a disaster. It shouldn't be like "oh its just a speeding ticket, big deal" and go do it again in the future because he can afford to pay it. A speeding ticket for doing 85mph in a 65mph zone is different than doing 120MPH. He is still a young driver and bad things can happen.

I agree at least he is not going to jail and yes there are much worse things a 20 yr old with $ can do. But I just hope this is the last time driving 100+ for Tyreke's own sake and everyone else's.


Hall of Famer
using the "no big deal because nothing happened" approach is pretty hypocrytical to say the least.

if this aciton caused some lasting consequences - everyone would go crazy around here but since "nothing bad" happened - it was youthful behaviour.

What is next ?
I have to disagree here. Driving too fast is not the same as driving impaired or transporting controlled substances. By this logic, next time, he might be speeding away as a getaway driver after a bank heist, smuggling illegal immigrants across the border, whilst simultaneously not wearing his seatbelt and talking on his cell phone. What he did really isn't a big deal, what Zach Randolph (purportedly) did, is a big deal.

You are just taking it to something else. My point was if you don't let a youngster know what he did wrong and whats serious, then worse things MAY happen. I never said thats exactly what will happen.

Everyone is different, but I know someone that went down the bad route. My once close HS friend first got speeding tickets, then a DUI, then a DUI while totaling a borrowed car and the car of the guy he crashed into, later another DUI. He never got put in jail because the Cali jail system is too full for guys like him. In between waiting for his suspended license to clear, he never finished college or worked within a 7 yr span.

Its not serious if you learn from the first mistake. But you don't learn from your mistakes but everyone telling you "its no big deal, just a speeding ticket". Normal speeding tickets are when you get caught for driving 55MPH in a 40 zone. 120MPH in a 65 zone is a bit more reckless. I don't know whats so difficult to understand.
using the "no big deal because nothing happened" approach is pretty hypocrytical to say the least.

if this aciton caused some lasting consequences - everyone would go crazy around here but since "nothing bad" happened - it was youthful behaviour.

What is next ?

My point exactly. There are many accidents due to people losing control of their cars due to high speeds even without drugs or achohol. I just hope GP talks to him about how serious it is today as Tyreke is suppose to meet with him. Make sure he learns his lesson and move one.


Hall of Famer
Isn't it odd that reckless driving has less of a penalty than drunk driving? In the latter case, there is the potential for reckless driving because of being drunk. But in the former case, there is the actual reckless driving. So the potential of doing something bad is given less penalty than actually doing something bad.
using the "no big deal because nothing happened" approach is pretty hypocrytical to say the least.

if this aciton caused some lasting consequences - everyone would go crazy around here but since "nothing bad" happened - it was youthful behaviour.

What is next ?
You're right, if Tyreke was responsible for someone's death, we'd be having a different conversation.

But, as has been mentioned, most everyone on this board has sped, or talked on the phone while driving, or rolled through a stop sign. Some of us have fallen asleep briefly while on the road. Some of us have veered into another lane while changing the radio station. Each of these actions could have resulted in a serious accident that cost someone their life. In fact, we've all heard stories of that happening. Does that mean that we have to make a big deal of it every time someone gets pulled over for speeding?

You don't have to be going 120MPH to cause a bad accident. If he was going 90, it would have been serious also. But in the grand scheme of things because no one was hurt, this is not something that we need to go crazy over. We can be grateful that no one was hurt, and we can hope that Tyreke learned his lesson the relatively easy way. But it's not hypocritical to say "damn, that's dumb, but at least no one was hurt; hope he doesn't do that anymore." It's hypocritical to say "this is a big f****n' deal" when most of us have done stupid things on the road at some point in our lives that realistically had the potential to cause a serious accident. That's the very definition of hypocrisy.
I must've missed the part of this story where someone lost their life...
You really shouldn't make light of what happened and be so dismissive of consequences. For every knucklehead who is as lucky as Reke was not to harm someone, another young guy "testing" a new car ruins lives every day.

I sometimes forget to click my seatbelt. Is it any less stupid because I have never gotten hurt? Think Bobby Hurley would disagree?

Just because Reke wasn't hurt, and didn't hurt others, doesn't change the fact that it was a dumb decision. The fact that he was young and the fact that he was a driving a new car doesn't make it less stupid. The fact that other people do it doesn't make it less stupid. It just makes Reke, and some random motorist/family driving near Reke, lucky.

I am glad he apologized, and I hope he learns his lesson, but it was still stupid.
Isn't it odd that reckless driving has less of a penalty than drunk driving? In the latter case, there is the potential for reckless driving because of being drunk. But in the former case, there is the actual reckless driving. So the potential of doing something bad is given less penalty than actually doing something bad.
The term "reckless driving" is sort of ambiguous. Some people are guilty of reckless driving even if they're not breaking any laws, just because they're incredibly bad drivers. Whereas someone else can handle their vehicle at high speeds without a problem.

But when you get behind the wheel with your senses impaired, you can be as careful as you want, but your reflexes are slower and you're not as alert. It's probably easier to drive at high speeds sober than it is to drive at normal speeds when you're under the influence.
I can give you names of some people that lost their kids because some idiot was trying to "test" a new car.

I would like to see you explain that to them:rolleyes:
I can also give you a long list of people who's children died because people driving to work at 65 MPH on the freeway.....so what?
Y It's hypocritical to say "this is a big f****n' deal" when most of us have done stupid things on the road at some point in our lives that realistically had the potential to cause a serious accident. That's the very definition of hypocrisy.
I don't think people are saying it is a "big f***** deal." People are saying it is stupid, and that those of you who are saying "it is no big deal" shouldn't give him a free pass.