Tropical Island Music Artist Draft - FINIS


Give blood and save a life!
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uolj's next pick is:


pm sent.

And Brick, we are on round 4 now. You really need to update the thread title. ;)
uolj's next pick is:


pm sent.

And Brick, we are on round 4 now. You really need to update the thread title. ;)
Why you dirty low down... AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! PLEASE tell me you're at least drafting them for their 70s progressive stuff and not their 80s pop stuff. I'd hate to think I just lost one of the best bands ever and one of my favorites to someone who picked them primarily for Invisible Touch, lol. Not that there's anything wrong with Invisible Touch but compared to stuff like A Trick of the Tail, Foxtrot, Selling England by the Pound, The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, etc. it's pretty dull.
I can't believe how many of my top 15 or so artists are gone already. Not that i thought my taste was all that unique or anything but i didn't expect to lose half a dozen of my all time faves before the 5th round even starts. Pretty much ensures than I'll be going semi-obscure here before much longer.
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Another thing that makes this draft tricky is that many of my favorite artists only had one, maybe two great albums. Then there's the bands who made great singles but whose albums were pretty uneven overall. I'm trying to pick artists who have at least four albums that I consider excellent (i.e. little or no filler). That criteria really narrows the field of prospects down quite a bit.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
uolj's next pick is:


pm sent.

And Brick, we are on round 4 now. You really need to update the thread title. ;)

You're a mod too -- you have the power to do these things as well you know. :)

Also like your use of "we". Wiht all the drafting you have been doing, and with No Bonus contacting you to cover for hims as well right? Must feel like you are a pat of this draft afterall despite being a draft dodger. :p
I don't know if this will be a popular pick, but they're one of my favourite bands. Actually some of their biggest hits aren't my favourite songs. They have a good catalogue of songs which don't get old, and offer a funky vibe.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers
This is the first pick that actually hurts me.
Well anyhow. I pick Black Sabbath. Ozzy and Dio in prime form and Tony Iommi who goes pretty unappreciated.

Too busy at work today to add more will get around to it.
I was torn between picking Sabbath and Ozzy, but I had to go with Ozzy. That way, I got myself covered with some of the sabbath songs and won't miss out ozzy's own songs.
No point delaying the inevitable. With my 4th round pick I select:

Pearl Jam

An all time favorite group of mine, with a large amount of my collected adolescent and college music listening experience devoted to this band. Eddie Vedder's haunting vocals mixed with vibrant grunge rock and blues undertones make this group continually and forever enjoyable for me. Pearl Jam perfectly personified the transition from 80s excess to 90s introspection without losing their spirit of fun and social responsibility. Furthermore, there's enough live and studio releases to keep my island stocked for many, many moons.

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No point delaying the inevitable. With my 4th round pick I select:

Pearl Jam

An all time favorite group of mine, with a large amount of my collected adolescent and college music listening experience devoted to this band. Eddie Vedder's haunting vocals mixed with vibrant grunge rock and blues undertones make this group continually and forever enjoyable for me. Pearl Jam perfectly personified the transition from 80s excess to 90s introspection without losing their spirit of fun and social responsibility. Furthermore, there's enough live and studio releases to keep my island stocked for many, many moons.

Good pick. Their first three albums are great. They're probably in my top 50 or so artists, just not quite high enough to have made my list for this draft.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well, with the draft having now shifted towards metal, its time to pick up the favorite band of my youth:

Guns 'n Roses

In my mind the very best band to come out of their mini-era, and I think the same way it works for a great book or movie history has confirmed their superiority as the other bands of their era have faded into cheesy punchlines while GnR has been elevated toward legendary status . They had an all too brief prime where they were a perfect storm -- they had the image, the iconic lead singer (Axl Rose) and guitarist (Slash), monster chops (their 2nd guitarist (Izzy Stradlin) was better than most other band's leads), a hard gutter edge to them, and then the thing I always thought set them apart was for a lack of a better word, soul. When they played something, you believed it. It couldn't last of course. You could see that even at the time. There were huge egos, drugs (half the band were heroin addicts), the lead singer was a was all a trainwreck waiting to happen. And the short prime was my biggest hesitation here. But all the nuttiness I think fueled three great albums in 5 years and a handful of other good songs, and I'll take that over extended mediocrity.

And of course the the iconic:
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Well, with the draft having now shifted towards metal, its time to pick up the favorite band of my youth:

Guns 'n Roses

In my mind the very best band to come out of their mini-era, and like a great movie I think history has confirmed their superiority as the other bands of their era have faded into cheesy punchlines. GnR had an all too brief prime where they were a perfect storm -- they had the image, the iconic lead singer (Axl Rose) and guitarist (Slash), monster chops (their 2nd guitarist (Izzy Stradlin) was better than most other band's leads), a hard gutter edge to them, and then the thing I always thought set them apart was for a lack of a better word, soul. When they played something, you believed it. It couldn't last of course. You could see that even at the time. There were huge egos, drugs (half the band were heroin addicts), the lead singer was a was all a trainwreck waiting to happen. And the short prime was my biggest hesitation here. But all the nuttiness I think fueled three great albums in 5 years and a handful of other good songs, and I'll take that over extended mediocrity.

And of course the the iconic:
G&R are one of the rare times where my teenage love for a band somehow didn't transfer over to adulthood. It's not that I dislike them now or anything but with the exception of a few songs their music just doesn't quite do it for me the way it used to for some reason.
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Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
You're a mod too -- you have the power to do these things as well you know. :)

Also like your use of "we". Wiht all the drafting you have been doing, and with No Bonus contacting you to cover for hims as well right? Must feel like you are a pat of this draft afterall despite being a draft dodger. :p
Yeah, I know. But it is YOUR draft. Don't want you getting complacent with everyone else cleaning up after you. I took care of the movie draft stuff, you can clean up your own little messes. ;)

Yeah, I am drafting for two now. ACK.

BTW, I have an "event" to attend tomorrow night and an overnight campout at my son's school Saturday night. I will check in as often as possible but may be out for a couple stretches. And as I volunteered to help with nighttime security patrol for the campout, I may be dozing half of Sunday, too. Will try to post ASAP when the turns pop up.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I loved Appetite and the Live Like a Suicide portion of Lies but I HATED the Illusions albums and the punk rock covers album is best left undiscussed.

Still I think they might have been the best one album wonder choice available. and if you like the Illusions more power to you :)

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member
I had to think very long and very hard about this pick, because there are several artists I'm worried I'm about to lose. In the end, I felt these guys, who are a bit more in the current spotlight, offered the highest combination of value and risk to be picked: The Decemberists.

The Decemberists are a band that I didn't expect a whole lot out of when I first looked into them via iTunes 30-second previews, but they had a cool concept with the Crane Wife series and something that kind of sounded like a sea shanty on the same album, so I gave it a shot. It was SO worth it. They have a very distinctive sound, typically with heavily layered string acoustics, and an even more distinctive lyrical style - some might even say that lyricist and singer Colin Meloy needs to throw away his thesaurus and his OED, but I really love the fact that he doesn't settle for triteness but really sticks his neck out lyrically even if it doesn't always work. Their songs run the gambit from tales of vengeful sailors in the bellies of whales (and your mother who "works" down at the docks), to tragedies about the Civil War, to expositions on Japanese folk tales, and there's almost always something beautiful and antiquarian about it. If you know the band, you're probably mad at me. If you don't, check them out!

Years active: 2000-present
Catalog: 6 studio albums (5h11m), 7 live/EPs + other bonus releases (~3h)
Landmark songs: Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect, 16 Military Wives, The Crane Wife 1, 2 & 3, Yankee Bayonet, Don't Carry It All
Song I keep coming back to:
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Well, I've had to re-strategize a little bit because of some recent picks but this guy has been a part of the strategy since day 1. Time to slow my island down a little bit...

Stevie Wonder

Yes I do love all types of music, not just classic rock. This is just the beginning, trust me..

Anyways, Wonder is one of my all time favorite solo artists and a master on the piano/harmonica and so many other instruments and able to do so many different types of genres. He has evolved over time and is an amazing talent and voice. His music has the ability to just cheer me up and make me happy.

Some of my favorites..


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Alright this draft is really starting to suck. So time to go with the favorites, starting with 1a:

Stone Temple Pilots

I've only started listening to this band a few years ago, but they reeled me in and I haven't stopped listening to them since. They'd probably last a little while longer, but there's no telling anymore. Plus, I figured I'd show everyone that it's not just classic rock that I listen to, even though this band has the style to sound like it sometimes.

[yt="Interstate Love Song"]ppJLI3YqwaQ[/yt]


Anybody else think that Scott sounds like Eddie Vedder in Plush?
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I had to think very long and very hard about this pick, because there are several artists I'm worried I'm about to lose. In the end, I felt these guys, who are a bit more in the current spotlight, offered the highest combination of value and risk to be picked: The Decemberists.

The Decemberists are a band that I didn't expect a whole lot out of when I first looked into them via iTunes 30-second previews, but they had a cool concept with the Crane Wife series and something that kind of sounded like a sea shanty on the same album, so I gave it a shot. It was SO worth it. They have a very distinctive sound, typically with heavily layered string acoustics, and an even more distinctive lyrical style - some might even say that lyricist and singer Colin Meloy needs to throw away his thesaurus and his OED, but I really love the fact that he doesn't settle for triteness but really sticks his neck out lyrically even if it doesn't always work. Their songs run the gambit from tales of vengeful sailors in the bellies of whales (and your mother who "works" down at the docks), to tragedies about the Civil War, to expositions on Japanese folk tales, and there's almost always something beautiful and antiquarian about it. If you know the band, you're probably mad at me. If you don't, check them out!

Years active: 2000-present
Catalog: 6 studio albums (5h11m), 7 live/EPs + other bonus releases (~3h)
Landmark songs: Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect, 16 Military Wives, The Crane Wife 1, 2 & 3, Yankee Bayonet, Don't Carry It All
Song I keep coming back to:
I do *not* like the direction you are taking here! Thought hard about drafting The Decemberists, might even have, later on, but also considered them really damn safe. Now I'm starting to get worried. Oh yeah, great pick of course, my favourites are Yankee Bayonet, The Crance Wife 3 and July, July.
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Well who knows with this crowd -- I see we have now switched gears from classic rock and are into metal now -- but I would think RHCP would be a popular pick in any draft of this kind. Never my favorite band at all and everyone else always seemed to like them better than me, but even for me they would step forward with the occasional hit like Under the Bridge or Otherside. Just sounds odd somebody apologizing for taking them.
Wasn't apologizing at all, merely saying I wasn't sure if it'd be a popular pick due to the "classics" vibe that's been going on the last few rounds. I suppose RHCP are in that category anyway, so it was probably just over-thinking on my part.

Really like the Stevie Wonder pick. Would have taken him around round 10 or so, but was never going to last 'til then.
Stone Temple Pilots


Anybody else think that Scott sounds like Eddie Vedder in Plush?
I always thought of STP as Pearl Jam light. Just a different timber to Scott's voice than Vedder. They do have some great stuff though, especially their mid 90s songs like Big Empty and Creep. Here's my favorite version of Plush:

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I always thought of STP as Pearl Jam light. Just a different timber to Scott's voice than Vedder. They do have some great stuff though, especially their mid 90s songs like Big Empty and Creep. Here's my favorite version of Plush:

I guess they are pretty similar in some ways. I always preferred pearl jam but like I said, these past few years STP has really grown on me. So much so that they jumped into a tie with ac/dc and my next pick (potentially) as my favorite band(s).
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Had a couple different thoughts on what to take here. I decided it was time for a little bit of classical/holiday on my island. But I want some that rocks, so I'm taking TSO, otherwise known as the Trans- Siberian Orchestra.

"Based in New York City, the Trans-Siberian Orchestra united a 60-piece orchestra plus chorus with the talents of Paul O'Neill, a veteran hard rock producer."

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Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Been away for a bit without consistent internet time. Some thoughts:

Weird Al? Absolutely.

Iron Maiden? Probably would have been my second pick - toss up with Queen, as I don't think I would have ended up with both on my island. I think GNR in the 4th round is a steal. A few surprises still on the board for the taking, but I guess that's more indicative of my musical tastes than anything else.
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There's like four artists/bands I fully would've expected to be taken by now, it'll be interesting to see who's going to end up with them.
Well, I've had to re-strategize a little bit because of some recent picks but this guy has been a part of the strategy since day 1. Time to slow my island down a little bit...

Stevie Wonder

Yes I do love all types of music, not just classic rock. This is just the beginning, trust me..

Anyways, Wonder is one of my all time favorite solo artists and a master on the piano/harmonica and so many other instruments and able to do so many different types of genres. He has evolved over time and is an amazing talent and voice. His music has the ability to just cheer me up and make me happy.

Some of my favorites..


Well I guess that settles my dilemma over whether to draft Stevie Wonder or not. Nice pick. He released a ton of great material in the 70s.
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I always thought of STP as Pearl Jam light. Just a different timber to Scott's voice than Vedder. They do have some great stuff though, especially their mid 90s songs like Big Empty and Creep. Here's my favorite version of Plush:

STP as Pearl Jam light makes no sense to me. With the exception of Plush, the two bands sound absolutely nothing alike musically. STP were equally derivative of a bunch of different grunge bands on their debut but after that they carved out their own niche.
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