Tropical Island Music Artist Draft - Round 1
Da Rules:
1) Welcome to the 2011 Tropical Island Music Artist Draft. This will be a draft of musical ARTISTS, not albums, not singles. Hence each round you will select a muscial artist, and be able to bring along their entire catalog of songs -- everything they ever produced. i.e. in Rnd1 you could select Britney Spears, in Rnd2 Vanilla Ice, and in Rnd3 Merle Haggard, and you would then own each and every soing those artists had produced, for eternity.
2) For the sake of Tropical Island draft continuity, as per usual you were flying along over the Pacific when suddenly an unlucky pelican with a head cold got sucked into the #2 engine, forcing you and various draft mates to have to bail out over a conveniently placed island chain that appears on no maps, is invisible to satellites, and gets really crappy cellphone service. In short you are marooned, each to his or her own island. Fortunately before you had to bail, you, having a great feel for what is important in an emergency situation, managed to grab a, um, solar powered CD player? and a handful of CDs from a conveniently placed box of CD? over which you all fought, grabbing your favorites on the way down? Something like that.
3) So what constitutes "being part of an artist's catalog"? The devil is in the details as they say:
a) any song released on an album, or as a single, under a particular artist's name is considered that artist's song (no duh), if a group is a duo, they count as a group. If one of them later goes solo, his/her solo work counts separately from their work in the duo.
b) a group's song belongs to the group, not any individual within the group. Merely being in a group, even as the lead singer, is not enough to make a song "your" song. David Lee Roth was the lead singer of Van Halen before he went solo, but the Van Halen albums are part of Van Halen's catalog, not David Lee Roth's. If you want his solo stuff, the Van Halen stuff does not count. Similarly obviously if you take Van Halen you don't get David Lee's solo stuff.
c) A group claims ownership of all songs released under their name, regardless of lineup changes. Some groups may only have 1 or 2 of the same people involved wiht them after 20 years together. As long as the group still calls itself by the original name, it still all counts as the same entity.
d) Duets (i.e. single songs where two separate artists come together, as opposed to duos, above) count for both artists -- so two drafters could potentially have the same song on their island in that instance.
e) songs with "featured" artists, whether in the hip hop tradition or otherwise, i.e. Snoop Dogg feat. Ethel Merman, count for the main artist, but not for the featured one.
f) if a band has always been known as ____ and the ______, i.e. Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, then that group is essentially considered a solo act, and would count as part of Joan Jett's solo career
g) for this draft's purposes soundtrack or compilation albums are irrelevant, and each individual artist gets to claim their individual songs from those albums as part of the artist's catalog
h) so long as the lineup remains substantially similar, a band which changes its name is still considered the same group.
i) musical composers/classical music poses special problems, so here will be the rule: if the composer actually stood up in front of the orchestra and conducted the music him/herself, then those songs can be drafted as his/hers. We are going to call waving a little stick "performing" for purposes of this performing artists's draft. In the case of classical composers, we will stretch things even further by saying that if they wrote it, stood up in front of the orchestra waving their stick, and COULD/WOULD have recorded it had that capability been present, then its allowable. Functionally we will go ahead and use the "works" section from for a composer's songlist, but the underlying theory is that merely writing a song is not enough. You have to have gotten up and performed it, first, as your song, in order for it to count no matter the era. Hopefully that covers everything.
4) the draft shall consist of 20 rounds, with a serpentine drafting order (i..e 1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1,1,2etc.)
Draft Order <--
1) NoBonus
2) Henkel
3) dukeswh
4) Prophetess
5) sackings7
6) kingsnation
7) webbfan
8) Capt. Factorial
9) Bricklayer
10) Jespher
11) uolj
12) pdxKingsfan
13) jalfa
14) Dime Dropper
15) William Blake
16) RookieOfTheDay
Da Rules:
1) Welcome to the 2011 Tropical Island Music Artist Draft. This will be a draft of musical ARTISTS, not albums, not singles. Hence each round you will select a muscial artist, and be able to bring along their entire catalog of songs -- everything they ever produced. i.e. in Rnd1 you could select Britney Spears, in Rnd2 Vanilla Ice, and in Rnd3 Merle Haggard, and you would then own each and every soing those artists had produced, for eternity.
2) For the sake of Tropical Island draft continuity, as per usual you were flying along over the Pacific when suddenly an unlucky pelican with a head cold got sucked into the #2 engine, forcing you and various draft mates to have to bail out over a conveniently placed island chain that appears on no maps, is invisible to satellites, and gets really crappy cellphone service. In short you are marooned, each to his or her own island. Fortunately before you had to bail, you, having a great feel for what is important in an emergency situation, managed to grab a, um, solar powered CD player? and a handful of CDs from a conveniently placed box of CD? over which you all fought, grabbing your favorites on the way down? Something like that.
3) So what constitutes "being part of an artist's catalog"? The devil is in the details as they say:
a) any song released on an album, or as a single, under a particular artist's name is considered that artist's song (no duh), if a group is a duo, they count as a group. If one of them later goes solo, his/her solo work counts separately from their work in the duo.
b) a group's song belongs to the group, not any individual within the group. Merely being in a group, even as the lead singer, is not enough to make a song "your" song. David Lee Roth was the lead singer of Van Halen before he went solo, but the Van Halen albums are part of Van Halen's catalog, not David Lee Roth's. If you want his solo stuff, the Van Halen stuff does not count. Similarly obviously if you take Van Halen you don't get David Lee's solo stuff.
c) A group claims ownership of all songs released under their name, regardless of lineup changes. Some groups may only have 1 or 2 of the same people involved wiht them after 20 years together. As long as the group still calls itself by the original name, it still all counts as the same entity.
d) Duets (i.e. single songs where two separate artists come together, as opposed to duos, above) count for both artists -- so two drafters could potentially have the same song on their island in that instance.
e) songs with "featured" artists, whether in the hip hop tradition or otherwise, i.e. Snoop Dogg feat. Ethel Merman, count for the main artist, but not for the featured one.
f) if a band has always been known as ____ and the ______, i.e. Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, then that group is essentially considered a solo act, and would count as part of Joan Jett's solo career
g) for this draft's purposes soundtrack or compilation albums are irrelevant, and each individual artist gets to claim their individual songs from those albums as part of the artist's catalog
h) so long as the lineup remains substantially similar, a band which changes its name is still considered the same group.
i) musical composers/classical music poses special problems, so here will be the rule: if the composer actually stood up in front of the orchestra and conducted the music him/herself, then those songs can be drafted as his/hers. We are going to call waving a little stick "performing" for purposes of this performing artists's draft. In the case of classical composers, we will stretch things even further by saying that if they wrote it, stood up in front of the orchestra waving their stick, and COULD/WOULD have recorded it had that capability been present, then its allowable. Functionally we will go ahead and use the "works" section from for a composer's songlist, but the underlying theory is that merely writing a song is not enough. You have to have gotten up and performed it, first, as your song, in order for it to count no matter the era. Hopefully that covers everything.
4) the draft shall consist of 20 rounds, with a serpentine drafting order (i..e 1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1,1,2etc.)
Draft Order <--
1) NoBonus
2) Henkel
3) dukeswh
4) Prophetess
5) sackings7
6) kingsnation
7) webbfan
8) Capt. Factorial
9) Bricklayer
10) Jespher
11) uolj
12) pdxKingsfan
13) jalfa
14) Dime Dropper
15) William Blake
16) RookieOfTheDay
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