Tonight's Game Thread...

Hey All....I'm at work tonight, of course, and can't get to the chat room because of the firewall. So...if anyone's interested in posting during the game come on by...I'll be listening to Krista & Koz.....

Let's get ready to ruuuummmmbbbllllle!!!!!!!


half an hour!!!!!!!!!!

it's been a loooonnnnnggggg day. Go Monarchs !!! Calm the Storm
Still JD said:
My green light would be on!!! Hey, Nancgo, do you have the lucky Tan shirt on?
Duh.....I forgot about that light.....:eek:

And yes....washed it yesterday just to make sure it was already to go....;)

My customers know I'm listening to the game, so they know to only call me for an emergency...But really they're cool and want updates during the game too....