Tonight's Game Thread...

It was an ugly start, but they did settle down. I thought the same thing MBF, just get within single digits by halftime and let Coach Whiz make the adjustments at the half.
But I'm feeling's not the best scenario but 9pts is doable.

What concerned me is that they did not get good minutes from Maiga in the first half, so somebody did not get their usual rest. But Seattle seemed to slow down towards the end of the half.
Ok. Good end to the half...keep it up!

Call me just a blind homer/optimist, but I'm not that worried when the M's get down such as they did/are today. I'm not saying that they are in fact a true championship caliber team or that they will win it--that remains to be seen, but there is a common belief, something that is said and heard often about teams that have the true potential to win a champion and those who actually do it, its the belief that they have that extra gear. I see it as teams have a regular season gear a playoff gear and then those team's, those special few and far between teams have that "extra gear." The M's to be on defense-which we all know win championships-have that ability to keep it up a notch....So kick it up a notch Monarchs, like you did the last 6-7 min, and the rest should take care of its self.

To begin the game they weren't settled. You see it happen all the time with the Kings. They'll start going, shooting everywhere, not even acknowledging the shot clock and then teams start to so the same and they just can't keep up. The M's can't get in a shoot out with the Storm like they did to start the team. They have to be poised, patient and run their offense so that they have a chance to set up that defense!

Lets go Monarchs! :D
yeah i feel much better with that 9pt defict than what they seem to working on midway thru the first half. besides, with any luck seattle will be over confident coming out and M's will be serious about taking care of business coming out for the second half.
This fits their usual Seattle game M.O., they get jumped early with Seattle shooting over 60% from the floor, then they settle in and make a game of it in the 2nd half. The reason the game on July 3rd was so lopsided in the books was they were down by about 20+ at the end of the first half. They've gotten a lot of turnovers but have not done much with them, that should change if they have actually really started to find their offensive rhtymn
I worry when they build an 18-pt deficit because it takes a lot of energy to dig out of that. But I do agree that they are capable of hitting that next gear. They actually had momentum going into the half, so hopefully they build on that.
My faith in coach Whiz wavered throughout the reg. season, but the second half and in these playoffs, he's really gotten my faith back. He's really been able to get through this team during half time and made the necessary adjustments to give the M's a chance to win....So, lets see what happens.
The only reason why I'd worry about that tonight, whereas I wouldn't be likely to any other time, is they really did not get good minutes from their bench in the first half. They can play catch up usually because their bench can at the very least absorb minutes, if Maiga and to a lesser extent Brunson had given their usual solid minutes (and added a little offense) I think they can go to the mat with Seattle in the 2nd.

If the M's keep the Storm from doubling up on them again, and actually push that deficit further down in the first five minutes of the 2nd, I think they pull this game out. I really do
i can't see the game but are they ( seattle ) clamping down on Tangela? or is she just not have a good night?

someone needs to step it up offensively...Demya or Yolanda. a three from Kara wouldn't hurt either.