If you want people to really pay attention to your trade idea and get maximum feedback, we suggest you do the following:
1. Make sure the salaries work. Use a trade checker like realGM Trade Checker
2. Don't just post a bunch of names. Go the distance. Actually state reasons why you think each of the teams involved would do it.
3. Be prepared to back up your proposal. We have people here who live and breathe to shoot down trade scenarios that don't make sense.
4. Have fun. It's just a way to pass the time until the season starts.
1. Make sure the salaries work. Use a trade checker like realGM Trade Checker
2. Don't just post a bunch of names. Go the distance. Actually state reasons why you think each of the teams involved would do it.
3. Be prepared to back up your proposal. We have people here who live and breathe to shoot down trade scenarios that don't make sense.
4. Have fun. It's just a way to pass the time until the season starts.