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Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
You laughed at Slim's post, didn't you?

Seriously, we have friends who are trying to find a hotel because the fires are threatening their home. I hope you are OK where you are.

Oh yeah, I laughed. I feel for the firefighters, and I'm glad that we will be getting rain today. Maybe the Mayans were right after all...
It looks as if there has been some downtime in the processing plants. Sounds like there's some optimism that there will be processing coming back online relatively soon. I don't think there's really any danger of "running out" of helium any time soon, but processing is a bit tricky. It's not economical to pull helium out of the atmosphere but it is produced via radioactive decay of uranium, etc., in the crust and accumulates in natural gas deposits, so they gather it out of natural gas. Until there's a big change in the amount of radioactive decay in the crust, I think we'll be able to get at the helium.
I'm late on this, but:

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Hell, my mom was just telling me yesterday how it freaks her out that I have gray hairs, because it feels, to her, like she just had me a couple of months ago.

Meanwhile, her grandson is almost old enough to drive... :eek:
Testing new name and avatar. Security risk? Probably. Flaky McFlakerson here. I've found myself posting, disappearing hard core, reappearing...

Maybe not.