The ones who are left

VF21 said:
Here are the Kings still under contract for the upcoming year. This assumes the Kings pick up, as promised, Bobby's option.

PG - Bibby, Bobby
SG - Martin
SF - Peja, Corliss
PF - Thomas
C - Miller, Tag, Skinner

That's it, folks. That's all we have left...

I am not impressed.
Interesting comments from the group on this one so far. I have to say, I am surprised that people are so down about things. Granted, this is not a championship roster, but it is a nice start with some moveable pieces, and we can never underestimate Geoff.


One of the few teams in the league that has THREE All Star Caliber players already under contract for next season. There are not many teams out there that can boast three all star players at any point in a season, much less before the offseason even begins in. AND, trading any of those guys will get us back quality parts in return. Bibby is a top 5 point guard, Miller not far behind at the center position, and Peja is capable of being one of the NBA's leading scorers when he is the focal point (see 2003-04). That is a pretty damn good start to any roster.

Obviously there are some holes on this roster (big gaping crater sized holes) but they can be fixed. The thing is that we are not trying to fill the starting lineup with 5 all stars; servicable and injury-free veterans will fill the gaps nicely (and somewhat cheaply).

The greatest commodity on the roster outside the big three is BJax. Bobby offers the ability to move a big contract (KT comes to mind) and package the two for a quality PF or SG (he doesn't have to be a star, but a good rebounder, defender, shooter). Then, you still have your MLE to fill the gap you didn't via trade.

That leaves you with a top 4 or 5 NBA starting 5, and Corliss, Martin, Skinner, Tag on the bench (you can still try and move someone like Corliss for what you can get). Then you fill the gaps with a League minimum point guard (a Howard Eisley type PG), bring back Darius, and hope you didn't use the entire MLE so you can get back Evans. Plus, you have a first round draft pick in the fold somewhere too.

It isn't the 98 Bulls, but it is a 50-55 win team, that can easily be tinkered with to be something more. Hell, this year's team won 50, and that was WITH all the injuries and personel turnover. If you fill the SG and PF spot with guys who play D it makes a huge difference.

Plus, I did this in 10 minutes with little thought. I would like to think that Geoff could AT LEAST pull this off, but I expect more. The point is that the roster now looks a little barren, but most teams are in the same position right now. Not very many teams enter the offseason set and ready.
We also got 3 expiring contracts to play with as well. Bobby's option has been picked up by a team and Tag said just because he is big doesn't mean he is stupid, so he won't opt out of his deal.

Bobby is someone who is a joker in that lot when it comes to trades. He is a good player on small salary. The more I think about it the more I beleive K9's contract can be moved on if Bobby is included in that deal. Skinner and Williams have 2 years remaining on their deal (Skinner has a team option for 3rd year). These are some reasonably moveable pieces. Kenny's contract would be hardest to move with if we include someone like Bobby then its not impossbile.

While the roster might be bare now, it does have some flexibility as far as trades are concerned.
I think we all know that we have some serious business to get down to in the offseason. I don't think this is the team that the Maloofs or Geoff or Coach Adelman want to open the 05-06 season with and I foresee great changes ahead >>crosses fingers<<
It definitely needs some work but I think Petrie has a master plan and the trades in jan and Feb were just the beginning of it. I'm hoping so anyway. I have no ides what that plan is but at this time I have no choice but to trust the fact he knows what he's doing. If he doesn't make some major changes, basically we're screwed.
After some sleep, I am not feeling as bad about the team. Petrie, without a doubt, has A LOT of work to do. I believe he can do it. I hope that Darious gets a good contract, if not from us, than someone else. I like him. He did not have to sign this past year. His stock was pretty high last season. Good luck to him.

Petrie will work his magic simply because HE HAS TO WORK IT!! As VF said, "being a fan of a team that sucks,... sucks." Can't agree more. Many of us were fans when this team was awful. I'm sure we will stay fans if it happens again, but I don't think it will.

Our window is closed, (as Stepeh A would say) make no mistake about it. It is time to knock out a wall and build a new window. Petrie has on his hard hat. He has already used his sledge hammer. Now the delicate work will commence!
VF21 said:
Here are the Kings still under contract for the upcoming year. This assumes the Kings pick up, as promised, Bobby's option.

PG - Bibby, Bobby
SG - Martin
SF - Peja, Corliss
PF - Thomas
C - Miller, Tag, Skinner

That's it, folks. That's all we have left...

I am not impressed.

Contract info:

Sacramento Kings ..Date ....# of
Player ..................signed...years...salary...misc...FA
Erik Daniels .......... 10/1/04... 1... minimum... '05
Maurice Evans ......... 10/1/04... 1... minimum... '05
Eddie House ........... 1/7/05... 1... minimum... '05
Bobby Jackson ......... 8/1/00... 5... $13.5 million... '05
Cuttino Mobley ........ 10/2/00... 6... $31 million... p-opt '05
Greg Ostertag ......... 7/20/04... 2... $8.4 million... p-opt '05
Darius Songaila ....... 7/23/04... 2... $3.36 million... p-opt '05
Predrag Stojakovic .... 6/8/98,8/16/00... 3+6... $3.9 + $45 mill... p-opt '06
Mike Bibby ............ 8/16/02... 7... $80.5 million... p-opt '07
Corliss Williamson .... 7/24/01... 6... $31,500,000... '07
Kevin Martin .......... 7/7/04... 4... $4,620,441... rc t-opt '08
Brian Skinner ......... 7/14/04... 4... $20.7 million... t-opt '08
Kenny Thomas .......... 7/16/03... 7... $50 million... p-opt '08
Brad Miller ........... 7/24/03... 7... $67 million... '10

EDIT: I added contract information from:
Worst part about it is that we still have Adelman as our coach.


HndsmCelt said:
Hey its not like the line up at the end of the season was the kind of team you did NOT want to see borken up. Yeah I'd like to see some trade to bring back tallent, but it's not like these guys have signed else where yet. I have faith that the roster at the start of the next season will be superior to the roster that ended last season.

I fully agree, I think the changes could be very surprising and definitely for the better. I'm hoping the Kings have a completely different look, besides the core.


chelle said:
Our window is closed, make no mistake about it. It is time to knock out a wall and build a new window. Petrie has on his hard hat. He has already used his sledge hammer. Now the delicate work will commence!

Petrie should tattoo this quote on his back.
Lets just tank next season and hope we pull a "Cleveland" in the lottery. :\. I think the fat lady is clearing her throat out....sheees getting ready....note practice.
VF21 said:
I so do NOT want to suck again. Being a fan of a team that sucks... well, sucks.
no kidding. I am a 49er fan and (obviously) a HUGE Kings fan. I was just telling my husband last night that I don't think I could handle it if BOTH my teams sucked at the same time. The 49ers don't look like they're going to be much better next year, so GP better get moving soon....
Ryle said:
Worst part about it is that we still have Adelman as our coach.
Hmmm...I was thinking that was one of the foruntate things regarding our current situation. If there is anyone who can make something out of not much, RA is the man.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Rain man said:
It isn't the 98 Bulls, but it is a 50-55 win team, that can easily be tinkered with to be something more. Hell, this year's team won 50...
And 33 of those 50 were with Chris Webber on the team.

Bricklayer said it best:

With Bibby, Miller and a resigned Peja eating 75% of the cap, we will have no way to really get better, or better enough to be a true contender.
You say that Bobby might be packaged with KT to get back a quality PF or SG. Well, good luck with that. Sorry, but Bobby's FMV has gone way down. He's essentially not played in two years... In addition, there aren't a lot of teams who would be willing to get rid of a "quality PF" in exchange for an aging guard and an average forward with a horrendously long contract.

The team we have left isn't, IMHO, capable of winning 50-55. They'll be lucky to win 45 and that's just good enough to be mediocre.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
The top teams in the league right now, are not that great. There's no superteam like the Lakers or Kings in 2002. Miami has Shaq and Wade surrounded by role players. Detroit has no bench and no center. San Antonio has Duncan and Parker and Ginobli and a bunch of guys who are getting older and less reliable. Phoenix is in good shape for awhile, but they don't play any defense. There's not that big of a difference between the 1-4 seeds and the 5-8 seeds. Why compare the team we have now to the team we had a few years ago? YOu should compare this team to the rest of the league. The guys we have now aren't going to make it over the hump, but I think the team I presented has as good a shot as any team in the league. That's by far the best passing starting five in the league. No question. And you've got 4 very good bench players all of which will come into the game with energy and defense. That's a championship team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
hrdboild said:
I think the team I presented has as good a shot as any team in the league. That's by far the best passing starting five in the league. No question. And you've got 4 very good bench players all of which will come into the game with energy and defense. That's a championship team.
That's why we have message boards. So people can present what they think are the best possible solutions to a team's problems.

Mike Bibby, Eddie House
Marko Jaric, Maurice Evans
Peja Stojakovic, Eric Williams
Donyell Marshall, Chris Anderson, Ike Diogu
Brad Miller, Theo Ratliff
Is it a championship team? I don't think so. Is there a chance of us actually fielding that line-up? Nope. Why? Because IMHO your trade proposals (contrary to what you believe) are NOT realistic. In at least one case there is no real reason for the team on the other end to do the deal. Does it matter? Not a bit because we're all just shooting blind anyway. NONE of us really know what will happen. You've now posted pretty much the same comment about four times. I get it. You think your solution is perfect. We'll simply agree to disagree because I'm actually more interested in seeing a wider variety of ideas than having one person's proposal declared some kind of "winner" right now. It's still May. A LOT could happen - and most likely will.

VF21 said:
Is it a championship team? I don't think so. Is there a chance of us actually fielding that line-up? Nope. Why? Because IMHO your trade proposals (contrary to what you believe) are NOT realistic. In at least one case there is no real reason for the team on the other end to do the deal. Does it matter? Not a bit because we're all just shooting blind anyway. NONE of us really know what will happen. You've now posted pretty much the same comment about four times. I get it. You think your solution is perfect. We'll simply agree to disagree because I'm actually more interested in seeing a wider variety of ideas than having one person's proposal declared some kind of "winner" right now. It's still May. A LOT could happen - and most likely will.

In other words:

if people liked your lineup they would have said so
VF21 said:
The team we have left isn't, IMHO, capable of winning 50-55. They'll be lucky to win 45 and that's just good enough to be mediocre.
Apparently, a team can WIN 50 games and still be considered mediocre.

This is gonna hurt, and hurt for a while...


VF21 said:
Yep, and luckily for us, Joe Maloof has already said they'll continue to bounce ideas off him...
hopefully these ideas they are bouncing off of him are full of wads with rolled up benjamin franklins.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
hrdboild said:
The top teams in the league right now, are not that great. There's no superteam like the Lakers or Kings in 2002...
What do you mean, "not that great?" What is your criteria for "great?" And, there may not be a "super team," but there are three teams in the west right now that are clearly better than the other twelve, not to mention three or four other teams that are only one key acquisition from bumping a team on the fringe (ie, us) out of the playoffs next season. For example, if we'd started last season with the roster we ended the season with, and Golden State had started the season with the roster that they ended the season with, then they would have been then only team from California to qualify for the playoffs. The Warriors, Jazz and Timberwolves are probably all one key acquisition/reasonably injury-free run from bumping us and the Grizzlies both out of the playoffs. The Kings are going to have to make way more than one key move to keep us in the thick of things.

hrdboild said:
... Miami has Shaq and Wade surrounded by role players...
And? That's all you need; the last team that was "loaded" with All-Stars to win a championship was probably the Celtics, or the Showtime Lakers. Even Jordan's Bulls only had two true superstars, and a bunch of roleplayers.

hrdboild said:
... Detroit has no bench and no center...
For some reason, lacking a true center doesn't appear to that big a problem for them.

hrdboild said:
... San Antonio has Duncan and Parker and Ginobli and a bunch of guys who are getting older and less reliable.
Older? You mean like the 27 year-old Nazr Mohammed? Or the 26 year-old Devin Brown? Or maybe the 22 year-old Beno Udrih?

My point is that San Antonio's core group of players, with the exception of Bowen and Horry, are still young. Everybody else is interchangeable and utterly replaceable, and very probably will be replaced by younger players with identical skills in the off-season.

hrdboild said:
... Phoenix is in good shape for awhile, but they don't play any defense...
That is actually a legitimate point but, with their personnel, it's a much more easily correctable problem than our defense is.

hrdboild said:
... There's not that big of a difference between the 1-4 seeds and the 5-8 seeds...

hrdboild said:
Thanks a lot. That makes me feel just wonderful.
All part of the service...


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Look, you disagree with me that's one thing. I just don't see why you need to 'stick it to me' as well. I'm just giving my opinion and responding to other people's criticism.

You think we need a superstar to win a championship. Fine. We should tank the season and hope for a lucky draft pick then.

I saw this team destroy Detroit not that long ago. Why? Because five guys passing and cutting and hitting open shots can't be defended. If you can stop the pick and role and defend the fast break, you can stop Phoenix. As for San Antonio, look at the guys on the team who are actually playing. I don't care about the rookies sitting at the end of their bench. Bowen and Barry are 34. They have three star players surrounded by role players. What do you know, exactly what we have. They win because they know how to play together. That's all. It's the same reason the USA Olympic team lost. I think if you get the right personnel together, they can win. Phoenix was terrible last year. They brought in Quentin Richardson and Steve Nash and suddenly they've got the best record in the league. We don't have to build from the ground up, you just have to find the right guys to complement what we already have. That's what I think anyway.