The Kings are gone "long live the Kings"!

Many of us have been fans of the kings since thier arrival in Sacto.
We have been through every emotion that you could possibly imagine.
In days of old we were happy thinking that a 29 game win season would be heavenly.
We paid alot of dues (emotionally) to finally get to the Vlade, Webber, Christie, Stojakivic, Bibby....(Bobby-Pollard-JB- Hedo- J Will - Et Al) years........... (believe me I haven't forgotten any others like Randy Brown or even Trevor Wilson...)
It seems that we could not quite get to the promised land, mainly because of nagging injuries. But at least we felt like we were finally an NBA power and destination.
Unfortutely, it looks like a new group of young fans will be going through some of the same crap of building of a new team. .
You simply can't replace someone like Vlade. Face it when he was here, he was the main ball distributer. That would usually fall to the point guard ala Steve Nash. With his departure we were left struggling to try to emulate that same thing , only with a far inferior and less savvy passer in Brad Miller. Not to mention that Bibby couldn't hold a candle to Vlade as a true ball distrubutor.(I know I will anger the young hip hop folks. Too bad the truth hurts huh?)
With Peja, he was the recipient of many of those set-ups,and they worked pretty darn good. Doug, although he pissed off alot of folk on this board was a great passer and defender. Yea I know he wasn't a good on the ball defender and blah blah blah...Whatever..Look what it's lke with him gone...Kevin Martin is just a wannabee.
And how about those nice big, soft hands of C Webb..Yea yea I know , he was a big sissy because through playing his guts out he ruined his knees. Well let me tell you, I'd take a quarter CW anyday over a 100% Shareef. Oh wait I forgot he's practically ready to collect his social security.
I dont want to go on because I think some of you get the point and feel the same way. And I am sure that probably more of you don't feel the same way..To you I say this. You have alot of dues to pay. To finish up this rant, I'd just like to say that I feel priveleged to have been through all those years, but I'm not sure that I will ever feel that these new bunch of guys are anything other that posers and pretenders to the once mighty Kings.
I will still be a kings fan. But an older and more worn out one.
I'm still going to love and support this team. I still believe they'll be a really good, top team in the league. Two regular season back-to-back losses (the first with jetlag no warm-up) isn't going to get me rattled yet.

They are still gelling and trying to get into form, and is going to take some time (at least a month or so).


i still got their back..... hopefully there is a monster draft pick coming up.... lol....


Hall of Famer
Oh gimme a break....just gimme a break.

Reef is almost 4 years younger than Webber BTW.

I can see it now, the Kings go on a 5 game winning streak and the title is, "The Kings are Back: Better Then Ever"
SacTownKid said:
Oh gimme a break....just gimme a break.

Reef is almost 4 years younger than Webber BTW.

I can see it now, the Kings go on a 5 game winning streak and the title is, "The Kings are Back: Better Then Ever"
a 5 game win streak...that would be nice.
I don't think that we will be in the lottery (reserving the right to revise this statement if things have not improved much by December).

Like many on this board, I have been a fan for a LONG time. I realize that what we have lost in players the past couple of seasons is staggering, but I am not ready to give up on this group yet. They will never be that group (Vlade, doug, Chris, Bobby) but just maybe they can still WOW us. I am willing to give them some time. What other choice do I have? I suck with them through worse times than this. Why would I call it quits now.

The "Old Guard" is gone. It is sad, but a fact that we cannot ignore. I have not decided who to be ticked off at about that yet, but I have accepted that it WILL NOT be the same.

I am going to give these guys a chance from Bibby on down to Sampson. Win or lose, I'm going to still love and support them. I may get mad as --- at them, but they are My Team.

Keep the faith. I think that will be my motto this year. Even when I am ticked because they couldn't score if the hoop was the size of a pool!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Nope, we aren't what we once were, and its borderline delusional to think that we are. But what are you going to do? All NBA teams have cycles. The good ones fade, the bad ones get good. Just happens. And we still have a chance to be pretty good, even if we're not contenders. The hope has to be that at some point Geoff pulls off a dramatic move to vault us back to the top. This team is not contructed very well, but there is more than enough talent stashed on it to make a major move if we have the guts and saavy to do so.

I do feel a little sad however not only for what has passed, but for the people who did not appreciate it while it was here. That sort of success only comes to teams not named the Lakers once in a basketball generation. Most teams are fogotten in a few years, that Kings crew will be remembered for a long time both in and out of Sacto. Lot of style, drama, success and heartbreak. Good stuff.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Geez, KingDog...

I actually thought with the title of this thread that you were going to speak for those of us who have watched this team from the beginning, have survived the lowest of the low, been privileged enough to experience the years of 1999-2003 and STILL love the team.

Sorry, but I'm not buying into your rhetoric. Yes, we were blessed with some really great players. And yes, they're gone. But it happens to everyone.

Ever hear of the Chicago Bulls? Look at what their fans have gone through - and they're still cheering for their team.

I agree 100% with chelle:

I'm going to still love and support them. I may get mad as --- at them, but they are My Team.


Bricklayer said:
I do feel a little sad however not only for what has passed, but for the people who did not appreciate it while it was here.
I'd make that my signature quote, but I haven't tired of my current one yet...

I thank the basketball gods that there ARE people here who did appreciate what we had; it would truly be a shame if, simply because they never got the gold, the group of guys I will always think of as "THE TEAM" were forgotten...
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Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
Nope, we aren't what we once were, and its borderline delusional to think that we are. But what are you going to do? All NBA teams have cycles. The good ones fade, the bad ones get good. Just happens. And we still have a chance to be pretty good, even if we're not contenders. The hope has to be that at some point Geoff pulls off a dramatic move to vault us back to the top. This team is not contructed very well, but there is more than enough talent stashed on it to make a major move if we have the guts and saavy to do so.

I do feel a little sad however not only for what has passed, but for the people who did not appreciate it while it was here. That sort of success only comes to teams not named the Lakers once in a basketball generation. Most teams are fogotten in a few years, that Kings crew will be remembered for a long time both in and out of Sacto. Lot of style, drama, success and heartbreak. Good stuff.
Call me delusional, but I kind of like the way this team is constructed. Time will tell if its right or not, but I think this team can and will be "special".


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
SacTownKid said:
Call me delusional, but I kind of like the way this team is constructed. Time will tell if its right or not, but I think this team can and will be "special".
You're delusional.

Well, you asked for it. :p

A counterintuitive championship rule -- no roleplayers, no rings.


SacTownKid, I agree with you.

And Kingdog, Vlade was never the player Miller is.

I'm excited for this team, once Bibby gets his act together. We have no prima donnas, no egos, and everyone can contribute. Once the roles are sorted out, we will be just fine.

The first quarter of tonight's game was a glimpse of things to come. For those who were paying attention, that was one of the best, and most unselfish, 12 minutes of basketball you will ever see.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Coach said:
For those who were paying attention, that was one of the best, and most unselfish, 12 minutes of basketball you will ever see.
No argument with that part of your statement. The proof of the pudding, however, will be in seeing if they can extend that 12 minutes to an entire game. If they can, no team in the league could stop them. And that's worth sticking around just to see if it CAN be done.

Coach said:
And Kingdog, Vlade was never the player Miller is.
You're right. Vlade as a King was a player that could do just about anything, and often do it without putting forth 100% effort. He saw the floor as well as any big man to play the game who came before him. He could shoot the ball with relative consistency from mid-range (something Miller can do), and he could take players into the post and victimize them with his craftiness, be they large or small (something Miller will never be able to do).

Brad Miller is a solid player who I am glad is a King, but he does not, and never will (imho), have the ability to control a basketball game the way Vlade once could.
Its too soon.

For panic. For blind optimism. For blame. For "solutions." All of it. Too damn soon.

And, that's okay.

It's game 2 of the season. The team (for those of you who still want to claim surprise at the fact that we're "rebuilding") has been completely blown apart and put back together since Vlade's departure. Its understandable for people, including the coaching staff, to be somewhat perplexed as to where we will go to find success. Its understandable for the team themselves to need some time to figure out what they each need to do to win as a team.

To assume after two games, TWO games, that the team sucks and always will is every bit as foolish as to so quickly proclaim that the team will get back on track and win it all this year.

Let's everyone take our chill pills and give it... oh, I dunno... a week before switching to the cyanide capsules.

The team sucked royally last night. They improved this evening. Mike shot like hell both games. Doesn't mean he suddenly forgot how to do it. Neither did Peja. They'll get back on track. Things will even out, calm down, settle in. Then, if we need to, we can start mourning the franchise that was. Or, perhaps we'll be celebrating a nice little basketball team that can still make us proud once in a while.
I cant believe that some of you think that we have even seen how good this team can be. They have no chemistry yet. Give them a chance before you go saying that all is lost. Look at the first quarter. That was an excellent quarter yet it still was not the best that this team can play. There defensive rotations were excellent and the passing was incredible. Mark my words, we will be seeing a much different team in a month. And you know what? They still won't be as good as they can be. Who cares how many wins the Kings get in the regular season. Get to the Playoffs playing the best Basketball possible or give it another year. That 1999 team was good but it got much better as the years went on with minor changes.Look at Bonzi tonight. When did you ever think that our 2-guard would have 18 rebounds. IT WILL ALL COME TOGETHER. BE PATIENT!!!!
Coach said:
SacTownKid, I agree with you.

And Kingdog, Vlade was never the player Miller is.

I'm excited for this team, once Bibby gets his act together. We have no prima donnas, no egos, and everyone can contribute. Once the roles are sorted out, we will be just fine.

The first quarter of tonight's game was a glimpse of things to come. For those who were paying attention, that was one of the best, and most unselfish, 12 minutes of basketball you will ever see.
Kings dont have enough role players there are quite a few that want to hit the big shots, if the Kings are can play unselfish then that would be good. Still too early to tell though.
I agree. The Kings are not the same as they were. I feel that Vlade was the most important part to this team MENTALLY/CHEMISTRY wise. Webber in a close second. Those two players defined this team.

This team is just a bunch of leaderless guys out there. I say we trade everything we have with the exception of Bibby, and Miller for KG. KG will whip us all into shape.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BonziFan said:
I cant believe that some of you think that we have even seen how good this team can be. They have no chemistry yet. Give them a chance before you go saying that all is lost. Look at the first quarter. That was an excellent quarter yet it still was not the best that this team can play. There defensive rotations were excellent and the passing was incredible. Mark my words, we will be seeing a much different team in a month. And you know what? They still won't be as good as they can be. Who cares how many wins the Kings get in the regular season. Get to the Playoffs playing the best Basketball possible or give it another year. That 1999 team was good but it got much better as the years went on with minor changes.Look at Bonzi tonight. When did you ever think that our 2-guard would have 18 rebounds. IT WILL ALL COME TOGETHER. BE PATIENT!!!!
No, part of the ILLUSION of the first quarter was that Brad scored out of his mind and made all the right decisions, Bonzi boarded out of his mind, and everybody else was quiet. It was really just the tale of two guys having great games. We've seen this team have magnificent passing quarters, halves, even whole games time after time over the years. It was nice to see us show a burst of that. But we know all too well how far that can and cannot take us even if we were magically able to resurect the same offense with lesser passers (trhe magic being purely 100% rick Adelman if we pull it off)..

We've been the best passing team in the league, the most unselfish team in the league, for 7 years. But the OVERWHELMING determinant of whether we have mattered or been a speedbump came at the other end of the floor. Even if the offense clicks into gear, we simply do not have the horses to stop the other team from doing the same. Not a question of will. A question of talent. Defensively we have all of the talent of the Hornets. We have to play over our heads just to be average as a team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
GoGoGadget said:
Its too soon.

For panic. For blind optimism. For blame. For "solutions." All of it. Too damn soon.

And, that's okay.

It's game 2 of the season. The team (for those of you who still want to claim surprise at the fact that we're "rebuilding") has been completely blown apart and put back together since Vlade's departure. Its understandable for people, including the coaching staff, to be somewhat perplexed as to where we will go to find success. Its understandable for the team themselves to need some time to figure out what they each need to do to win as a team.

To assume after two games, TWO games, that the team sucks and always will is every bit as foolish as to so quickly proclaim that the team will get back on track and win it all this year.

Let's everyone take our chill pills and give it... oh, I dunno... a week before switching to the cyanide capsules.

The team sucked royally last night. They improved this evening. Mike shot like hell both games. Doesn't mean he suddenly forgot how to do it. Neither did Peja. They'll get back on track. Things will even out, calm down, settle in. Then, if we need to, we can start mourning the franchise that was. Or, perhaps we'll be celebrating a nice little basketball team that can still make us proud once in a while.
4cwebb said:
You're right. Vlade as a King was a player that could do just about anything, and often do it without putting forth 100% effort. He saw the floor as well as any big man to play the game who came before him. He could shoot the ball with relative consistency from mid-range (something Miller can do), and he could take players into the post and victimize them with his craftiness, be they large or small (something Miller will never be able to do).

Brad Miller is a solid player who I am glad is a King, but he does not, and never will (imho), have the ability to control a basketball game the way Vlade once could.
4cwebb, completely agree.

I love Miller, but objectively speaking he cannot replace Vlade, nor will Vlade ever be replaced.

What Vlade meant to this team cannot be measured in statistics.


Super Moderator Emeritus
SDKing said:
didn't we start off 0-3 last year? or the year before?

What possible difference could it make on how the team started out last year? Have you looked at the names on the back? There are THREE starters and ONE bench player who were even here at the beginning of last year.

You might as well ask if the Spurs won as a gauge of how the Kings will do...

It's a new team; a different team. The only thing people will get if they insist on comparing this group of young men to ANY other group is a headache...

GO KINGS!!! (The ones listed on the roster for 2005-2006)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
SDKing said:
didn't we start off 0-3 last year? or the year before?

Last year. Came home and snuck out with a win against a bad Toronto team, then went on the road and got killed by Seattle (not knowing how good they would be yet) to drop to 1-4. Things looked grim and then we came up with an inspired effort in Phoenix ( and again nobody knew just how good they would be yet) to really save the season.
Bricklayer said:
No, part of the ILLUSION of the first quarter was that Brad scored out of his mind and made all the right decisions, Bonzi boarded out of his mind, and everybody else was quiet. It was really just the tale of two guys having great games. We've seen this team have magnificent passing quarters, halves, even whole games time after time over the years. It was nice to see us show a burst of that. But we know all too well how far that can and cannot take us even if we were magically able to resurect the same offense with lesser passers (trhe magic being purely 100% rick Adelman if we pull it off)..

We've been the best passing team in the league, the most unselfish team in the league, for 7 years. But the OVERWHELMING determinant of whether we have mattered or been a speedbump came at the other end of the floor. Even if the offense clicks into gear, we simply do not have the horses to stop the other team from doing the same. Not a question of will. A question of talent. Defensively we have all of the talent of the Hornets. We have to play over our heads just to be average as a team.
I see what you are saying, but we still haven't seen what this team can do. They can play defense because they have shown at times in the last two games that they can play good to great and even excellent defense. I absolutly believe that we have talent and willingness that we have never seen before. But it is your opinion and I cant stop you nor would I want to stop you from expressing it. I absolutly love this team and I really think that once they get comforatable with each other we can go all the way. Lets also not forget that we lost by nine points when Bibby and Peja were no where to be found. It will change I garantee it.
BonziFan said:
I cant believe that some of you think that we have even seen how good this team can be. They have no chemistry yet. Give them a chance before you go saying that all is lost. Look at the first quarter. That was an excellent quarter yet it still was not the best that this team can play. There defensive rotations were excellent and the passing was incredible. Mark my words, we will be seeing a much different team in a month. And you know what? They still won't be as good as they can be. Who cares how many wins the Kings get in the regular season. Get to the Playoffs playing the best Basketball possible or give it another year. That 1999 team was good but it got much better as the years went on with minor changes.Look at Bonzi tonight. When did you ever think that our 2-guard would have 18 rebounds. IT WILL ALL COME TOGETHER. BE PATIENT!!!!
VF21 said:
What possible difference could it make on how the team started out last year? Have you looked at the names on the back? There are THREE starters and ONE bench player who were even here at the beginning of last year.

You might as well ask if the Spurs won as a gauge of how the Kings will do...

It's a new team; a different team. The only thing people will get if they insist on comparing this group of young men to ANY other group is a headache...

GO KINGS!!! (The ones listed on the roster for 2005-2006)
I think you misunderstood my point. All I meant was that last year was still a fifty win season even after an 0-3 start. I'm not saying that's going to happen again, but just reiterating that it is a little too early to throw in the towel.