The College Football Season


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
An amazing ending - BSU's coach has, um, how should we say, "a lot of courage" (I recognize that this is a family site, but you all get the idea.)
The Fiesta Bowl was of the greatest college football ending i believe i have ever seen. Congrats Boise will any BCS schools come to the blue turf and play them?


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Most of the bowl games have been fairly predictable, thus far.
Are you kidding me? This bowl season has been AMAZING. Almost every game from about Wednesday or Thursday on had huge 4th quarter comebacks, they were constantly
1-uping each other in my eyes.

Sadly I had quite a few people over tonight for a dodgeball team meeting and missed the second half of the game, of course its one of the few that aren't replayed (like the Oregon State game which I also missed).

Very happy to see the Pac-10 redeem itself over the past few days and Boise State take it to Oklahoma. Can't wait for the final games.