The coaching situation

If you were calling all the shots, would Muss still be here on July 1st?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 8.3%
  • No

    Votes: 88 91.7%

  • Total voters
Only thing I can think of is to suck again for one more year for two draft picks in a row....

Or as a holdover until a better coach's contract expires.
actually that's not bad reasning, we might know a little more about what team we're gonna have by then and in turn know what coach will best utilize their talents. however, who knows what kind of permanent damage muss can cause by then.
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the answer to this question can be found in another question: how loaded is next year's draft? :D
Next year will have alot of PG's and SG's, O.J. Mayo, Derrick Rose, Eric Gordon, to name a few. This year has some damn good bigs in it, and if we're going to get fat in our frontcourt for the future, I'd say this would be the year...damn I wish we had more than one pick in the first round.
I can think of a couple of people:

Mario Ely
Reggie Theus
Scott Brooks
The ghost of Red Auerbach
Kenny Smith

ANY of those, I believe, could have done a better job than Musselman has done. And garnered more respect from the players in the process...
I wanted Elie from the beginning. But then all this Whiz talk started and I just wanted anyone BUT him...hell, I'd almost rather have seen what THAT experiment would have been like, rather than the Muss experiment, at this point.
If I were coach, he would be gone at the end of the year.

But I really think that he will be around for one more year, he has got the Maloofs in his pocket and apparently that is how this organization works. At least for now.
My personal opinion is that he needs to go. However, I do not think that will happen. I do not see the Maloofs admitting that they were wrong. Their two biggest decisions last season were to 1) bring in Artest and 2) Fire Rick and hire Muss. I do not see them giving up on either after onlu one year - even if they should.


Super Moderator Emeritus
If I were coach, he would be gone at the end of the year.

But I really think that he will be around for one more year, he has got the Maloofs in his pocket and apparently that is how this organization works. At least for now.
I strongly suspect that assumption could be wrong. The bloom could well be off the rose. The Maloofs do NOT like to lose.

Remember, players win and coaches lose. And when a team goes down in flames, it's generally the coach's head on the platter first.
I strongly suspect that assumption could be wrong. The bloom could well be off the rose. The Maloofs do NOT like to lose.

Remember, players win and coaches lose. And when a team goes down in flames, it's generally the coach's head on the platter first.
We can hope.


Super Moderator Emeritus
My thought is the Maloofs are gamblers. They took a chance and it obviously didn't work out. I don't see them having any trouble giving the "we're going in a different direction" speech and cutting him loose. They're not gonna sit by idly, IMHO. The organization will take action - like with Vlade, with Doug, with Webber, with Adelman, etc. It might not end up being the right action, but they'll do something...


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
You know, I think we have much larger problems and that canning a coach too early sends the team into an uncontrollabe tailspin as all the players know they can get the coach fired by failing to perform.

But if canning Muss means I don't have to read another fire the coach thread for an entire summer and maybe 20-30 games into next season I think I'm all for it at this point.


Hall of Famer
My thought is the Maloofs are gamblers. They took a chance and it obviously didn't work out. I don't see them having any trouble giving the "we're going in a different direction" speech and cutting him loose. They're not gonna sit by idly, IMHO. The organization will take action - like with Vlade, with Doug, with Webber, with Adelman, etc. It might not end up being the right action, but they'll do something...

very generous
Its funny when people want him gone now when the same people who want him gone said getting Eric Musselman was a good move.. oh the irony.
Its funny when people want him gone now when the same people who want him gone said getting Eric Musselman was a good move.. oh the irony.
I don't really think that's true.

When Adelman was replaced with Muss, maybe half of the fans I was in touch with welcomed it, but the other half were pretty concerned that it might end up being a big mistake.

Now, not even one person in thirteen wants to keep Muss, so it's not one half or the other, it's everybody.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Its funny when people want him gone now when the same people who want him gone said getting Eric Musselman was a good move.. oh the irony.
No, it's not funny... and it's not even an accurate conclusion.

People were willing to give Musselman a chance in the beginning, which was the right attitude to have. I won't speak for anyone else, but I gave him a chance. He hasn't impressed me and I can think of no reason to prolong the agony any longer than absolutely necessary.

In sports, when a team is thoroughly off track it's almost always the coach that pays the price first. He didn't make our team better; we're not a defensive juggernaut. We're not even a defensive marshmallow.

The Kings hired someone who hasn't lived up to expectations. Mitigating factors aside, he has failed in his job duties. And he'll most likely get the same treatment any of us would get if we didn't do our job up to the level our employers expected.

That's life, not irony.
VF21 said:
No, it's not funny... and it's not even an accurate conclusion.

People were willing to give Musselman a chance in the beginning, which was the right attitude to have. I won't speak for anyone else, but I gave him a chance. He hasn't impressed me and I can think of no reason to prolong the agony any longer than absolutely necessary.

In sports, when a team is thoroughly off track it's almost always the coach that pays the price first. He didn't make our team better; we're not a defensive juggernaut. We're not even a defensive marshmallow.

The Kings hired someone who hasn't lived up to expectations. Mitigating factors aside, he has failed in his job duties. And he'll most likely get the same treatment any of us would get if we didn't do our job up to the level our employers expected.

That's life, not irony.
Giving Eric Musselman a chance for what? we all knew this guy had bad experience with his past teams, he has never taken his team to the playoffs. i warned everyone over the summer. but people still had a reason to be faithful. i understand thats the right thing to do. but this season has been bad enough are we gonna hear the same response over the summer that we should give Eric a anotherchance? this guy was arrested for DUI. that was enough for anyone to give this nutjob a chance period.
this guy was arrested for DUI. that was enough for anyone to give this nutjob a chance period.
He was arrested for DUI before we knew how bad he was, which makes it pretty irrelevant. Nobody would fire a coach they had only hired a few months before over a DUI alone. And had he been the second coming of Red Auerbach, nobody would be saying a word about it.

We now know that Muss is incompetant, but that DUI is ancient history at this point. He'll have to settle for a dismissal based on his coaching record alone.
alot of people drink. who cares. he doesnt have the respect of the players or the fans because of his wacky substitutions and his sh*** half time speeches.
to be honest i don´t think Muss is such an disaster,
Of Course he is not a Star Coach, but i think we won´t get any better wich a other coach.

In my opinion there are more important things to do than to find a coach who maybe get 5 wins more over the season...
to be honest i don´t think Muss is such an disaster,
Of Course he is not a Star Coach, but i think we won´t get any better wich a other coach.

In my opinion there are more important things to do than to find a coach who maybe get 5 wins more over the season...

where you from? just curious. and muss is a horrible coach. adelman made the playoffs with pretty much the same roster last year.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Giving Eric Musselman a chance for what? we all knew this guy had bad experience with his past teams, he has never taken his team to the playoffs. i warned everyone over the summer.
He was also a guy that overachieved with GS and had won in every other league he had coached in. He was runner up for coach of the year, too, IIRC. He deserved a chance to see what he could do.

"You" warned everyone? What do you want, a gold star for making the safer of a 60%-40% guess? Almost everyone recognized that this team wasn't competing for the crown. Not everyone could guess we'd be this bad, though. And the blame for that should get spread pretty wide, not just to Muss.

So, uh, congrats, I guess. I hope you are happy with yourself, or whatever..... :rolleyes:
ok musselman had some early success in the past. he had his shot with this years sacramento team. he STUNK. he's gone. just leave it at that
I will do my best to redirect this thread from an anti-Muss anger-fest or a 'told you I was right' conversation.

We all know his shortcomings this year. I am wondering what positives/progress people have seen Muss make this year that could be used to build upon for next year? For all the negatives, let's make a list of positives.

I'm being serious...anyone want to go first?
I will do my best to redirect this thread from an anti-Muss anger-fest or a 'told you I was right' conversation.

We all know his shortcomings this year. I am wondering what positives/progress people have seen Muss make this year that could be used to build upon for next year? For all the negatives, let's make a list of positives.

I'm being serious...anyone want to go first?

the only positive i see is that he is a young coach. he can get wiser. aren't some of our players the same age is him?
Not everyone could guess we'd be this bad, though.
I could. And did.

And I knew that Musselman would suck as a coach.

And I knew that we'd have two people associated with the organization arrested this year.

And I knew that we'd lose to Minny last night.

In fact, everything that ever has happened or ever will happen, anywhere, ever, regarding anything, and everything... I knew it first. And I will not rest until I get proper recognition, dammit!
I will do my best to redirect this thread from an anti-Muss anger-fest or a 'told you I was right' conversation.

We all know his shortcomings this year. I am wondering what positives/progress people have seen Muss make this year that could be used to build upon for next year? For all the negatives, let's make a list of positives.

I'm being serious...anyone want to go first?
He has nowhere to go but up ... or out.

If I were upper management ...

If we wind up doing a complete overhaul of the roster and we bring back a completely different team than the one we have now, then I'd consider letting Muss have a shot with a new team. If there was a home run candidate available over the offseason, I'd probably give Muss the boot. But if there's no one available that would be a reasonable improvement, then I might let him have another year.

However, the showing he's given us this season is sad. Sad like taking the family dog to be put down. Sad like Steel Magnolias.

Bottom line, I think, is Eric Musselman just isn't a good coach. From what I've seen this season, he's a pretty bad coach.

This whole situation reminds me somewhat of Tim Floyd, the guy who took over in Chicago after Phil Jackson left. The Bulls sucked for several seasons during their "rebuild", and he got fired. But the general consensus was that he wasn't a bad coach, he just had a bad team. So he got another shot with the Hornets. They sucked, he got fired again. Floyd has since wound up as the head basketball coach of the USC Trojans, and has coached them into the Sweet 16.

Maybe Musselman's place isn't in the NBA. He's not going to get another head coaching gig without proving himself, whether it be in college, the D-League, or as an assistant. He just hasn't given any significant indication that he can run a winning program.