Seriously? C'mon... how can it not have something to do with it in a larger way. I am not saying it is wrong or that I don't do it... I am just pointing it out.
VERY easily. music is a tremendous part of my life; i enjoy making it, i surround myself with it, and i've even been paid to write about it on occasion. but i don't spend my days thinking about how attractive a female musician may or may not be while i'm
listening to her music. i don't fantasize about attractive female musicians as if they're singing a siren's song just for me. and i don't spend a single second of my time giving weight to such considerations as i make my picks in this draft...
if you'd like further clarity on the subject, i also don't think about how attractive a female author may or may not be when i'm reading her work, and i don't think about how attractive a female visual artist may or may not be when i'm admiring her work. believe it or not, i value the
art that a great many women bring into the world, and i find female artists to be much greater than the sum total of their ability to please my eyes. oh, and for the record, it
is wrong to reduce a woman down to her ability to please a man's eyes, particularly when that woman has plenty to offer the world outside of her appearance...
that you're making these assumptions about my motivations is, frankly, more than just a little bit presumptuous. i've argued with a lotta posters about a lotta topics at over the years, and i've even been insulted in a number of different (if not always terribly creative) ways, but i can't recall ever being accused of outright male chauvinism, as if it's beyond my ability to enjoy and appreciate a woman's contribution to larger cultural interests without first coming to some determination about her physical appearance. this line of thinking that you're intent on pursuing is offensive to me, and i have to imagine that it's going to be offensive to the female members of this board, as well...
yes, i am a warm-blooded male who finds lots of women to be exceedingly attractive, but i'm not a f***ing cave man. i'm a well-educated and reasonably-cultured individual who is fully capable of looking beyond the factors of conventional beauty. that said, if
you are interested in making
your picks in this draft based on considerations of physical appearance, that's
your business. it's not mine.