Superhero Redux Draft

Oh and by the way you are contradicting yourself by picking King Leonidas, who was a REAL king in ancient Sparta. And I do specifically remember a rule stating that historical figures were to be left off.
Ahh the spaghetti-smear tactic. Leonidas is not a historical figure, for one, he is a figure that is in Greek Mythology that is based off of the existence of a real Spartan king.

You know very well I was picking the comic book version represented by the film. Listen, if you want to lose, that is your thing. I am just a guy who wants the rules upheld.

As far as Sully saving 100 peoples lives, he landed a freaking plane in a river. By that logic, every pilot who lands a plane every day saves lives. I don't care if he did it in a river, pilots are trained for crash landings. I'm not condemning the man, but picking a topical guy to gain an emotional vote is a cheap move.

You must choose heroes that have already been created and published and popularly known (Comics/TV/ Movies/Video Games/Mythology/Literature/Etc.). The categories are broad enough to pick from already existing ones, thanx.
Weird how Captain Sully doesn't fit with any of the categories. If you can pick Captain Sully as a hero as justified by the media, then pretty much any newsworthy person can be picked. It cheapens the draft.

Also, you said yourself you can't pick a historical figure. Which you did. Doesn't matter that he is still alive, he is now considered a historical figure.

There is a reason we have these rules in place.
As far as my base, I pick:

The Galápagos Islands

Me said:
All sense aside all the morose
state seasons should succeed the most
at approaching the land disclosed
as many souls the swells deposed
like seas will slap against the coast
a subject of the systems roast
potential being dissolved like snows
surviving with the stitching quotes
the stinging cysts that bleed the most
a slicing mist that beats the boats
a swaying silence stays the host
he thrusts his fists against the posts
and still insists he sees the ghosts
the specters of the past exposed
sharp and still, serene, remote
a shallow shore the ocean boasts
so any ship both sinks and floats
swift and stern, severe, composed
this vile island sprightly, grows
on the horizon; he strictly slows
he breathes the sleet that eats his throat
sees the beasts that bleat and boast
his face and knees and hands and toes
sense viciously the land and flows
the history that sustains this prose
the sanctuary: Galápagos
All sorts of weird marine life, and with close access to both North and South America. Also, with Iceman around, the equatorial temperature won't be so unbearable. Maybe for attacking enemies.
I believe we're reached a bit of an impasse. While I initially agreed with GeraldWallace#3's pick, Venom_7 was also supported by several other voters. To prevent conflict, in true spirit of the hero draft, I suggest a rule clarification for the remainder of these redux drafts:

Each hero/villain chosen must have some fictitious aspect to them, thereby eliminating purely historical figures from draft eligibility.

This is a similar rule to the one Lowenherz used last year in the villains draft, and the one drawn upon by Venom_7 in his argument. This is to prevent conflict of interest in choosing characters already peacefully living their lives on earth, as well as to improve the overall power of the teams in true escalation fashion.

I know that this ruling is a bit late, but it deserved a bit of a forum for both sides to state their case. GeraldWallace#3 is therefore on the clock and will have 24 hours in which to repick his Sully choice.
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Nice job on the headquarter picks so far everyone :).

It would also be helpful if you would include the name of your team in the headquarter's pick if you so choose.
Well OK I can agree with that I guess so for my make up pick I select

Martin Luther King.... ;)

Just joking, But seriously for my make up pick I select


I dropped the she version of him in the beggining, and I really wanted him last year but now he's is all mine. This dude is BADASS, he will tear you to shreds without thinking twice. It also helps that he is near invincible with his regeneration powers and the fact that his body is made from the same indestructible material his claws are.

Solid Repick imo. :D
For my headquarters I select

The Batcave

The Batcave serves as Batman's command center, where he monitors all crisis points in Gotham and the world.

DC Wiki said:
The cave's centerpiece is a supercomputer whose specs are on par with any of those used by leading national security agencies; it permits global surveillance and also connects to a massive information network as well as storing vast amounts of information, both on Batman's foes and his allies. A series of satellite link-ups allows easy access to Batman's information network anywhere in the globe. The systems are protected against unauthorized access, and any attempt to breach this security immediately sends an alert to Batman or Oracle. Despite the power of Batman's computers, the JLA Watchtower is known to have more powerful computers (composed of Kryptonian, Thanagarian and Martian technology), and Batman does occasionally use them if he feels his computers are not up to the task; on occasion he also consults Oracle for assistance.
The cave houses Batman's vast array of specialized vehicles, foremost being the famous Batmobile in all its incarnations (mostly for nostalgia as well as for contingencies, as all are serviceable and in excellent working condition). Batman keeps a fleet of regular cars of various models and utility vehicles such as an ambulance as well when the Batmobile would be too conspicuous for a mission. Other vehicles within the complex include various motorcycles, and various air and watercraft such as The Batplane, a single occupant supersonic jet. Another vehicle found in the Batcave is the subway rocket, first used during the time when Jean Paul Valley was substituting for Bruce Wayne after Bane had broken his back. It let Batman get into Gotham City very fast, and could electronically clear a path via the Gotham Rail system. Batman later incorporated safeguards against earthquakes and even a potential nuclear catastrophe, outfitting the cave as a virtual bomb shelter or an enhanced panic room.
My HQ:

Bikini Bottom

Spongebob's home turf, he will be at home here and will be able to stay in his house and know the environment better than anyone. The others will be able to stay in Sandy's impenetrable fortress where the land dwellers will be able to live with air. No one will expect these heroes down here...
The family, fearing for their existence on earth after the corruption of the villains last year, has set up a utopian paradise where evil cannot touch them. Their team headquarters are now located on:

The Astral Plane

The astral plane is the nexus of all psychokinetic energy, and is the final resting place for souls, both in heaven, and hell.

The astral plane can be visited consciously through astral projection, meditation and mantra, near death experience, lucid dreaming, or other means. Individuals that are trained in the use of the astral vehicle can separate their consciousness from the physical body at will. All members of the family have honed this skill, so they can safely travel to anywhere in the universe and return to their headquarters with a singular thought. This is possible through Aslan's diety powers, Franklin's ability to manifest realities, Sage's connection to the nexus of the universe, Rachel's vast telepathic power, Silver Surfer's power cosmic, amplified by Sage, and Rogue's mastery of all skill's she's absorbed throughout the years, and her newly found control.

The seven astral planes explained:
The first astral plane after death is called the first heaven or the lower astral plane. This is a hell-like realm of purgatory and self-recrimination from which escape is very slow and difficult. It may take hundreds of years of earth time for its inhabitants to accept their misdeeds, put them right and move upward. Here you would certainly find criminals and materially-obsessed individuals. We are told that the demons and poltergeists, which readily interfere with life on earth, originate here. The "bad" parts of heaven are the closest to earth,
which explains why religion wrongly equates the occult as a pact with the devil.​

The next astral plane, is called the second heaven.
Most people who die initially find themselves in the second heaven or intermediate astral planes.
Viewed as a sort of resting point on the way from earth to the more rarified upper dimensions,
it is a thought-created universe that closely resembles an idealized earth. It's inhabitants seem
to live in physical bodies, wear clothes and so forth but of an etheric kind that would be invisible
to those living on earth. Most attempts to communicate from heaven stem from here;
but because the inhabitants of earth are as yet unfamiliar with the afterlife
these communications can be confusing or wrong.

The next astral plane is called by many names, such as the third heaven, Summerland, or Marduk. This plane is the closest thing to the Christian concept of paradise. The most inspired and pure souls from earth pass directly here after death; most people, however, must strive to reach it after a sojourn in the second heaven, where they assess their life on earth and try to understand what they did wrong. It is from the third heaven that rebirth back on earth supposedly occurs ・although the decision to go back and try
again is allegedly an individual one, and some may opt to forsake material life altogether
and move into the higher spiritual dimensions. Some of the most accurate and
most inspirational messages received via mediums are said to originate here.​

The fourth heaven is the mental and causal planes.
Here, most of the trappings of materialism have gone. It is here that selfless individuals
work together to bring spiritual enlightenment to the lower dimensions and earth.
Supposedly all great inventions, religious and moral progressions, spiritual leadership and so
on come from here, inspired by beings who were once on earth but have had the opportunity
to increase their talents in the afterlife. A few rebirths to earth do take place from this
higher place: great teachers are sent back for special reasons.
Spirit guides who talk through mediums are often in this dimension as well,
bringing their enhanced knowledge to earth.​

The fifth heaven is the next astral plane.
Reaching this dimension is difficult, for it is devoid of a physical state and aspired to
by great religious figures, from Jesus to Buddha. Even those in lower dimensions view it as
most of us still on earth imagine heaven ・a distant, magical, unknown place.​

The sixth heaven is the next astral plane.
This dimension is cosmic consciousness, where the unity of souls is perfected and a kind
of universal being exists. This may be close to what we think of as God, but it is even
less understood by those in the lower dimensions.​

The seventh heaven is the next astral plane.
To reach the seventh heaven one has to step not only beyond material and physical reality
but beyond mental and individual reality as well. It is simply not possible to define what
this ultimate level may be, but it is supposedly the goal of all individual souls.
Everything we do, on earth and in the higher dimensions, is directed toward that
final transformation. For there is evolution of the soul in just the same way as there
is evolution of the body, or indeed of all life, back on earth​
The astral plane is intimately linked to earth
The astral plane is linked closely to the Earth plane. In fact, within the astral plane there exists an exact replica of the Earth plane, with houses, cities, mountains and people. It is not really a replica, but a counterpart of the Earth plane. Everything on this earth, you included, have an astral counterpart. Remember you are Spirit in body. You true home and your roots are in spirit not on earth. You visit the earth from time to time in order to experience it and its lessons. Therefore, even while on the earth plane you are spirit, with your connection to the spirit world. This astral counterpart represents the link, so to speak, between the spirit world and us.

Everything that happens on the earth individually and collectively has an impact within the astral plane. Therefore, the astral plane is inhabited by two types of spirits, those who have passed from the earth plane and are still within the astral plane and you or your astral counterparts. Without going into complicated discussions, you live within and experience, multiple levels of life and consciousness even while on the earth plane. It so happens that right now your focus of attention and concentration is on the earth plane. However, that does not deny the fact that you are rooted in the spirit world.

If you were not living on multiple levels of spirit simultaneously, then you could not experience such things as mediumship, extended sensory perception, out of body experiences or even dreams. It is because you are living life AS SPIRIT ON EARTH that you are able to shift from one level of awareness to another, back and forth; sometimes spontaneously, other times quite intentionally.

There is a strong link and connection between the earth plane and the astral plane. It is through the astral plane that so much of the spiritual help and assistance is given. The astral plane represents the doorway between the earth plane and the higher levels of the spirit world.

The astral plane has been subject to much confusion and misinformation. The astral plane gets it name because within it there is light and a sparkling energy, very much like stars. Astral originates from the Latin “aster” meaning star. Because the astral plane is where you deal with your recent earthly difficulties, people tend to consider it a place of punishment and negativity. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Within the astral plane, there is the opportunity to set right that may have gone wrong and to become even more intimately involved with your family and friends, in a truly spiritual manner. What is even more amazing is that once you step through the astral plane and enter the next level of the spirit world, the degree of love and intimacy magnifies itself a thousand fold. Indeed, it is a place of work, but of far greater significance, the astral plane is a place of healing, love and compassion.

The astral plane is where you go upon departing the earthly life, through physical death. Everyone goes there and spends a certain amount of time within this area of the spirit world. It is within the astral plane that you deal with those areas of healing, transformation and forgiveness. It is here where you gather with your loved ones. There are special spirit emissaries or angles that help you in this process of assessment. Because the astral plane is where you deal with some of the more negative elements of your self, some may refer to it as a place of evil and negativity. This could not be further from the truth. It is a world of confrontation, assessment, evaluation and looking at oneself face to face. Indeed, for some these processes may be difficult; however, the result is summed up in two words, Healing and Transformation.
Since the higher plane is pure energy, the family fortifies their headquarters with mere conscious thought. Given Franklin's reality manifestation powers, and the great thinkers of my team, that is an quite a majestic fortress indeed :).
[yt=At Home On The Astral Plane]teSH2mgbnJE[/yt]
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Again, not an easy decision, but after a little deliberation, there did come a thought:

Xanadu - Don Rosa version

As you can see, Xanadu is also a real place, but is has been fictionalised quite a lot and my favourite representation of it can be found in Don Rosa's Uncle Scrooge series (okay, admittedly I only pick this version because I love Don Rosa and his work, but whatever). The legend of the place says that great treasures can be found there, which is the reason the Duck family visits, only to find out that serenity and peace are the only treasures there. Xanadu is located in a beautiful valley and is completely isolated from the rest of the world, which is why the people there are still very simple (technology wise) and...well...happy. It takes about four minutes for even the cynical Scrooge to completely assimilate to this new environment and find inner balance and this is exactly what I want of a headquarter, nevermind the strategic advantages (it's surrounded by mountains too high for anybody to navigate with any kind of aircraft through and there is only one entrance).
And with that the draft is complete. We're still waiting on xrzn's headquarter's choice, however please us the next 4 days to submit write-ups of your team as you so desire, along with team names and final hierarchies.

Rankings will be due on Monday, May 24th at 12:00 Noon PST, and the playoffs should begin shortly thereafter. Thanks for a great draft everyone!
Do we submit this info to you, Jespher? What would you like the write ups to contain? A battle plan? Marching order?

I leave for the Mojave desert Sunday morning at 5 a.m. and I won't be back for a week. (I refuse to pay for cell phone internet.)
Do we submit this info to you, Jespher? What would you like the write ups to contain? A battle plan? Marching order?

I leave for the Mojave desert Sunday morning at 5 a.m. and I won't be back for a week. (I refuse to pay for cell phone internet.)
Write-ups should be posted in their respective draft threads. Rankings should be submitted to me via PM, 1-8 (omitting your own team) as to your personal preference, most powerful, coolest, etc.

Here's an example of a team write-up...
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“The Family”​
Chapter 1: Origins

Upon hearing the news of my inheritance, I was very excited. A dream come true right? An entire tropical island all to our own, complete with renewable utilities, epic beaches and surfing, tree houses, and easy access to any part of the island. It felt like I was moving into my very own playground. I arranged to get satellite Wifi, and everything looked rosy. Unfortunately, then I met my new neighbors and I knew that my family would be in grave danger if I didn’t enlist the help of some superheroes that shared my love of tropical beaches and my vision of a peaceful life sipping Mai Tais after a full day of surfing my epic breaks. Knowing the neighbors would not move away, and what a threat they were to my own family, I decided to create a super-team to share the island with. Character was important here because I was sharing my island paradise with these heroes for the rest of my days, and I wanted to make sure I picked the right people.

Strength of arms and powers were important, however, I also put an emphasis on choosing heroes that I would be able to interact with favorably, and would enjoy being around as well.

My first selection was a fairly easy choice as I have heard of his exploits protecting the entire galaxy from the terrible Galactus, along with countless other perils of the universe. I was immediately struck by his friendly personality, and his willingness to do anything in his power to protect my family, and our new home. His force fields, matter manipulation, energy projections, healing skills, attention to detail, great strength, and super speed have been extremely helpful in maintaining the security of our new home.

Next I needed some womanly company for my wife, who would get very lonely living far away from the outside world. I chose a bubbly person, who was as equally powerful as she was friendly. She really liked the idea of finding a sanctuary away from the judging masses, who viewed her as a menace for her mutant gifts, and I was glad to give her a room in the guesthouse. She made herself right at home, and baked a whole tray of brownies as a housewarming gift, then went outside to work on her tan.

Once a friend for each my wife and I was settled, I set about trying to find a babysitter for my little boy. I needed a teacher, someone wise in the ways of the world, someone powerful enough to protect him single handed against my menacing neighbors, and someone who he could look up to in life. A role model. Aslan was a logical choice here, as he exhibits a benevolent quality of character, has a calming influence, and is extremely wise to the ways of the world, and it’s moral code. Though he does have occasion to shed when he is indoors, he is great with the children and the other team members, and always steers our moral compass in the right direction.

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The Family​
Chapter 2: Finalizing the Team

Now that the first part of my team was in place, I tried to find other heroes who would work well with the other members in a variety of situations. I needed to find someone who could stand up to my livid telepathic enemies, had a good heart, could help my team communicate well with each other, and wasn’t batty. I had been thinking of the perfect person all along, and luckily she was still able and willing to make the trip. This was before I even mentioned to her that she would be joined on the island by her future husband. What luck! Rachel Summers is powerful, beautiful, engaging, funny, and a joy to be around. Her telekinetic and telepathic skills know no bounds!

So I still had two spots in the guesthouse left, and I decided that I needed a little help setting up and encrypting that satellite Wifi for the island. Sage was more than happy to help, and in fact royally creamed me at chess, Risk, pool, and bowling all while she was creating our island’s elaborate mechanized defense systems. She was able to remain at her post in the Crystal Palace, and also take physical or holographic form on our island simultaneously, phasing in and out when desired. Her connection to the nexis of the Omniverse has also helped in removing unwanted "visitors" to alternate environments as she can teleport them anywhere she desires through astral projection.

Sage helped Professor X build his telepathic amplifier Cerebro, and she built a similar contraption for Rachel as well, allowing her to increase her powers exponentially. Furthermore, she was a great help to the other team members, as she was able to teach each of them to control, expand, and adapt their powers to far greater potentials than any of them imagined. She's also giving everyone language, martial arts, fencing, shooting, boxing, and computer programming lessons too. I have an archery course set up, and she constructed a subterranean "danger room" to practice and train in.

Finally, the last selection to round out our new family was for my son again. Along with being the most powerful mutant in existence, Franklin exuded a goodness, and a fondness for his new “family” immediately. He would go with Aslan and my son on long exploratory adventures around the island, coming back with epic tales of their experiences. He has quickly become a family favorite for his warm manner, his hyper intelligence, and his ability to learn new things. He is now almost attached to my son at the hip. I feel this is a good thing because Sage and Aslan are quickly teaching Franklin to control and perfect his reality manifestation powers, reaching depths of creative potential I could have never imagined. He has already taken quite a “liking” to Rachel, who is older, but more beautiful everyday. Franklin has spoken to me of his plans to alter his age eventually and settle down with Rachel as his wife.

With the team together, we decided that the most important aspects of living together would be communication, teamwork, a fun loving yet secure atmosphere, and active participation by all members. Franklin endowed my family with several helpful powers, so that we could do our own part. We are all now telepathic and telekinetic, helping us communicate with each other, and manage heavy tasks more easily. I am also now able to create shape shifting super clones of myself to help do several things at once. They can manifest various superpowers and abilities through each cloning with a variety of desired effects.

Rogue set to work to improve the living areas with Rachel and my wife, creating a comfortable home base for the team, while Aslan explored the island with the children to keep a watchful eye, and teach them the ways of the world. Sage has taught Rogue to control and perfect her powers, to bring back and contain all the powers that she has ever absorbed without negative "side effects". She is now a powerful telepath like Jean Grey, has Cyclop's optic blast capability without the need for glasses, can supercharge objects like gambit, shapeshift like mystique, heal like wolverine, move like the Beast, control the weather better than Storm, create frost constructs like Iceman, and so much more! Plus, she only absorbs life force when she wants now, and is free to touch finally!

We created a fishing pond, with the help of some talking Beavers, and built a beautiful self sustaining garden managed by a dryad family that Aslan created. I fixed up the fishing boat, and Sage added some mechanized improvements as well. Finally, Sage, the Silver Surfer, Rachel, and myself adapted the island to be an epic playground, and impenetrable fortress from our enemies.

The island perimeter now contains a cloaking device, hidden EMP mines and solar bombs for those mechanized and undead neighbors, roving security superclone lookouts, random teleportation portal walls, spellcraft wards, and force fields which makes it invisible to all trespassers, impervious to air, sea, and land attacks, yet comfortable for us and the animals and plants that we decided on. Franklin, Aslan, and my son have also told me that they made several other “improvements” too. Aslan has been waking the plant and animal life, teaching them magical ways, and how to speak with, provide for, and protect the family.

We couldn’t be happier, and I feel very blessed and secure at our new home. We really are like one big family now, and the dynamic is wonderful to be a part of.
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The Family​
Chapter 3: A New Home

Over the next several months the family lived in peace. Villainous cohorts were continuously foiled, and unable to penetrate the island's many layered defenses. Unfortunately, true treachery came in the form of another heroic band seeking protection against the villainous hoards.

Taking them in out of pity, the family was ultimately betrayed...Professor X confused our minds, Luke Skywalker and the Hulk smashed our defenses, and Tarzan convinced Aslan to wander from this world for a time...Ultimately, Aquaman and Captain Jack Sparrow managed to sink the island. All appeared lost!

Thankfully, Franklin and my son avoided detection and were able to alert Sage in the Crystal Palace. She intervened masterfully, saving the team by teleporting them to the Astral Plane, far from the fray. Unfortunately, back on earth, the villains continued their corruption unhindered, spreading their wrath across the world.

Safe for now, the team rested, healed, and trained, preparing their bodies and minds for their next opportunity to conquer villainy. We have reinforced the defenses a thousandfold, building our own universe within the astral plane. Alive in the Kingdom of heaven, we patiently await our opportunity to cleanse the vileness that has passed over our beloved homeland.
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Pt 1

The spasmodic toll of buoy bells, rattling on their bobbing frames in this sometimes tempestuous sea, served as an adequate distraction from my newest fancy. I looked down into the surf, staring in wonder at the bioluminescent plankton that huddled the pier and stretched out into the bay, like an amazing sparkling blanket. “Cheap man-made bells,” I huffed and turned to the business of mooring my vessel.

There was little business going on this night. The dock manager was asleep at his post, and I plotted briefly about stiffing him the mooring fee, but thought better as I imagined my boat being set adrift to wander the sea, ghostly, a pirate’s prize. As I worked the final knot faint footfall caught my ear, then came a clearing of pipes: “*eHehm*Welcome friend, to Merlin’s isle of Gramerye.” I glanced up and startled at the old sage’s appearance, clutching a pipe in his left hand, and a wide brimmed hat in his right. His face was a great smile, he appeared stately in a white scholar’s gown. “My name is Gandalf. If you would be so kind…” I stepped from my ship to the pier anxiously, “Follow me.”

He replaced his cap and ushered me inland, towards the beginning of my real journey. “You have been summoned here by fate, friend, a fate so cruel and unenviable that it should only belong to a great hero.”
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Pt. 2​

“How, how did I come to shore here? I was not even searching for Gramerye.”

“Gramerye finds you. (He scoffed!) This, though, is not the terminus of our trek.” He winked and stopped at a boulder near the road bordering the docks. He tapped the rock three times and we were gone. I was nothing - for a time I cannot fathom – and the circumstance of my reappearance made me wish I had so remained. My body burst into being. To be magically born as a grown man in an instant is the worst sort of pain. First my skeleton, then guts, then muscles, and (finally) skin burst into bloody presence – a crimson explosion of life into an ethereal void. When I became whole I found and clutched red earth, gasping horribly for air. I might as well have been on fire, but I believe I blacked out.

When I could think again Gandalf explained our presence here: “We are here to build a last stand. A beacon of hope in a world filled with cruelty and treachery. Masada, this fortress is so alive with history and meaning, the Jewish people of Earth’s last stand against the Roman Empire. They died here rather than renounce their faith. We would do the same.”​
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Pt. 3

I remember being lectured on this fortress by Ion, this arid island of history in the desert sea. I was introduced to the others that would also stand for Masada’s defense: Rhapsody, easily the most beautiful and intriguing woman I have ever seen. She would enter into a mild depression periodically, and begin singing the most enchanting songs about the past, somehow altering my understanding of certain histories. Emma Frost and Galahad would break from the monotony of setting up the fortresses defense to listen and offer her cheer. Lancelot kept our senses sharp, sparring, jousting, and making hilarious failed attempts to woo Emma. Slowly the fortress became alive again, and we were enjoying the resurrection.

Gandalf spoke last night on the subject of lost hope, and then Rhapsody sang it:

A fire burns once on coals slow to light.
Its brilliant flame extinguished the night.
You failed to keep it well fed, and it then
Died to embers. It gives no more warmth, and
Lives again only if you remember.

The flame’s a fragile thing that we don’t know well.
The flame is best recalled with a whiff or a smell.
Its torturous ghost haunts you for letting it go.
How you yearn for its passionate, beautiful glow!

A terrible echo ripples the strings of your heart.
When you see it in another it tears you apart.
It reaches out to you, wanting you to remember
The time, the place, the name, or the very first letter.

But there is no more coal, nor any sign of dry timber.
After the fire is dead only sad ashes linger.
(One of my in progress originals)

We now stand ready for the defense of all things good in this world, the last bastion of hope in a world filled with evil.
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Victorious Secret

If you've got it, shroud it.

Morgan Freeman said:
Imminent threats challenge the sanctity of Earth.

Heroes will unite in the face of disaster.
Peter Petrelli sat in the window of his New York apartment, watching the world decay. What could he do to stave off this devastation? His show was getting cancelled. His vessel to express his innate, glorified goodness, was gone. His face wrinkled in angst.

Then, suddenly, as if beckoned by the very consideration of hope, a fiery apparition came forth. She slowly twisted herself from flame into a tangible human being. Her glory and terror manifested with each breath, and as the smoke around her sneakily dissipated, she stared.

Her thoughts merged with those of Petrelli's. I share these same fears she mused. These same worries.

"What would you suggest?" Peter asked, in angst.

We. must. gather. And with a fiery burst, she disappeared. Peter felt a renewed energy coursing through his body. The true nature of his power was restored by The Phoenix.

He understood what he must do. In angst, he set forth on his journey.

[11 Days Later]

Peter stood above Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, watching in concern as newly formed dust clouds become ravaged by the high speed winds. ...Or was it wind? He felt the presence of one other person, and he empathized. He walked. toward the ledge, and to his surprise, his motion lasted such a small amount of time, he questioned himself whether he had actually moved at all. He started running. Down the walls of the canyon, destroying the same dust clouds he once felt sorry for.

*CRACK* Peter lay on the ground, blinking fireflies out of his eyes.

"Well, that certainly was unfortunate." A figure in red spandex stood up, brushing himself off.

Peter looked at him groggily. "And who'r'you?" he questioned.

"Well, I'm the guy that you came looking for. Name's Wallace West, call me Wally." He flashed a winning grin. "The real question is, why you? Couldn't Phoenix take care of this herself?"

"I don't really know. I wasn't doing this consciously , I just...kind of... came here." Peter was complexed.

"Well, don't look so angst-y. Don't bother explaining to me the whole spiel, I already went back in time and listened in on your conversation with Jean."

He flashed another grin.

"When did you-?"

"You'll discover the perks of this power soon enough. I'll leave you too it, getting everyone else. Galapagos Islands, is it?"

"What?" Peter was still confused.

"Sure it is. I'll meet you there." And Wally was gone in a Flash.

Victorious Secret write-up, continued.

Peter found himself in Long Island. He never liked it here, the air was always too crisp, and it seemed the wind here was the only wind his breaker couldn't break. Port Washington. Peter dashed up over the gate, to the front door. For some reason, he felt colder. He thought about knocking, but considering the importance of this task, he creaked the door open and slunk inside. He was greeted by the most magnificent of sights.

Everything appeared to be crafted out of crystal. Peter stood in awe as gigantic, transparent chandeliers swayed from the ceiling. He noticed his body temperature was no longer anchored by biology, and even though inside this mansion the air was well below freezing, he was comfortable. He grabbed the sleeve of his windbreaker and slid it off, and tossed it aside. Thwap. It stuck to one of the glistening columns. After exploring for a while, he wondered what he was looking for, what he was sent here to do.

He walked up to a crystal statue of a man, admiring the craftsman ship. The eyes looked so real.

It blinked.

Peter gasped, and stumbled backward. The crystalline man changed his hue to be more normal looking.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, that works every time!!! Every single time!" The man was now doubled over in a frosty laughter.

"But... why-" Peter attempted to speak.

"Dude, you can't tell I'm here when I have no vital signs!! I totally know who you are. Jean already pretty much told me the whole deal, I just wanted you freak out!" He continued laughing.

"Who are you?" Peter looked on with angst.

"I'm Bobby Drake! So cool to meet you! Yeah, I know your deal. You get our powers by being near us, and you are supposed to be so understanding and conflicted. My advice, dude. Chill out."

Bobby transformed back into his full ice body. "Dude, when I'm like this, call me Iceman. By the way, I noticed you were checking out my work" He brandished his blue hand towards the chandeliers and pillars. "All ice, my man. I'm telling you, this is great. Don't steal my designs though! See you on the islands!" And Bobby promptly walked through the front door, and zipped away, leaving a trail of ice behind.

Peter awoke in the tunnels under London. A strange man in a mask held a rose. He appeared to glance at Peter, and he began pacing.

"I have no powers for you to possess, but what I can offer goes further than any ability. I am a vendor of virtue and veracity, and I use vicious vices to sway the vandals of our vanity toward one, vital view. When villains hope to vindicate their various vocations, I volunteer to void their volatility, I venture to vocalize our evolution. This vision exists not in vengeance, but instead in vivid virulence for those who make vows of violence, and we will vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the vicious and voracious violation of volition. While there are those who would simply dismiss my validity as venomous vitriol, I would hope that you are one who would not as we strive for victory. I might add that it is my pleasure to have you in my company and you may call me V."

Peter was taken aback as V carved a 'v' into the wall using a stiletto.

V continued "I know why you have come, and I know I must leave London. I would hope you have it within you to complete your errand, but hope is so subjective. I will, however, see you on the fantastic island I was told to vacation to." And with a whip of his cloak, V was gone.

Peter blinked in angst. A rush of air took him by surprise. He has sprinted back in time. In time, he came across a marble building. He wandered inside, where he heard voices.

A man whispered "Then what must a king do to save his world when the very laws he has sworn to protect force him to do nothing?"

Peter felt compelled to interrupt. "It is not a question of what a citizen should do, nor a husband, nor a king. Instead, ask yourself, what should a free man do?" He put his hand to his mouth in awe.

The man looked up from his wife. The moment was frozen in time, only the man and Peter were aware.

"And, who might you be? What sorcery is this?" The man began to get angry.

Peter found himself talking again. "Save your anger good King Leonidas, for your concern is a resource. We need you."

"Need me for what, I might ask?" Leonidas was perplexed.

"These ideals you worked so hard to create are challenged in a time far gone from your own. However, we need your strategy, we need your fire, we need your strenght. Come with me. I am Peter Petrelli."

"To another time?"

"You will return to this exact moment once success is achieved." Peter explained.

"Time travel!? This is madness!"

"Madness, no. This is a Nokiaaaaa!!." Peter pulled out his cell phone. Phoenix then transported them both back to the Galapagos Islands, where they began planning the defense of the world.
Victorious Secret made the unanimous decision to attack villainous baddies in teams of two, but occasionally they would fight as a unit.

Iceman decided to partner up with Peter Petrelli. Jean Grey allowed Peter to copy some of her powers, but blocked the phoenix force from manifesting in Peter.

Jean Grey and Leonidas paired up, as did V and the Flash.

Positions within the team:
Peter - de facto Leader, recruiter
Phoenix - best weapon
V - strategist behind the scenes, occasionally on the battlefield
The Flash - Team Messenger, one of the main fighters
Iceman - main fighter on the front
King Leonidas - leader in battles, bankroller of the operation.