Superhero Redux Draft

I am going to take this as my turn to pick now. I re-entered this heroes draft with the sole intention of correcting an error I had made with my final pick the previous time around. One of my favorite all-time heroes who managed to slip my mind until it was too late.

And now, with the opportunity to correct that mistake, I'm skipping it again, because my inner child simply will not let me pass up the chance to create a heroic dreamteam.

For that reason, to join Superman and Captain America on my starting line, I select:

Optimus Prime

Prime is just as iconic as Supes and Cap, so I don't feel I really need to break down his powers, skills, virtues, honors and leadership abilities.

I'll only say I am slightly perturbed as to how excitied I am to fictionally bring these three cartoon superheroes together on the same team. Scares me a little actually.

Note to Jespher: I'd appreciate if you moved Prime up to #2 or #3 on my team ranking board.
Sorry for the longish wait, a poker match kept me from answering the call yesterday evening. So let's go with the not to be underestimated "most difficult to spell" pick.

Väinämöinen (Kalevala)äinämöinen

I feel, for some reason, that it is necessary to have at least one mythological hero on your side and since I try to avoid usual suspects (Greek mythology, Arthurean legend, etc.), I'll just go where I'll always go when in doubt: Finland!

The Kalevala is a poem that's based on Finnish lore. In the original stories, Väinämöinen was a god that created the world, however, since my team is already replete with omnipotent beings, I'll take the Kalevala version of him. In this version, he is merely the hero and central character.

wiki said:
In the 19th century, some folklorists, most notably Elias Lönnrot, the writer of Kalevala, disputed Väinämöinen's mythological background, claiming that he was an ancient hero, or an influential shaman who lived perhaps in the 9th century.[1] Stripping Väinämöinen from his direct godlike characteristics, Lönnrot turned Väinämöinen to the son of the primal goddess Ilmatar, whom Lönnrot had invented by himself. In this story, it was she who was floating in the sea when a duck laid eggs on her knee. He possessed the wisdom of the ages from birth, for he was in his mother's womb for seven hundred and thirty years, while she was floating in the sea and while the earth was formed. It is after praying to the sun, the moon, and the great bear (the stars, referring to Ursa Major) he is able to escape his mother's womb and dive into the sea.
Väinämöinen is presented as the 'eternal bard', who exerts order over chaos and established the land of Kaleva, that so many of the events in Kalevala revolve around. His search for a wife brings the land of Kaleva into, at first friendly, but later hostile contact with its dark and threatening neighbour in the north, Pohjola. This conflict culminates in the creation and theft of the Sampo, a magical artifact made by Ilmarinen; and the subsequent mission to recapture it, and a battle which ends up splintering the Sampo and dispersing its parts around the world to parts unknown.

Väinämöinen also demonstrated his magical voice by sinking the impetuous Joukahainen into a bog by singing. Väinämöinen also slays a great pike and makes a magical kantele from its jawbones.
Väinämöinen's end is a hubristic one. The 50th and final poem of the Kalevala tells the story of the maiden Marjatta, who becomes pregnant after eating a berry, giving birth to a baby boy. This child is brought to Väinämöinen to examine and judge. His verdict is that such a strangely-born infant needs to be put to death. In reply, the newborn child, mere two weeks old, chides the old sage for his sins and transgressions, such as allowing the maiden Aino, sister of Joukahainen to drown herself. Following this, the baby is baptized and named king of Kalevala. Defeated, Väinämöinen goes to the shores of the sea, where he sings for himself a boat of copper, with which he sails away from the mortal realms. In his final words, he promises that there shall be a time when he shall return, when his crafts and might shall once again be needed. Thematically, the 50th poem thus echoes the arrival of Christianity to Finland and the subsequent fading into history of the old pagan beliefs. This is a common theme among epics, for in the tale of King Arthur, Arthur declares a similar promise before departing for Avalon. This also echoes the themes in the second coming of Jesus Christ.
In the original translation of Kalevala into English (by John Martin Crawford (1888)), Väinämöinen's name was anglicised as Wainamoinen.
I believe there will be a trade. I must go to my math finals, so pending approval: (As proposed by Lowenherz, I pm'ed him last night.)

I trade my last pick to Lowenherz for Lancelot.

I will need to hear back from both Lowenherz and Jespher on that one.
I believe there will be a trade. I must go to my math finals, so pending approval: (As proposed by Lowenherz, I pm'ed him last night.)

I trade my last pick to Lowenherz for Lancelot.

I will need to hear back from both Lowenherz and Jespher on that one.
That trade is fine by me. We'll have to hear back from Lowenherz to make it official and then SLAB will be on the clock.
All right, trade with ryanandty completed. Lancelot is a Hall of Famer, but after his defeat to the Rabbit of Caerbannog last season, my franchise decided to go in a different direction and give him a change of scenery.

So with that, this pick falls to me and now I get to round out my team with a personal favorite superheroine about whom I've been kicking myself for having neglected the first time around.

For the final spot on my roster, I select:

Aspen Matthews - Fathom

I'm glad to get this pick in before the anticipated Megan Fox film hits theaters and either shoots Aspen's stock up by introducing her to the mainstream consciousness as Watchmen did for Dr. Manhattan or completely destroys her by being god-awful - which is more likely.

Aspen is a hybrid of two ocean-dwelling races giving her a near-complete mastery over all liquids, particularly water - manipulating it, forming it into solid shapes and even turning into it and disappating (think a T-1000 heroine in a bikini). The "all-liquids" part is important though because that includes the blood running through a person's veins which naturally leaves quite a lot to the imagination.

She can also control the oceans on a grander scale, creating everything from minor surf to tsunamis. Additionally, a portion of her heritage has given her non-aquatic based powers including energy manipilation and telepathy.

I'll be honest; ultimately, while Aspen is certainly no slouch in the powers department, this is mainly a style pick. But with three titans of comic herodom manning my front lines I feel comfortable picking up a fan favorite.

And if comic babes truly win the votes, Aspen and Samus create quite the tandem.
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Hall of Famer
"It's time to nut up, or shut up."

Tallahasse --- Zombieland

Simply described, this man is the single greatest killer of zombies on this earth. He enjoys every minute of it, has zero fear because he knows the zombies cannot touch him at all.

For one to survive in Zombieland, you need to be bad. And this guy knows what to do with a bad guy.
Sorry for the time-out, I had to study for an AP test. Next I take:

To continue with my team of Rambo and cuddlies, I take Kirby. Nothing better than seeing a cute, pink... uhh... whatever he is... kick a**.
Sorry for the time-out, I had to study for an AP test. Next I take:

To continue with my team of Rambo and cuddlies, I take Kirby. Nothing better than seeing a cute, pink... uhh... whatever he is... kick a**.
LOL. I just imagined him sucking up Sylar and getting that stupid haircut and cutting off people's heads with his stub.
I thought Captain Sully was not eligible - because he is a REAL person. Come on, lets stick to the rules.
I don't see the rule you think GeraldWallace#3 is breaking with this pick. Did you mean this one?
Jespher said:
You must choose heroes that have already been created and published and popularly known (Comics/TV/ Movies/Video Games/Mythology/Literature/Etc.). The categories are broad enough to pick from already existing ones, thanx.
I do see your point with the word AND, however, I contend that Captain Sully is popularly known, lives on earth, and would be able to travel to a base on/near earth. He was made (created) a hero by the media (published) and celebrated as such. Sure, he might not pose a threat to Silver Surfer, but he is eligible for this draft in my mind...
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With my final pick I take:

His name is bobobo-bo bo-bobo and yes that is his mustache hitting those baddies. Bo-bobo has the ability to hear hair! Hey, maybe I might not have the strongest team, but it sure would be the most intriguing.


Hall of Famer
With my final pick I take:

His name is bobobo-bo bo-bobo and yes that is his mustache hitting those baddies. Bo-bobo has the ability to hear hair! Hey, maybe I might not have the strongest team, but it sure would be the most intriguing.

I remember seeing a few of these episodes on Adult Swim years ago, and just rolling on the floor because of the absurdity of absolutely everything that happened on the bizarre show.

I don't see the rule you think GeraldWallace#3 is breaking with this pick. Did you mean this one?

I do see your point with the word AND, however, I contend that Captain Sully is popularly known, lives on earth, and would be able to travel to a base on/near earth. He was made (created) a hero by the media (published) and celebrated as such. Sure, he might not pose a threat to Silver Surfer, but he is eligible for this draft in my mind...
By that philosophy, Kim Kardashian is eligible.
To socialites everywhere.

Either way, Capt Sully is only heroic subjectively. In my opinion, he just did his job.

We established that real people aren't eligible, and I'd like the draft to stick by those rules.

Doesn't matter if the media built him up as a hero, the media built up a lot of people as heroes. If he can take Capt. Sully, then who is to say I can't take John Kerry or John McCain? They were heroes built up by the media too.

It isn't just me, there are a few of the other participants who are kinda saying WTF
To socialites everywhere.

Either way, Capt Sully is only heroic subjectively. In my opinion, he just did his job.

We established that real people aren't eligible, and I'd like the draft to stick by those rules.

Doesn't matter if the media built him up as a hero, the media built up a lot of people as heroes. If he can take Capt. Sully, then who is to say I can't take John Kerry or John McCain? They were heroes built up by the media too.

It isn't just me, there are a few of the other participants who are kinda saying WTF
I do understand where you're coming from Venom_7. I would like GeraldWallace#3 to respond/state his case, or repick...
To socialites everywhere.

Either way, Capt Sully is only heroic subjectively. In my opinion, he just did his job.

We established that real people aren't eligible, and I'd like the draft to stick by those rules.

Doesn't matter if the media built him up as a hero, the media built up a lot of people as heroes. If he can take Capt. Sully, then who is to say I can't take John Kerry or John McCain? They were heroes built up by the media too.

It isn't just me, there are a few of the other participants who are kinda saying WTF

I've never read any rule that states that real people aren't eligible, and if there is one then I'd be happy to remake my pick. Like Jespher said the rules clearly state

Jespher said:
You must choose heroes that have already been created and published and popularly known (Comics/TV/ Movies/Video Games/Mythology/Literature/Etc.). The categories are broad enough to pick from already existing ones, thanx.

Nowhere does it say that I can't have a real person.

Jespher said in last years draft

Jespher said:
They don't have to have a "super power", if they help your team some other way:).

As for your comment about Kim Kardashian and McCain/Kerry they are not widely regarded as "heros" and I don't remeber ever hearing of them preforming such a feat as Sully's. although you say the public made Sully out to be a hero, I dont understand how saving over one hundred people's lives is not heroic enough for you. After all the definition of a hero is

1.a (person) of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his/her brave deeds and noble qualities.2.a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal: He was a local hero when he saved the drowning child.

And if saving 100's of REAL people's lives isn't your definition of a "hero" then just tell me what is?
To socialites everywhere.

Either way, Capt Sully is only heroic subjectively. In my opinion, he just did his job.

We established that real people aren't eligible, and I'd like the draft to stick by those rules.

Doesn't matter if the media built him up as a hero, the media built up a lot of people as heroes. If he can take Capt. Sully, then who is to say I can't take John Kerry or John McCain? They were heroes built up by the media too.

It isn't just me, there are a few of the other participants who are kinda saying WTF

Oh and by the way you are contradicting yourself by picking King Leonidas, who was a REAL king in ancient Sparta. And I do specifically remember a rule stating that historical figures were to be left off.
Okay, this was difficult. Alas, after a hundred indecisions, a hundred visions and revisions (before the taking of a toast and tea), finally, despite there being many, many others out there to consider:

Cole MacGrath - Infamous

So, obviously I'm going with the good version here. For those that don't know, the game leaves it to you, whether you play it as a good character, or as a bad character. Although I usually embrace opportunities for mindless destruction and the like, this game was actually more fun to play as a good character. Mostly because having pedestrians attack me was a huge pain, but still.

Anyway, Cole is a conduit, meaning that after being exposed to an explosion the result of which is the complete quarantine of the city the game is set in, he, along with others, gained superpowers. His are mostly electricity based, but he can also fall down vast heights, even slow down and control his fall, heal others, bring them back to life even and handcuff enemies with lightning cuffs. His attack powers are pretty straightforward, he shoots people with lightning (can also do precision attacks), can attack multiple enemies at one time and summon a massive bolt of lightning that destroys pretty much everything in its way. He also heals himself and gains power with the help of electric currents, meaning that if I had an endless source of energy on my island, he'd be pretty much unstoppable. I'm sure that Dr. Manhattan can see to that.
And with that we're off to phase 4. Time to build your base. ryanandty is on the clock.

Phase 4: Build Your Base
For the final round, drafters will choose the home base of their team. This location must be in close proximity to or on Earth. Higher seeds will have home-field advantage in the playoffs, and the matches will take place around the higher seeded team's headquarters. Once this round is finished we will have a 5 day window for write-ups and rankings before the first round of playoffs will begin. ryanandty is on the clock. Let the games begin!
[yt=All Your Base]qItugh-fFgg[/yt]
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For a variety of strategic reasons which include:

Superior acoustic landscape - sounds have been known to carry from here to villages over ten miles away; reverberation of footsteps off of other cliff walls has returned to visitors, scaring them into believing they are being followed, etc...

It's 1200 feet up on top of a cliff - virtually inaccessible if you don't approach it from the air.

No water needed - Cisterns serve the immediate needs of occupying party.

It's believed to be haunted - spooky stuff.

Surrounded by desert.

Lots of jousting space.

MASADA - Stronghold of the zealots.

For historical background:

May be more to follow:
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Hall of Famer
Thinking of what to do here...

My base will be Mt. Olympus.
If it is good enough for the Greek Gods, it is more than good enough for my crew.
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