Sonics @ Kings Game Thread ( payback)

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Hall of Famer
First let me start with


Game 3 for all of You that still live away from civilisation or still stuck in a "stone age". Kings down 0-2 which was not really expected but it is what it is. It can only get better. Kings are in trouble and it looks at the moment like it will be Sonics in 5 but the evil hope decided to stuck in the Pandora's box. Something is telling me that Finley was involved.
0-2 is trouble but the way that Kings play is not only trouble it is not encouraging either. Basically, we have to win 4/5 next games to advance, including a eventual win in game 7. Now, some 1,2,3, years ago I would say - no big deal but then again some 1,2,3, years ago this Seattle team would have been swept. For us to turn this around we need an "attitude makeover" Everyone needs a long look in the mirror. Some of them need to learn how to spell "team". Others need to "give a damn."
The deep look into this team does not make one become more optimistic. Kings are a team without identity and leadership which in my opinion reflects the coach somewhat more than the players. Additionally, the team consist of a bad mix of players that are eithe too similar or too different. Also - game 1 was the first game they ever played together.If You consider that 3 of the best players are more or less UIOF- all of this can be accepted and one could live with it. Unfortunately, there is lack of passion, intensity, effort, heart, and absolute 0 "sence of urgency" which are unacceptable and unexcusable. We have lost a PO series every year (hence no ring yet) but we have ALWAYS offer good resistance. We battled and fought. That is missing so far. Losing a "war" without a bullet being shot - against " an enemy" which is not superior by any means - is an act of a coward. (this analogy might be too harsh but it is the best I could think off). I hope to be proven wrong here but realistically ...
Reading the previous passage things do appear pretty negative so the question raises - why bother ? why waste nerves, time, money etc ? Well, I can not answer that question for all of You but here is MY answer(s).

I still believe !

I do. Not that I have choice in that matter, really. I am a Kings fan hence I have nobody else to root for. In am not the only one either. If You think otherwise - just take a look at ARCO tomorow night.
Additionally, I like most of the players. I am hard on them and sometimes I don't like what they have to offer on the floor but they also produced many moments of joy. Sometimes I think that I want it more than they do but there is no way of knowing. I really want them to do well.
There are many things I could talk about the last game. I planed to discuss Adelman decisions, Pedja's 2nd half, Mobley's selfishness, Bibby's defense and many more but there are allready many discussinos going on about it. Too many. I does not matter anyway. The situation at hand does not really allow to look back - just forward. One does not really need to be a rocket scientist to figure out the situation. On the other hand we might need a rocket scientist to figure the way out and soon.
It does not matter what individual players will do tomorow night. We need to play as a team and we need to score at least one point more than the Sonics.
Our players need to do


to win this game. If we can change the momentum tomorow night and go back to Seattle with 2-2 the series will change dramatically. Otherwise Sonics in 5.
Sonics - might win the series but they are not more talented team. They seam to be more insync, better coached and they seam to want it more. It is about time to change that.
Tomorows game is on BSPN. You all know what that means. Still better than TNT where Kings are 1-7 or so this season. I strongly recomand a mute button and hope for Tolbert.
Rest of the PO series totally irrelevant.

Double E

I didn't read most of your analysis, so you may have already written this.
Right now we have won as many playoff games this season as the Lakers. Lets hope that changes Friday night.


Hall of Famer
Double E said:
I didn't read most of your analysis, so you may have already written this.
Right now we have won as many playoff games this season as the Lakers. Lets hope that changes Friday night.
that is not a consolation at all

Double E

piksi said:
that is not a consolation at all
Its the sad truth of the status of our post-Webb-Vlade-Doug team. We are like some of our hated and weakened rivals. Mediocore.
Its funny. a few weeks ago all I read on this board was how great Crolis and skinner and thomas were. they were playing so great. The kings as receiently as last week were scoring 120 point a game. How fast you all turn on this team. Your ready to get rid of the coach and petri. I have news for you....this trade was not made for this year, it was for next year. We have players we can bundle in a trade, with webber that was impossible. Sure, we may not win this series but that is not reason to put down every player on the team. The coach does not go out and miss the shots or play bad defense. All he can do is give his team the game plan and if they don't exciute, then its their fault, not his. He coached his butt off last game. He took out all the starters and put in the bench players and it was them who got us back in to the game. first I read about the coach not playing all the players in the playoff, going with a 7 man rotation. now when he does play all the players you call him a bad coach and call for his head. your either with them or your against them. The coach more than anyone is the reason we are even in the playoffs. A real fan is with the team win or lose. its easy being a fan when they win...the hard thing is being a fan and supporting them when they lose.


Hall of Famer
KingsFan54 said:
He took out all the starters and put in the bench players and it was them who got us back in to the game.
Actually, we were never really back in the game. Closest we came was -7 mostly due to a Sonic's letdown
The letdown was because we were playing smart, passing the ball, hitting the open man, not being a ball haug. It doesn't matter what this team does, something is going to be wrong with it. The team battles back from 26 down to 7 and that isn't back in the game? the do close to 7 and its the other team not ours that helped us do that. I give up.:confused:
I just got off the phone with the Atlanta PD and they have assured me that warrants are out for the Hawks arrest for kidnapping and impersonating a basketball team (Kings). Apparantly they thought Seattle was far enough away that they wouldn't get caught. I have been assured that the real team will be back tomorrow nite.That definitely explains everything!!!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
KingsFan54 said:
The letdown was because we were playing smart, passing the ball, hitting the open man, not being a ball haug. It doesn't matter what this team does, something is going to be wrong with it. The team battles back from 26 down to 7 and that isn't back in the game? the do close to 7 and its the other team not ours that helped us do that. I give up.:confused:
Well, I think the Sonics letdown was pretty obvious and pretty dramatic. They just quit playing -- you kind of have to to threaten to blow a 26pt lead in a quarter. We weren't playing THAT great.

Actually one of the reasons why there is still hope in this series. The cracks of our patched together team are showing under the strain of the playoffs, but the Sonics are not, and have not looked like, a playoff tough team with a step on your throat mentality. If we pop them hard on the nose here at home, who knows how they respond. They are still capable of collapse themselves. Down 2-0 to the Spurs or Pistons like this, time to selct your favorite fishing spot. But the Sonics haven't shown that killer instinct yet + we still have a chance to make things interesting because of it.
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There is no some big philosophy about this game-KINGS MUST WIN.Although,that's the thing which scares me.There will be a lot of presure in our players head's.They know that they will losse this series if they don't win tomorow and Sonics are pretty comfortable for tomorow.They probably want to win at least one game in Arco.
Step up KINGS,show some good bball out there!
Also,I hope that Brad will finally get minutes and show why he is All-star!


Super Moderator Emeritus
piksi said:
I still believe !

I do. Not that I have choice in that matter, really. I am a Kings fan hence I have nobody else to root for. In am not the only one either. If You think otherwise - just take a look at ARCO tomorow night.

Additionally, I like most of the players. I am hard on them and sometimes I don't like what they have to offer on the floor but they also produced many moments of joy. Sometimes I think that I want it more than they do but there is no way of knowing. I really want them to do well.

If we lose game 3 I may go full tilt...

Hopefully with the practice, along with more rest for Bibby, Miller and Bjax we will be fine.

Its Peja time now. He needs to step up to the plate and prove himself.
I think this is a game the Kings can and will win. It'd be nice to see them minimize their mistakes so they can win by double digits. It could get really dangerous if they keep the Sonics in striking distance; there's no need for that kind of pressure, the Kings need to take care of business and erase all doubt tomorrow night.
Are we on ESPN or ESPN2 tmrw nite? I thought it was the first one but seems to think it's 2 so which is it? I have to set my VCR for this one and can't tape both.
I've been perusing analyses in the threads. I thought of posting some of my thoughts on this team and how, what, who, when and where. But I find at this point I don't want to discuss any of that. I just want to root for our guys and hope they win. I just want to believe in my heart that they will win. I will be at the game tomorrow. I will be screaming my heart out onto the floor. And I never leave until the last fraction of a second has ticked off the clock, no matter what. The Kings are my team....that's all that matters.
Double E said:
I didn't read most of your analysis, so you may have already written this.
Right now we have won as many playoff games this season as the Lakers. Lets hope that changes Friday night.

It better! I am going tomorrow night and I want to see a kings victory!
loopymitch said:
Are we on ESPN or ESPN2 tmrw nite? I thought it was the first one but seems to think it's 2 so which is it? I have to set my VCR for this one and can't tape both.
It will be on ESPN. However, I won't be able to watch it since I will be at work. :(


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Rockmeister said:
It will be on ESPN. However, I won't be able to watch it since I will be at work. :(

Rockmeister, aren't you feeling a little flushed and lightheaded? I feel something coming on for you. ;)

kennadog said:
I've been perusing analyses in the threads. I thought of posting some of my thoughts on this team and how, what, who, when and where. But I find at this point I don't want to discuss any of that. I just want to root for our guys and hope they win. I just want to believe in my heart that they will win. I will be at the game tomorrow. I will be screaming my heart out onto the floor. And I never leave until the last fraction of a second has ticked off the clock, no matter what. The Kings are my team....that's all that matters.
We expect our guys to bring their game, we've got to bring ours! Let's BLOW THE ROOF OFF OF ARCO!!
it sucks having to work at night this time of year!!! I do whatever I can not to find out the outcome of the game before I watch it or it's not the same. When you know what happened before you watch it just takes the excitement out of it. I feel you Rock. Maybe we should both come down with play off flu. Thanks for the info BTW.
Gonna Rock The Barn Tonite !!!

I'll be there with my wife and one of my 2-kids (my daughter) ..... can't believe my son has a "better offer" ...

King's need our support .... they can count on me !!!
For some reason I am predicting a Kings blowout win tonight. I really think the ARCO Thunder is going to rattle some of the less experienced Sonics(Ridnour and James especially) and the Kings will win this one going away.
I hope the kings can play with some intesity tonight now that they are home at arco arena. I miss sactown, should be crazy in sacramento during playoffs. To all who is going to the game; please keep arco as I remember... "the loudest arena in the NBA".
Ryle said:
For some reason I am predicting a Kings blowout win tonight. I really think the ARCO Thunder is going to rattle some of the less experienced Sonics(Ridnour and James especially) and the Kings will win this one going away.
Dont predict a win... we did that last time and we lost. dont put your hopes up because its gonna hurt like hell...
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