"SNEEK PEEK" of Brandon Jennings and Johnny Flynn



I actually think J'rue will be the best PG out of the crop this year. Probably Flynn 2nd, but not on the defensive end.
Brandon Jennings vs an Angry Kings/Rubio Fan via Twitter.

@BJennings So Rubio led his team while you could barely get off the bench and he's all hype?! give me a break

@Kings2k9 so that means he's better then me??? He's not sorry, he's a good player. I just wanna workout against everybody

@BJennings You played him when he was hurt. He had a bad game against you and now you think youre better. I wish he worked out with you too

@Kings2k9 O! If your that hurt why get out there and Play.

@BJennings3 but if you're gonna be immature and talk **** about him to the press, don't come on here and act all innocent

@Kings2k9 I can see your a fan of him. So I understand why you mad. Its cool. He is a Good Player though.

Really guys this Rubio love is getting out of hand....lol
Brandon Jennings vs an Angry Kings/Rubio Fan via Twitter.

@BJennings So Rubio led his team while you could barely get off the bench and he's all hype?! give me a break

@Kings2k9 so that means he's better then me??? He's not sorry, he's a good player. I just wanna workout against everybody

@BJennings You played him when he was hurt. He had a bad game against you and now you think youre better. I wish he worked out with you too

@Kings2k9 O! If your that hurt why get out there and Play.

@BJennings3 but if you're gonna be immature and talk **** about him to the press, don't come on here and act all innocent

@Kings2k9 I can see your a fan of him. So I understand why you mad. Its cool. He is a Good Player though.

Really guys this Rubio love is getting out of hand....lol
Lol.. wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't one of the Rubio supporters posting above...
Brandon Jennings vs an Angry Kings/Rubio Fan via Twitter.

@BJennings So Rubio led his team while you could barely get off the bench and he's all hype?! give me a break

@Kings2k9 so that means he's better then me??? He's not sorry, he's a good player. I just wanna workout against everybody

@BJennings You played him when he was hurt. He had a bad game against you and now you think youre better. I wish he worked out with you too

@Kings2k9 O! If your that hurt why get out there and Play.

@BJennings3 but if you're gonna be immature and talk **** about him to the press, don't come on here and act all innocent

@Kings2k9 I can see your a fan of him. So I understand why you mad. Its cool. He is a Good Player though.

Really guys this Rubio love is getting out of hand....lol

I swear there must be a Ricky Rubio CULT going on out there... with a statue of Ricky and his followers praying to it every day and sacrificing their blood. Every time somebody says anything remotely bad about Ricky, these cult followers jump all over it. So Jennings thinks he's better than Rubio and that Rubio is all hype, big deal; he has a right to his opinion. We'll eventually get to see how good these guys are when they compete in the NBA. I love youtube videos of Jennings and Rubio, but they BOTH might turn out to be busts. We won't know until they come over and compete.
Brandon Jennings vs an Angry Kings/Rubio Fan via Twitter.

@BJennings So Rubio led his team while you could barely get off the bench and he's all hype?! give me a break

@Kings2k9 so that means he's better then me??? He's not sorry, he's a good player. I just wanna workout against everybody

@BJennings You played him when he was hurt. He had a bad game against you and now you think youre better. I wish he worked out with you too

@Kings2k9 O! If your that hurt why get out there and Play.

@BJennings3 but if you're gonna be immature and talk **** about him to the press, don't come on here and act all innocent

@Kings2k9 I can see your a fan of him. So I understand why you mad. Its cool. He is a Good Player though.

Really guys this Rubio love is getting out of hand....lol
Yea, umm... whats with that kings2k9 guy?:eek:
I have no problem with Jennings talking trash on Rubio , they asked him right, he stated facts the stat line when they played. If u wanna win u gotta have that edge, i personally think most NBA players are to nice on the court to each other, when the games going on u should want to destroy the other team no holds bar type stuff.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
That's not how I would have responded to the question, certainly it does show some immaturity on his part, but it's hardly a deal breaker. And I don't think this has anything to do with whether he'll be a good teammate or a good leader or not. All I got out of that exchange is that Jennings is a little upset that Rubio is ranked above him and he's looking forward to going against him for real and proving which is the better player on the court. He's not the most media-savvy guy out there, but is that really what we care about now? If Brandon Jennings turns out to be a better player than Rubio are you going to be upset that he's not 'Barrack Obama' smooth in press conferences? Every guy out there thinks they're the best. Some are just better at playing pretend and saying the right thing than others. I kindof prefer the honest guys myself. I had no problem with Artest for instance. You knew he was saying what he believes. Kobe's "say the right thing at all times even when you don't mean it" antics kindof annoy me.
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I'm a big Rubio fan, but I have nothing against what Jennings said. He has every right to his opinion. It's funny we always get upset when players give the generic answers to all the questions they get or wish these guys would really honestly answer questions but then whenever they do they just get ripped on for not saying what people think they should say.
After watching several videos of Flynn, what struck me is how mature and composed he is. His is very diplomatic and his communication skill is very good. He is only seven months older than Jennings but is years ahead in terms of soft skill.

You can picture this guy running a team and being a leader on the floor. I can see why he's shooting up the draft board.

Jennings still has some growing up to do, but he's still young. I can't fault a guy for speaking his mind in front of open mic when the VP of our country does it on a almost weekly basis.
That's not how I would have responded to the question, certainly it does show some immaturity on his part, but it's hardly a deal breaker. And I don't think this has anything to do with whether he'll be a good teammate or a good leader or not. All I got out of that exchange is that Jennings is a little upset that Rubio is ranked above him and he's looking forward to going against him for real and proving which is the better player on the court. He's not the most media-savvy guy out there, but is that really what we care about now? If Brandon Jennings turns out to be a better player than Rubio are you going to be upset that he's not 'Barrack Obama' smooth in press conferences? Every guy out there thinks they're the best. Some are just better at playing pretend and saying the right thing than others. I kindof prefer the honest guys myself. I had no problem with Artest for instance. You knew he was saying what he believes. Kobe's "say the right thing at all times even when you don't mean it" antics kindof annoy me.
Look, I never said it was a deal breaker, but these comments along with what he said about Evans and Holiday is coming off very childish. He doesn't give intelligent reasons to his opinion anyways, and outright misrepresents the game he had against Rubio. I have no problem with confidence and thinking you're the best, but doing it by bringing others down and bragging about some misleading box score is just plain weak and it makes him look more like a jealous poser trying to raise his draft stock rather than a confident player giving his honest opinion.

There's only so much you can really find out about a player during this whole process, you have to take every bit of evidence you have. I'm not suggesting reading too far into things, but there are red flags and that should be taken note of. You can never tell for sure, but you can never tell for sure in any part of scouting. He's already a very raw player at a very important position that will need a lot of time, a strong work ethic, and the right attitude to develop into a guy worthy of our top pick.

Yeah and how much of that "honesty" has served him as a basketball player? He is the epitome of immature and his comments are a reflection of that (as well as being completely bat s**t insane,) and that is why he's never going to amount to even half of what he could have if he had his head screwed on straight. That honesty being pleasing to you has nothing to do with winning basketball games.

Being a basketball player requires exceptional mental toughness and composure. You're constantly under the microscope and under a lot of pressure, that's the way it is and it's not so much about saying the right thing as it is about being able to show restraint and composure under pressure.

I reiterate, it's not a deal breaker, but you have to have higher standards with these things for players that are huge risks, you have to be confident that they have the right mentality to achieve their upside. And while these comments may mean nothing as far his future, I do think they are signs that lower the probability that he is worthy of being picked at 4. You can't just ignore signs of immaturity when it's been in question for most of his amateur career.

For the record (this isn't directed at you) this has nothing to do with Rubio for me. Since last year I've really wanted to like Jennings, but I have to be honest about the red flags he shows. It's far from over with any of these guys, but this is worthy of seriously noting.
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Hall of Famer

Marbury without the talent? Or AI without the talent?

Only time will tell....

...Everything I've heard about the kid makes me hope some other team makes the mistake of drafting him.


Look, I never said it was a deal breaker, but these comments along with what he said about Evans and Holiday is coming off very childish. He doesn't give intelligent reasons to his opinion anyways, and outright misrepresents the game he had against Rubio. I have no problem with confidence and thinking you're the best, but doing it by bringing others down and bragging about some misleading box score is just plain weak and it makes him look more like a jealous poser trying to raise his draft stock rather than a confident player giving his honest opinion.

There's only so much you can really find out about a player during this whole process, you have to take every bit of evidence you have. I'm not suggesting reading too far into things, but there are red flags and that should be taken note of. You can never tell for sure, but you can never tell for sure in any part of scouting. He's already a very raw player at a very important position that will need a lot of time, a strong work ethic, and the right attitude to develop into a guy worthy of our top pick.

Yeah and how much of that "honesty" has served him as a basketball player? He is the epitome of immature and his comments are a reflection of that (as well as being completely bat s**t insane,) and that is why he's never going to amount to even half of what he could have if he had his head screwed on straight. That honesty being pleasing to you has nothing to do with winning basketball games.

Being a basketball player requires exceptional mental toughness and composure. You're constantly under the microscope and under a lot of pressure, that's the way it is and it's not so much about saying the right thing as it is about being able to show restraint and composure under pressure.

I reiterate, it's not a deal breaker, but you have to have higher standards with these things for players that are huge risks, you have to be confident that they have the right mentality to achieve their upside. And while these comments may mean nothing as far his future, I do think they are signs that lower the probability that he is worthy of being picked at 4. You can't just ignore signs of immaturity when it's been in question for most of his amateur career.

For the record (this isn't directed at you) this has nothing to do with Rubio for me. Since last year I've really wanted to like Jennings, but I have to be honest about the red flags he shows. It's far from over with any of these guys, but this is worthy of seriously noting.
So, then what about Rose and his gang photo? In my opinion, that is more damaging/immature than Jennings trash talking. Should Chicago have gone with Beasley?
I wasn't that high on Jennings before the workout, and this interview didn't help his cause imo. Right now I would rank him as the 4th best pg in this draft, and that is based on potential, as well as a year of pro ball. But ahead of Jennings I would put:
1) Rubio
2) Flynn
3) Curry
4) Jennings
I don't think what he said was that bad, just a young guy talking trash to help his draft position. But looking at the demeanor of Flynn, he looks like he is more prepared to run an nba team at this point. I still think Jennings will turn out to be a solid nba pg, but I just get the feeling it will take him a little longer than the other 3 guys I have ranked above him. He definately has talent, but I just think he will have a few more ups-and-downs during his first couple years than some of the other guys.
When they going to release videos of today's workouts instead of just interviews???? I wanna see Flynn, Holiday and Jennings going at it!
Ego + Talent + Confidence in your game = All-star.

I am officially on the draft Brandon Jennings bandwagon.

Screw Ricky Rubio.
If Ricky Rubio becomes the greatest point guard in the world...SO BE IT.
...But I feel Jennings has what it takes to become THAT point guard that we need.

Someone with FIRE!
Someone with PASSION!
Someone who is COCKY!

Someone who just straight up Brangs it AND DUNKS THE DANG BALL!

Now my brothers and sisters...If we draft Rubio...WOOT!!



You've got to admire the balls on this kid...

Or shake your head at the immaturity and stupidity!

If you are going to talk the talk, you better make sure that you have walked the walk. Jeenings has proven nothing. He has been laughable in his only year in europe. The only thing he has proved in the last 12 months is that he is not bright enough to pass an entry test to Arizona and he is good at pealing oranges for his team mates and waving towels.

There is a fine line between confidence and stupidity. If thats his attitude going into the NBA, he will NEVER reach his potential. Sabatian Telfair reloaded.
Wow you guys are really harsh on a 19 year old kid who was egged on by the media.....I bet you if it was Rubio saying all this you guys would admire his courage to say something like that :rolleyes:
Ego + Talent + Confidence in your game = All-star.

I am officially on the draft Brandon Jennings bandwagon.

Screw Ricky Rubio.
If Ricky Rubio becomes the greatest point guard in the world...SO BE IT.
...But I feel Jennings has what it takes to become THAT point guard that we need.

Someone with FIRE!
Someone with PASSION!
Someone who is COCKY!

Someone who just straight up Brangs it AND DUNKS THE DANG BALL!

Now my brothers and sisters...If we draft Rubio...WOOT!!



Finally some one who realizes this. And for all of you who say Jennings can't walk the walk, apparently he won the Point Guard battle yesterday..
If Rubio isn't there and we grab Jennings I'll still be pretty happy...I guess with these comments and other choices he's made or things said I just don't want him to turn into a punk who is a cancer to the rest of the team...we're a team in a disaster like state already so we don't need help going further downhill.
If Rubio isn't there and we grab Jennings I'll still be pretty happy...I guess with these comments and other choices he's made or things said I just don't want him to turn into a punk who is a cancer to the rest of the team...we're a team in a disaster like state already so we don't need help going further downhill.

Yeah, I just don't think he will turn into a cancer....He has shown his on court maturity by not complaining with his low playing time in Italy, he just needs to watch his off court actions and he will be fine.
I saw that Jennings won the PG battle yesterday but I would take these 2-on-2 workouts with a grain of salt. They are setup for the quickest player to do really well, in this case Jennings. I would take Flynn over Jennings because he seems more mature and has the demeanor to lead a NBA team.
I saw that Jennings won the PG battle yesterday but I would take these 2-on-2 workouts with a grain of salt. They are setup for the quickest player to do really well, in this case Jennings. I would take Flynn over Jennings because he seems more mature and has the demeanor to lead a NBA team.
..and Brandon Jennings doesn't have time to mature..?

Fool is 19 years old...

Always, Always, Always room and time for improvement.

You can teach skills.





Super Moderator Emeritus
Jumping alone is nowhere near enough. If he doesn't have the mental acumen to make valid decisions, he's going to be totally useless as a point guard in the NBA. Jennings needs to learn to think twice and speak once. He's an ego with legs and has done nothing thus far to warrant his opinion of himself, IMHO. And it has nothing to do with Rubio, BTW...

As you said, "Fool is 19 years old." Your words, not mine. I do agree with one of them, however... Fool needs to shut up and let his game speak for him, while he still has the chance. He could talk himself right out of a pretty lucrative career in the NBA if he's not careful.