Shots fired (post-Nets)


Hall of Famer
Sure, fire Karl. It just wouldn't be a Kings' season without firing the coach at mid-season.o_O Who is going to be the next Kenny Natt? The next Tyrone Corbin? Corliss, if it's you man, I feel for you. You're going to be the guy who darned near every game has tell the media why the team isn't play well. And please, please, PLEASE don't think about putting Nancy in that position. That would be horrible for her career going forward. If Vlade fires Karl, he owns it, and he's going to be perceived as just another Sacramento Kings GM who has no idea what he is doing.
I think if Vlade doesn't fire Karl, given the national attention the team has now garnered, he will be perceived as just another Sacramento Kings GM who has no idea what he is doing.
Anybody think Vivek has phoned Calipari and offered him the job of God for $12M X 4?
I think we should start looking at college coaches.

If you really really really want a coach who Cousins respects a ton, that's Calipari. Calipari is an enormous gamble with all he's asking for. I'm also not sure about how good of a coach he is since he constantly gets the top recruits year after year. If you get Calipari, you hope he can adjust his offense and defense to the NBA. You also hope he's a bit of a recruiter for the NBA too.

Tom Izzo is an interesting coach, but he recently got an extension. I think maybe if there was a better job opening for him, he'll take it..but I'm not sure he'd take a Kings HC job.
Bill Self is another guy who's probably the least attractive of the 3. I think he could turn out to be a solid NBA coach, but I'm a bit unsure about him and Cousins' relationship.
Coach K...he'd be the dream college coach, but he's never leaving Duke. The guy is older than Pop. He'd be the ultimate "recruiter" in the sense that a lot of NBA players would want to play under him.

A non-college coach? If Dave Joerger is on the hot seat, I'd go after him.
Either Karl is fired today or he will make it to the end of the season.

this is the perfect opportunity to make a change. Otherwise, they will ride it out and make changes in the off season.
Either Karl is fired today or he will make it to the end of the season.

this is the perfect opportunity to make a change. Otherwise, they will ride it out and make changes in the off season.
lots of people think he's a dead man walking today and will be fired after Celtics game - press announcement to coincide with Super Bowl for PR reasons.
I know that was a joke, but Adelman was as checked out in his final year Minnesota as Karl is here.

I'm going to be daring and say the national press will not be as one-note about this firing as they have been in the past. People working the main line at ESPN will trash it since Karl worked with ESPN in the past. His coworker pals will trash it.

However, the people at the edges know Karl has done a bad job of coaching this year. They'll talk about instability, but they'll also talk about the woeful defense. Lowe and Simmons, normally drama fans, have already mentioned Karl's issues with the team's defense post-newsbreak.

So I don't think the national press will be as brutal this time around. The reasons being: 1) Hard to ignore Karl's stubbornness and the quality of the job done so far. 2) Cousins would be the scapegoat, but he's putting up HOF level year 3) They're all eating a little pride after Alvin Gentry's struggles. Maybe some doubt creeping in on their ability to judge a coach. 4) They had Kings fans take them to task on the nature of how they report on the Kings for a solid 5 months at the least. This would have an impact on anyone.
this is off-topic, but parts of me are filled with so much glee over alvin gentry's early difficulties with the pelicans. nba writers all over the country have been foaming at the mouth to ordain anthony davis as the next big thing, and so many of them were so convinced that gentry was going to unlock some sort of next gear for davis and the pels, and i just love that it hasn't happened yet, and that a great many media members are having to swallow their pride on those predictions...

i mean, not only has gentry not elevated the pelicans into a legitimate playoff contender, they're actually a bottom-4 team in an increasingly weakened western conference. now, they've had serious injury problems this season, and they could just as easily turn it around next season, but i have to admit i'm taking pleasure in watching that particular media darling struggle so mightily (though they certainly don't deserve too many knocks for failing to meet the burden of what i think were always very unreasonable expectations)...
I think we should start looking at college coaches.

If you really really really want a coach who Cousins respects a ton, that's Calipari. Calipari is an enormous gamble with all he's asking for. I'm also not sure about how good of a coach he is since he constantly gets the top recruits year after year. If you get Calipari, you hope he can adjust his offense and defense to the NBA. You also hope he's a bit of a recruiter for the NBA too.

Tom Izzo is an interesting coach, but he recently got an extension. I think maybe if there was a better job opening for him, he'll take it..but I'm not sure he'd take a Kings HC job.
Bill Self is another guy who's probably the least attractive of the 3. I think he could turn out to be a solid NBA coach, but I'm a bit unsure about him and Cousins' relationship.
Coach K...he'd be the dream college coach, but he's never leaving Duke. The guy is older than Pop. He'd be the ultimate "recruiter" in the sense that a lot of NBA players would want to play under him.

A non-college coach? If Dave Joerger is on the hot seat, I'd go after him.
Doesn't Cal run the dribble drive too? I'd guess he'd want personnel authority, too, so bye bye Vlade.

The college coaches don't interest me much (unless you can tell me who the next Brad Stevens is!). Nor do Mark Jackson or Manteca's own Scotty Brooks. To me, if we're going to fire Karl, it's Thibs or bust.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Whoever is taking over as coach is being put in a position to fail just like Ty last year. You guys really want that for the first female head coach?
I've said this before about Nancy, who Cuz likes/liked btw, but there is NO evidence that Nancy Lieberman is/was a good coach at ANY LEVEL. her coaching resume, successful coaching resume is almost completely barren. Any D-League coach has a better resume. She is a legendary player, but even scoring an assistant coaching gig in the NBA was a bit of a plum for her off of her previous work.

Be happy to see her stick around no matter what happens, Do the assistant thing for a few years, and hey, who knows. Its past time that line was broken by somebody. But this idea that she is somehow this legendary experienced She has very little coaching experience, and we want to throw her out front in a dysfunctional season following a fired HOFer as some sort of stunt? Aside from the little asterisked footnote in the Guiness Book, that's not the way it should go down for the first female to head coach in the NBA, and we're not a team that can afford to screw around like that.
EXCEPT when he handed the reigns to Vlade. I'll say it again... he's our only hope right now.
The problem though is that Vlade's contract is until the end of the season. If he is our man, he needs to be extended and he needs to pick his coach. Let's not make the same mistake for a 3rd straight time of hiring the coach before our GM.


Hall of Famer
From when Karl was fired in Denver:
OH. MY. GOD. Every Kings fan should read that account on George Karl and his days in Denver. Damning evidence against George and his competence level. You literally can replace the name Denver in the article with Sacramento and replace player names with Kings players. The stuff from Billups just reinforces what has been said here over and over and over and over.


Hall of Famer
I'm not done venting here, forget the national media. There is no doubt in my mind that Vlade will manage them once they fire Karl. I think what Vlade needs to convey to Vivek is that it would be way more harmful to keep Karl around than to endure the potshots from dumbasses like Zack Lowe or Woj or any other national media person with an axe to grind or their need for clicks.

This is a veteran team with talent and if you get a guy or gal in there with a plan and an ability to lead, this team will respond in a big would be a great way to stick it to George by going on a run.
I've been back and forth on this. As much as I'm disappointed in Karl, getting a new coach every year is not going to fix anything. Like I heard another poster mention, "we are going through coaches like we go through shoes". While I think that Karl should take "some" of the blame, We can't blame everything on him.

Can't keep blaming the chefs for bad meals if they have to cook with poor ingredients.
The Kings have two or three good pieces, but that's about it!! It's just that the West is making us look like playoff contenders because the West this year is so pathetic!