SAR coming to the Kings discussion (merged)

Rain man said:
Just to throw my two cents into the SAR debate...I agree with Brick that SAR is more naturally a small forward who uses his size and post skills to abuse smaller forwards and put up gaudy numbers. His best days were clearly at SF, and we have all become a little to obsessed with thinking that an SF has to be a deadeye shooter. Some of the very good SFs in the games were never thought of as much of an outside shooter (Pippen and Grant Hill come to mind as the ultimate example that the 3 doesn't have to shoot, but some very servicable 3s also had/have little outside shot: Bowen, Prince, Marion- when he plays 3, Artest, SAR, Anthony Mason, Antawn Jamison, etc...)

However, I do not think SAR is a bad pickup, in fact he is a very good pickup, and at this point and time, is the best possible pickup that the Kings could REASONABLY acquire. In fact, just a few weeks ago there was a lot of talk on this board about how the Kings were bleeding talent and they were not getting anything back for the players who departed (Mobley, worry that Evans would sign elsewhere without compensation, loss of Jim Jackson and Vlade for nothing, Webber for next to nothing etc...). Well, getting SAR is the anti-talent bleed. The Kings would pick up a 19/9 SF/PF without losing a single player. This is a MAJOR TALENT UPGRADE for a team that has lost a ton of talent from its glory days a few years back.

Essentially, SAR gives the Kings a very desirable piece (reportedly pursued by about a dozen teams this summer) with a low contract that can be moved if Petrie desires down the road, and THAT is the point. I don't think anyone can make the argument that SAR joining this team makes the Kings a contender- he is more a stopgap acquisition (stopping the talent bleed and giving the Kings more moveable quality pieces for the future- whether that be later this summer, during the season, or next offseason).

I also think this might be some realization by Geoff that he vastly overestimated the flexibility and desire of NBA teams to acquire Thomas, Skinner, and Corliss. I think he clearly planned to move these guys, and may still, but they are just as unmoveable as Webber for various reasons. I think Geoff greatly overestimated the fact that he could move them, and trying to pickup SAR is both a realization that KT is not a starting PF, and that the Kings need badly to acquire more talent and more moveable pieces to build a championship squad.
If for some reason I were to change my mind regarding this pick up, this would be the new tune I sing.


Yoda said:
If for some reason I were to change my mind regarding this pick up, this would be the new tune I sing.
It was very well stated wasn't it. This is the tune I've been singing, I've just been off key. You'll be singing along soon enough.
Rain man said:
However, I do not think SAR is a bad pickup, in fact he is a very good pickup, and at this point and time, is the best possible pickup that the Kings could REASONABLY acquire. In fact, just a few weeks ago there was a lot of talk on this board about how the Kings were bleeding talent and they were not getting anything back for the players who departed (Mobley, worry that Evans would sign elsewhere without compensation, loss of Jim Jackson and Vlade for nothing, Webber for next to nothing etc...). Well, getting SAR is the anti-talent bleed. The Kings would pick up a 19/9 SF/PF without losing a single player. This is a MAJOR TALENT UPGRADE for a team that has lost a ton of talent from its glory days a few years back.
here's where my biggest complaint lies. people say SAR is the best of the reasonable big men available. that may be true, but if the kings really were serious about improving defensively, they would consider trading away one of our so-called "core." bibby, peja, and miller all have significant trade value. i'm in favor of at least attempting a peja trade, packaged with whatever is necessary to get a good starting PF. i'm not proposing any possible trades (because i'm at work and dont have the time ;) ), but it is in the realm of realistic scenarios, imo.

i've been in favor of trading peja for awhile, but moreso at this point, with the [possible] acquisition of SAR. i agree with brick's assessment of SAR, the SF vs. SAR, the PF. i like the idea of having a presence in the post at the SF, as well as one who would be a solid rebounder. and, frankly, i'm tired of the run-around from peja. is he gonna bring it or not? there's no half-assing here. its one or the other. if its gonna be the latter, then we should trade him before he considers walking on us, while hopefully acquiring a good defensive complement for SAR, and utilize SAR's skills at the SF. to me, this is a win-win situation. we'd drop peja, his softness, all his "what ifs" and uncertainties, and we could possibly gain a good (preferable definsive) PF for peja's trade value, and we would have a solid (and cheap) starting SF in abdur-rahim. here's where the peja-fanatics tell me i'm wrong, but i believe--if the maloofs are serious about defensive upgrading--they're gonna need to ditch one of our 3 core players. peja's the one i wouldnt mind seeing traded, and i like the starting line-up it could possibly yield:

C - brad miller
PF - insert solid defensive PF that could be acquired in a peja trade here
SF - shareef abdur-rahim
SG - bonzi wells
PG - mike bibby
Padrino said:
here's where my biggest complaint lies. people say SAR is the best of the reasonable big men available. that may be true, but if the kings really were serious about improving defensively, they would consider trading away one of our so-called "core." bibby, peja, and miller all have significant trade value. i'm in favor of at least attempting a peja trade, packaged with whatever is necessary to get a good starting PF. i'm not proposing any possible trades (because i'm at work and dont have the time ;) ), but it is in the realm of realistic scenarios, imo.

i've been in favor of trading peja for awhile, but moreso at this point, with the [possible] acquisition of SAR. i agree with brick's assessment of SAR, the SF vs. SAR, the PF. i like the idea of having a presence in the post at the SF, as well as one who would be a solid rebounder. and, frankly, i'm tired of the run-around from peja. is he gonna bring it or not? there's no half-assing here. its one or the other. if its gonna be the latter, then we should trade him before he considers walking on us, while hopefully acquiring a good defensive complement for SAR, and utilize SAR's skills at the SF. to me, this is a win-win situation. we'd drop peja, his softness, all his "what ifs" and uncertainties, and we could possibly gain a good (preferable definsive) PF for peja's trade value, and we would have a solid (and cheap) starting SF in abdur-rahim. here's where the peja-fanatics tell me i'm wrong, but i believe--if the maloofs are serious about defensive upgrading--they're gonna need to ditch one of our 3 core players. peja's the one i wouldnt mind seeing traded, and i like the starting line-up it could possibly yield:

C - brad miller
PF - insert solid defensive PF that could be acquired in a peja trade here
SF - shareef abdur-rahim
SG - bonzi wells
PG - mike bibby
This is exactly where I am with this right now...well said.
I think If GP could get a solid defensive/offensive player via trade he probably would have. So as far as is SAR a good and valuable pick-up(If we sign him) for the Kings I think teams will not rotate and leave our guards open. I mean think about it with the offensive talent on this team who would you rotate off of to help. Would you leave Pedja open, how about Bibby, oh no leave Bonsi alone one on one. If this team gets SAR in it's mitts then we would definitely been a damm good offensive team. no defensively that is up in the air.


Padrino said:
here's where my biggest complaint lies. people say SAR is the best of the reasonable big men available. that may be true, but if the kings really were serious about improving defensively, they would consider trading away one of our so-called "core." bibby, peja, and miller all have significant trade value. i'm in favor of at least attempting a peja trade, packaged with whatever is necessary to get a good starting PF. i'm not proposing any possible trades (because i'm at work and dont have the time ;) ), but it is in the realm of realistic scenarios, imo.

i've been in favor of trading peja for awhile, but moreso at this point, with the [possible] acquisition of SAR. i agree with brick's assessment of SAR, the SF vs. SAR, the PF. i like the idea of having a presence in the post at the SF, as well as one who would be a solid rebounder. and, frankly, i'm tired of the run-around from peja. is he gonna bring it or not? there's no half-assing here. its one or the other. if its gonna be the latter, then we should trade him before he considers walking on us, while hopefully acquiring a good defensive complement for SAR, and utilize SAR's skills at the SF. to me, this is a win-win situation. we'd drop peja, his softness, all his "what ifs" and uncertainties, and we could possibly gain a good (preferable definsive) PF for peja's trade value, and we would have a solid (and cheap) starting SF in abdur-rahim. here's where the peja-fanatics tell me i'm wrong, but i believe--if the maloofs are serious about defensive upgrading--they're gonna need to ditch one of our 3 core players. peja's the one i wouldnt mind seeing traded, and i like the starting line-up it could possibly yield:

C - brad miller
PF - insert solid defensive PF that could be acquired in a peja trade here
SF - shareef abdur-rahim
SG - bonzi wells
PG - mike bibby
You start with your biggest complaint which is that some say SAR is the best of the reasonable big men available. Without any more thoughts on that that statement, you then go on to say we are supposed to be getting better defensively, so trade a piece of the core, mainly peja. My question is then, what is your complaint about SAR? Most of you post uses him to our advantage, and gets rid of Peja, hardly something to complain about.


gman23 said:
I think If GP could get a solid defensive/offensive player via trade he probably would have. So as far as is SAR a good and valuable pick-up(If we sign him) for the Kings I think teams will not rotate and leave our guards open. I mean think about it with the offensive talent on this team who would you rotate off of to help. Would you leave Pedja open, how about Bibby, oh no leave Bonsi alone one on one. If this team gets SAR in it's mitts then we would definitely been a damm good offensive team. no defensively that is up in the air.
We are building a VERY SOLID defensive bench. I haven't seen such contrasting benches like this before, on any team.
Padrino said:
here's where my biggest complaint lies. people say SAR is the best of the reasonable big men available. that may be true, but if the kings really were serious about improving defensively, they would consider trading away one of our so-called "core." bibby, peja, and miller all have significant trade value. i'm in favor of at least attempting a peja trade, packaged with whatever is necessary to get a good starting PF. i'm not proposing any possible trades (because i'm at work and dont have the time ;) ), but it is in the realm of realistic scenarios, imo.
Well said and I agree. However, I do believe that the Kings want to improve defensively and upgrade in that department, but I just don't think that they want to do so at the expense of Brad, Mike or Peja. I truly believe that they think that the three of them and other pieces can get it done and that they will give this group of 3 one more shot at it before shipping at least one of them out.


Super Moderator Emeritus
gman23 said:
I think If GP could get a solid defensive/offensive player via trade he probably would have. So as far as is SAR a good and valuable pick-up(If we sign him) for the Kings I think teams will not rotate and leave our guards open. I mean think about it with the offensive talent on this team who would you rotate off of to help. Would you leave Pedja open, how about Bibby, oh no leave Bonsi alone one on one. If this team gets SAR in it's mitts then we would definitely been a damm good offensive team. no defensively that is up in the air.
I don't think the trade deadline has passed quite yet.


We as fans tend to be terribly impatient. The GMs are taking their time, it appears. I have no doubt that within a couple of weeks there will be a number of trades coming out - and they will have been in the works for a while.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
VF21 said:
I don't think the trade deadline has passed quite yet.


We as fans tend to be terribly impatient. The GMs are taking their time, it appears. I have no doubt that within a couple of weeks there will be a number of trades coming out - and they will have been in the works for a while.
Weeks? Weeks? Who has weeks? I want results now, dammit, NOW! :D

OK, OK, so I guess I can be the impatient type sometimes. Sue me. :)
thesanityannex said:
You start with your biggest complaint which is that some say SAR is the best of the reasonable big men available. Without any more thoughts on that that statement, you then go on to say we are supposed to be getting better defensively, so trade a piece of the core, mainly peja. My question is then, what is your complaint about SAR? Most of you post uses him to our advantage, and gets rid of Peja, hardly something to complain about.
you miss the point. my complaint is not about SAR, the player. my complaint is about sacramento, the team. SAR is a solid acquisition, but i've saidon several occasions that he doesnt suit thje kings needs, leastways not at the PF position. we are full of offensive minded players and tweeners for big men. SAR at PF is small and soft. SAR at SF is not necessarily big, but he's a definite force in the post against other SF's in the league, and he would be able to hold his own defensively, whereas he'll probably just get clobbered at the PF position. SAR at PF, imo, is not as beneficial as SAR could be at SF (for the kings, not for vancouver, not for portland. that doesnt matter right now. what matters is where he would fit best in SACRAMENTO). a defensive-oriented starting PF would complement our offensively-oriented front line well. thats why i mention the peja trade, because i believe the kings would benefit the most from SAR at the SF, where peja already starts. if we cant get a solid big man in a trade with one of our oh-so-valued core, then we'll never get one.
Diabeticwonder said:
but I just don't think that they want to do so at the expense of Brad, Mike or Peja. I truly believe that they think that the three of them and other pieces can get it done and that they will give this group of 3 one more shot at it before shipping at least one of them out.
and thats my biggest reason for complaint. i agree with you, the kings front office seems intent on sticking with our core 3 players, but i think that presents a problem to a team and organization thats "committed" to improving defensively.
The situation around here is getting out-of-hand and hopeless. I find myself checking this stupid website ten times a day just hoping for good news. It has not happened this year. I have better things to do.

This habit is a little like opening a refrigerator over and over again hoping to magically see a chocolate malt or something special. You ask yourself, maybe I just missed it the last three times that I looked. Of course, nothing magic ever happens. We know what's in the fridge, but we have to look. I feel like a dog at a picnic re-inspecting the ground under the picnic tables hoping for a lost and forgotten weenie.

I suppose that will continue to open the "website fridge" for no apparent reason until the season starts.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Padrino said:
here's where my biggest complaint lies. people say SAR is the best of the reasonable big men available. that may be true, but if the kings really were serious about improving defensively, they would consider trading away one of our so-called "core." bibby, peja, and miller all have significant trade value. i'm in favor of at least attempting a peja trade, packaged with whatever is necessary to get a good starting PF. i'm not proposing any possible trades (because i'm at work and dont have the time ;) ), but it is in the realm of realistic scenarios, imo.

i've been in favor of trading peja for awhile, but moreso at this point, with the [possible] acquisition of SAR. i agree with brick's assessment of SAR, the SF vs. SAR, the PF. i like the idea of having a presence in the post at the SF, as well as one who would be a solid rebounder. and, frankly, i'm tired of the run-around from peja. is he gonna bring it or not? there's no half-assing here. its one or the other. if its gonna be the latter, then we should trade him before he considers walking on us, while hopefully acquiring a good defensive complement for SAR, and utilize SAR's skills at the SF. to me, this is a win-win situation. we'd drop peja, his softness, all his "what ifs" and uncertainties, and we could possibly gain a good (preferable definsive) PF for peja's trade value, and we would have a solid (and cheap) starting SF in abdur-rahim. here's where the peja-fanatics tell me i'm wrong, but i believe--if the maloofs are serious about defensive upgrading--they're gonna need to ditch one of our 3 core players. peja's the one i wouldnt mind seeing traded, and i like the starting line-up it could possibly yield:

C - brad miller
PF - insert solid defensive PF that could be acquired in a peja trade here
SF - shareef abdur-rahim
SG - bonzi wells
PG - mike bibby
Where I disagree with you is that you characterize the people who look at Peja and what he brings to the table and reason that he represents more value than anyone we could get in a trade with him, as "Peja fanatics". It's not a matter of blind devotion. I just don't think we can trade Peja for anyone that will make this team better. KG for Peja and Thomas is not going to happen. How often can you trade a veteran shooter for a dominant big man? That's why the Richmond for Webber trade is going to stand as one of the greatest coups of all time. That just doesn't happen. The only reason it happened then is that Richmond was at the absolute peak of his value and Webber was at the absolute bottom point of his value. My unwillingness to trade Peja is not a reflection of what a brilliant superstar player I think he is, because I don't think that. It's because his value in a trade is significantly less than his value as a member of this team. Certainly not everyone agrees, but it's unfair to dismiss that argument simply as "fanatacism".

So considering that Peja's value is maximized at this current point in time by not trading him (that's an assumption I'm working with based on my POV), it doesn't matter whether SAR would be more dominant as a SF than a PF. The point is, we have a hole to fill at PF. Going into the season with Kenny Thomas as our starting PF represents a considerable step down in ambition from the past 5 seasons (give or take). SAR can definately play PF, and he's a great fit for this team offensively because he plays the low post role we've been missing. That he can play SF too is a bonus, if we do decide to move Peja at some other time (when changes in the market have hopefully increased his value). Going after and signing SAR would represent to me a management commited to moving forward and taking advantage of the circumstances to add the best available talent at a reasonable price.

I believe Petrie when he said that nobody is safe. There isn't one player on this current Kings team that could be considered untouchable. And that extends to Peja. However, there's no reason to trade players if their value is going to decrease in the process. That's the path to lottery territory. His commitment to sticking with Peja I think has everything to do with maximizing value and nothing to do with 'infatuation' or whatever you want to call it. He's not building a fantasy team, he's dealing with real people and real contracts and real risks. I can forgive him for being a little more conservative in his personel moves than fans with nothing to lose.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
quick dog said:
The situation around here is getting out-of-hand and hopeless. I find myself checking this stupid website ten times a day just hoping for good news. It has not happened this year. I have better things to do.

This habit is a little like opening a refrigerator over and over again hoping to magically see a chocolate malt or something special. You ask yourself, maybe I just missed it the last three times that I looked. Of course, nothing magic ever happens. We know what's in the fridge, but we have to look. I feel like a dog at a picnic re-inspecting the ground under the picnic tables hoping for a lost and forgotten weenie.

I suppose that will continue to open the "website fridge" for no apparent reason until the season starts.
Actually, it's better than last year's TDOS.

When you consider the drama of "Peja and the Trade Demand," "Peja and the war against Webber," "Vlade the traitor leaving for LA," "Kings betray Vlade by not keeping him," etc. it's kind of nice to be focusing on the TEAM for a change instead of all the soap opera-type dramas.



Padrino said:
you miss the point. my complaint is not about SAR, the player. my complaint is about sacramento, the team. SAR is a solid acquisition, but i've saidon several occasions that he doesnt suit thje kings needs, leastways not at the PF position. we are full of offensive minded players and tweeners for big men. SAR at PF is small and soft. SAR at SF is not necessarily big, but he's a definite force in the post against other SF's in the league, and he would be able to hold his own defensively, whereas he'll probably just get clobbered at the PF position. SAR at PF, imo, is not as beneficial as SAR could be at SF (for the kings, not for vancouver, not for portland. that doesnt matter right now. what matters is where he would fit best in SACRAMENTO). a defensive-oriented starting PF would complement our offensively-oriented front line well. thats why i mention the peja trade, because i believe the kings would benefit the most from SAR at the SF, where peja already starts. if we cant get a solid big man in a trade with one of our oh-so-valued core, then we'll never get one.
This is what I did not understand, but know you've cleared it up.
Padrino said:
here's where my biggest complaint lies. people say SAR is the best of the reasonable big men available.
Maybe I read it differently the first time. I agree with having SAR play SF and piecing together Peja for a Star PF.


Super Moderator Emeritus
hrdboild said:
His commitment to Peja I think has everything to do with maximizing value and nothing to do with 'infatuation' or whatever you want to call it.
Unfortunately, while a GM should be able to be aloof about the players whose lives and careers he has control over, it simply may not be true about Geoff Petrie and Peja.

Petrie has bent over backwards from the beginning over Peja. It isn't just a GM-player relationship. It appears to be more like a mentoring relationship. And the Maloofs seem just as "infatuated" as Petrie.

If we don't trade Peja this season, we lose any and all control over the situation. We have to either decide soon if we're going to give him that HUGE contract or we have to ship him out. Allowing a player of Peja's caliber and possible worth in the league to simply walk away as a free agent would be unforgiveable.
Padrino said:
you miss the point. my complaint is not about SAR, the player. my complaint is about sacramento, the team. SAR is a solid acquisition, but i've saidon several occasions that he doesnt suit thje kings needs, leastways not at the PF position. we are full of offensive minded players and tweeners for big men. SAR at PF is small and soft. SAR at SF is not necessarily big, but he's a definite force in the post against other SF's in the league, and he would be able to hold his own defensively, whereas he'll probably just get clobbered at the PF position. SAR at PF, imo, is not as beneficial as SAR could be at SF (for the kings, not for vancouver, not for portland. that doesnt matter right now. what matters is where he would fit best in SACRAMENTO). a defensive-oriented starting PF would complement our offensively-oriented front line well. thats why i mention the peja trade, because i believe the kings would benefit the most from SAR at the SF, where peja already starts. if we cant get a solid big man in a trade with one of our oh-so-valued core, then we'll never get one.
First off, as you know I don't think SAR is a 3. But setting aside all of my strenuous reservations about that idea, even in the context of your plan for the Kings I don't quite understand the benefit of playing SAR at the 3. Assuming your plan works, and the Kings trade Peja for a tough defensive minded big man who will both give the Kings a post presence and provide tough defense, that's fantastic. The problem is that the dropoff from Peja to SAR is severe, both on the offensive end and the defensive end.

On the offensive end, aside from the scoring difference it's imperative for post players to have an outside shooter to keep the defense from cheating, preferably two. Now before I hear howls of protest about how I think shooting is everything, etc. etc., let me just state that every good post player needs an outside shooter to keep the defense honest. By giving up Peja for SAR you're losing someone who is crucial to keeping the middle open for our big men. The outside shooting load falls straight to Bibby, and he's streaky. Plus SAR is not going to get as many scoring opportunities since this hypothetical big man and Brad Miller will be operating most of the time out of the post. His game is in the post, and you're limiting his opportunities by sticking him on the perimeter. I think it's pretty clear that it's a step down offensively.

On the defensive end, Peja is a solid-not-great defender who is a very disappointing rebounder. SAR gets killed playing the 3 because he's not quick enough to guard quick 3's. Sure you get some rebounding, but presumably this hypothetical tough 4 would be picking up the slack there anyway.

So basically, yes, trading Peja for a defensive presence inside would improve the interior defense and provide the foundation for a solid defensive roster. I just don't think it makes sense in that context to stick SAR at the 3 if your plan is to improve the defense. If you're going to go defense, go all the way.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm all for trading Peja for the right interior big man. But if you're going to do that play someone at the 3 who can play defense and compliment the interior on offense. Heck, play Bonzi at the 3 and play Martin at the 2. Bring SAR off the bench if you must. That way you have someone who will compliment the new tough interior and will actually be able to guard people on the perimeter.

P.S. For the record, I'd much rather trade Bibby for a big than Peja. I think Peja's offensive ability is extremely valuable, and he's a capable defender, whereas Bibby's pretty incompetent on defense. Start Hart, who can be a good on the ball defender and the Kings can run the offense through Miller, and get a good 4 patrolling the paint on offense and defense. Then you still have Peja on the perimeter opening up the middle.
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Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I'm sorry VF21, I edited my post to clarify what I meant. You might want to check that. :)

But anyway, I don't think Petrie or the Maloofs are as infatuated with Peja as they come across as being. They were pretty infatuated with Webber too, and yet they took advantage of what they considered to be a beneficial trade when it came along. They want to lay the groundwork for re-signing Peja by telling him how much they want him around and want him to stay as a King. But when push comes to shove, they are business men. That small town amicability they show is at least 50% showmanship and I'm sure when it gets down to it, they'll make the best business decision. They wouldn't be succesful businessmen if they didn't.


nbrans said:
First off, as you know I don't think SAR is a 3. But setting aside all of my strenuous reservations about that idea, even in the context of your plan for the Kings I don't quite understand the benefit of playing SAR at the 3. Assuming your plan works, and the Kings trade Peja for a tough defensive minded big man who will both give the Kings a post presence and provide tough defense, that's fantastic. The problem is that the dropoff from Peja to SAR is severe, both on the offensive end and the defensive end.
To counter the dropoff, get a "star PF", not just a defensive PF. Let Bibby shoot the threes. Peja can be streaky as well, and he's not what I would call clutch.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I don't think it's ever a good idea to have your point guard as your primary three point threat. Well, unless you're playing a triangle offense where they don't need to initiate the offense. But other than that, not a good idea.

Also, it's not as simple as just getting a star. If you want a star PF you're looking at trading Peja AND Bibby or Peja AND Brad, either of which is going to create a void at an important position.
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thesanityannex said:
To counter the dropoff, get a "star PF", not just a defensive PF. Let Bibby shoot the threes. Peja can be streaky as well, and he's not what I would call clutch.
If they're trading Peja they'd better get a star.

I also wanted to compliment hrdboild on the 500th post in this thread. I'm surprised we haven't crashed the server.
hrdboild said:
I don't think it's ever a good idea to have your point guard as your primary three point threat. Well, unless you're playing a triangle offense where they don't need to initiate the offense. But other than that, not a good idea.
It worked for the Pistons
I believe Petrie when he said that nobody is safe. There isn't one player on this current Kings team that could be considered untouchable. And that extends to Peja. However said:
If we get SAR, I feel we will be we faily set for a while. I dont feel Peja or the other core 3 will be "shopped" . It just is not GP's way.

Sure I would love to get a superstar PF ( KG, Duncan, Amare ), but that is not in the cards right away.

Can we upgrade thu a trade of Peja, shift SAR , and get an even better PF?
(Dirk, AK47,Brand,Jermaine Oneal, Chandler), that is also unlikely since I dont think any of the above teams would want to give up any of these players.

But things can change, Players demand trades, conflicts with coaches, image problems pop up, these are all items GP cant contol on other teams. If an opportunity arises, I do feel that none of our players are untouchable, If one of these situations arise before the trade deadline, Im sure GP will be first one on the line because of it being Peja's final year, but even if later a sign and trade could occur or we sign him to the max and he could go in a trade in several years.

But stil have to agree, that as a short term fix, I still love the idea of getting SAR. But I think the trading pieces (5 starters,3 benchers) will be around until a really big upgrade really does become available. then it will depend on what the type of players we have that the other team really needs.


hrdboild said:
I don't think it's ever a good idea to have your point guard as your primary three point threat. Well, unless you're playing a triangle offense where they don't need to initiate the offense. But other than that, not a good idea.

Also, it's not as simple as just getting a star. If you want a star PF you're looking at trading Peja AND Bibby or Peja AND Brad, either of which is going to create a void at an important position.
a star, not a superstar. I don't think we'd need to give up two of the core to get someone like Elton Brand. And if it took two, I wouldn't do it.
I wasn't going to say anything either but after seeing 9000 or so posts related to SAR, I figured I'd put in my 2 cents.
A long time ago (it seems that way anyway) we had a great All Star pf who blew out his knee and like many other of our players was injured. Unfortunately he was traded (I'm still waiting to see how this has helped us but that's another topic).
Now IF we get SAR it'll be because he didn't pass the physical for another team. OK I'm sorry am I missing something here? CWebb passed Philly's physical and we traded him, this guy didn't and we want him?? That to me is not very logical. I don't care if he's pf, sf or whatever. He didn't pass a physical!! We all know how this team is with owies, IF we get him and that's still an if at this point, he may last 6 weeks he may last 10 minutes and with our luck it'll be the latter and then we're back where we started. I keep reading that he's our best option right now, sorry I don't see it. IF that is the case then that is very depressing. We're f****d for lack of a better word. I don't know who else we could get, that's GP's job not mine (God help him) but if SAR is our best choice then it's going to be a very long season and possibly a very short one for him. He may be younger than CWebb but obviously not healthier and how can he help us if he can't play?

Sorry for the interruption, brick and nbrans please continue.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Yoda said:
It worked for the Pistons
Yeah but that's only because of the technicality that Rip is shooting 18 and 20 footers, not three pointers. Chauncey's outside shot is something like the fifth option on that team. He doesn't use it very much. It should also be noted that they often have trouble scoring more than 80 points per game. Probably not the best offense to emulate.


loopymitch said:
I wasn't going to say anything either but after seeing 9000 or so posts related to SAR, I figured I'd put in my 2 cents.
A long time ago (it seems that way anyway) we had a great All Star pf who blew out his knee and like many other of our players was injured. Unfortunately he was traded (I'm still waiting to see how this has helped us but that's another topic).
Now IF we get SAR it'll be because he didn't pass the physical for another team. OK I'm sorry am I missing something here? CWebb passed Philly's physical and we traded him, this guy didn't and we want him?? That to me is not very logical. I don't care if he's pf, sf or whatever. He didn't pass a physical!! We all know how this team is with owies, IF we get him and that's still an if at this point, he may last 6 weeks he may last 10 minutes and with our luck it'll be the latter and then we're back where we started. I keep reading that he's our best option right now, sorry I don't see it. IF that is the case then that is very depressing. We're f****d for lack of a better word. I don't know who else we could get, that's GP's job not mine (God help him) but if SAR is our best choice then it's going to be a very long season and possibly a very short one for him. He may be younger than CWebb but obviously not healthier and how can he help us if he can't play?

Sorry for the interruption, brick and nbrans please continue.
SAR and the Nets rescinding the trade was not all about a failed physical. SAR was lowballed + He responded verbally with "I don't want to play here"= Time to call trade off.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
loopymitch said:
I wasn't going to say anything either but after seeing 9000 or so posts related to SAR, I figured I'd put in my 2 cents.
A long time ago (it seems that way anyway) we had a great All Star pf who blew out his knee and like many other of our players was injured. Unfortunately he was traded (I'm still waiting to see how this has helped us but that's another topic).
Now IF we get SAR it'll be because he didn't pass the physical for another team. OK I'm sorry am I missing something here? CWebb passed Philly's physical and we traded him, this guy didn't and we want him?? That to me is not very logical. I don't care if he's pf, sf or whatever. He didn't pass a physical!! We all know how this team is with owies, IF we get him and that's still an if at this point, he may last 6 weeks he may last 10 minutes and with our luck it'll be the latter and then we're back where we started. I keep reading that he's our best option right now, sorry I don't see it. IF that is the case then that is very depressing. We're f****d for lack of a better word. I don't know who else we could get, that's GP's job not mine (God help him) but if SAR is our best choice then it's going to be a very long season and possibly a very short one for him. He may be younger than CWebb but obviously not healthier and how can he help us if he can't play?

Sorry for the interruption, brick and nbrans please continue.
If you think SAR was passed over by the New Jersey Nets because he didn't pass a physical, you've been the victim of some bad journalism. From what I understand, New Jersey was concerned about a pre-existing condition in his knee stemming from surgery that happened in high school. Since that time he has never had a problem with it. Of course, the older he gets the greater the chance of that eventually becoming a problem. That's a risk - which apparently was too much for the New Jersey front office (after the Alonzo Mourning drama, I can understand why they would be nervous). But them saying that he failed his physical was misleading. Which is why SAR was so upset about it.