Rockets @ Kings Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
Well, Kings are 5-4 after the trade, still in the 5th position. They are also 3-0 while I am on spring break :cool: . Western Conference is insane at the moment. Every mistake can be costly and every bad los can be "deadly." Kings still holding of teams that are coming on strong. Will see wheather we can outlast them.
Looking back at the last game - we did everything we could to give it away but Clippers wouldn't take it. Also Mike finally realized that "going glas" is much harder than just hitting it straight.
What a great performance by Pedja. Hard to say which part of the game was better. Just consider his balanced scoring (3 in each half), his timely rebounding (1) or his beautifull passing (1 assist). And all that in only 37 minutes. He is a lucky guy. He got the watch the game up close without paying a ticket. Finally, he looked like a insanely overpaid player.
Everybody was saying how it will get better when Kings get to practice. I am not so sure anymore. We should play 82 games in 82 nights. The shorter the season - less injuries. Between the games the player should be put into a vacuum. It is an acomplishment to break a leg while having a light shooting practice. Not many can do that. How does that happen anyways ? We will miss Brad as we miss Bobby etc.
ABC broadcast tomorow. WALTON ALERT[/B ]- throw in Snapper and Hubie and co and You will need something strong to digest it. It is an early game on the west coast too. Oversleeping it micht end up being smart. i just hope that there is no overtime in the first game. Also if Walton says that Rockets wil win and Snapper agrees - we are in good shape. otherwise we are royally screwed.
It is a big game. We win - we gain one full game on them and we clinch the season series. That would be big but it will be be very hard to do. They are playing well and are killing everybody lately. We play at HOME. we need ARCO once again - badly. I am very glad that Brad finally gets to play :( . (tell me about it). Guarding Yao will be fun and so will guarding TMac. Mobley is playing against his former team. We all remember what that looked like in Orlando 10 days ago. Margin for error - 0. We need Pedja - but we can not count on that. Our best shot is to keep it close and have a last possesion. Mike will take care of the rest.
Mike - what else can You ask him to do. Well, except defending better. His match up with James will be interesting
Pedja - I got nothing here
Cat - hopefull he does batter than in Orlando game. No he will not pass the ball and no he will not be able to defend TMac. If he shoots well we have a chance.
Darius - consistently inconsistant as of late. Maybe time to go to the bench
Skinner - will lok like a midget tomorow. He is playing really well but he can never replace B52 ofensively.
Corliss - can he do it twice?
Thomas - I said some not so nice things about him towards the end of the last game. He is doing well for us.
Evans - plays much better as a starter.
Tag - can't count on him either.
Martin - do not see him play tomorow.
House - keep it up - Bobby come back soon
RA - do not want to be him. Hope he doe not get an ulcer. How close is he to 700 ?
Well I do not want to be beaten by JB or Mutombo. Everybody else - fair game. Hope that JVG will have a read head after the game ;)
Go Knicks !!!!! (Sonics)
Go Suns !!!! (Nuggets)
Mavs play Wolves - so go figure


Super Moderator Emeritus
Are you SURE it's going to be Walton or is this a heads-up that it MIGHT be Walton? I need to know these things, you know.

One more comment. Based on the 3-0 record since you've been on spring break, one thing is painfully obvious. You must STAY on Spring break through June. I'm sorry but that's just the way it's going to have to be.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I mentioned it elsewhere, but I think the only thing we can do is put our fastest guys on the court and run Yao's legs off right from the tip off. Don't give them any breathing time; just keep Yao lumbering up and down the court until he's exhausted...


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
Are you SURE it's going to be Walton or is this a heads-up that it MIGHT be Walton? I need to know these things, you know.
Well, he was there in the studio last Sunday. Hard to get rid of him. I would say - the chances are unfortunately very good
One more comment. Based on the 3-0 record since you've been on spring break, one thing is painfully obvious. You must STAY on Spring break through June. I'm sorry but that's just the way it's going to have to be.
I would be willing to sacrifice myself and continue "suffering' on the beaches of Florida. Unfortunately people that pay me might not understand the importance and the urgency. I am still on spring break tomorow.
Cat did stink it up against Orlando...but if i remember correctly he had a good game against Houston last time we played them in

Im gonna say a prayer tonight that Peja shows up to ARCO and im gonna say a prayer just in general for both Brian Skinner and

we need Neptune to play like he did against the Pistons...period

and you are right Mike guarding Mike will be interesting but Sura is back i believe..well..he was back last night so...

IF we can keep it close...we have a chance...i agree piksi

maybe the Rockets will come out with the same kind of energy and enthusiasm as the Pistons did last Sunday...that would be lovely...

I hope Cat plays well against them again. And of course, the rest of the team. Nevertheless, since both teams have a win streak of 3, it'll be a really fun game to watch. Just keep Yao tired from running up and down and hope he gets into foul trouble. ;)

And yes, if the Rockets come out with the same energy as the Pistons did, that would just be great!

so..GO KINGS!!!
piksi said:
Mavs play Wolves - so go figure
Is it that hard to figure out that the Kings need the T-Wolves to win? The Kings are 2 games behind the Mavericks, so if the Kings win tomorrow and Mavericks lose, the Kings will only be a game behind for the 4th seed.


Hall of Famer
xrzn said:
Is it that hard to figure out that the Kings need the T-Wolves to win? The Kings are 2 games behind the Mavericks, so if the Kings win tomorrow and Mavericks lose, the Kings will only be a game behind for the 4th seed.

Is it that hard to figure that way down is much shorter than way up?
piksi said:
Is it that hard to figure that way down is much shorter than way up?
Is it that hard to check the standings and see that the T-Wolves are 7 games behind the Kings? They way the T-Wolves are playing, they'll barely make the playoffs, so the Kings don't need to worry about the T-Wolves passing them to get the 5th seed.
The Kings are 3 back from Dallas in the loss column. Houston is only 1 game back from the Kings in the loss column. It would be far easier to drop to the 6th, or even the 7th, considering Memphis is only 2 back in the loss column, than to overtake Dallas.
I wonder if RA juggles his starting lineup without having Brad around and goes with Tag tomorrow to start against Yao. It would seem that Skinner would be well overmatched in size against Yao, and even though I realize Skinner did a competent job against Shaq, Shaq does not really use his size to take those fading jumpers from the baseline like Yao does. I don't even think Skinner is tall enough to bother those shots.

I presume Darius starts at the PF no matter who starts at C. Rockets have been running TMac a lot at SF lately, so it wouldn't surprise me to see Peja guarding him a fair bit of the time.


Hall of Famer
4cwebb said:
I wonder if RA juggles his starting lineup without having Brad around and goes with Tag tomorrow to start against Yao. It would seem that Skinner would be well overmatched in size against Yao, and even though I realize Skinner did a competent job against Shaq, Shaq does not really use his size to take those fading jumpers from the baseline like Yao does. I don't even think Skinner is tall enough to bother those shots.

I presume Darius starts at the PF no matter who starts at C. Rockets have been running TMac a lot at SF lately, so it wouldn't surprise me to see Peja guarding him a fair bit of the time.
I would hope so Starting Skinner against Shaq was not a good move... Tag should get the nod.
Insomniacal Fan said:
We should dress our players in platemail covered by big fluffy pillows from now on.
Nice idea...

but the weight of the chainmail would certainly cause problems, and I'm sure that whoever put the pillows on would tie them too tight and end up crushing someone.
Eliminate Yao. I like the idea of putting Skinner on Yao. Yao could be out of the game in the first 5 minutes with 3 fouls. How do you beat Yao? Remove him from the court.

I don't like the idea of running on this team. Didn't they just mop the floor with the Suns?
I think we ought to bring Spud out of retirement and sign him to a 10 day. We'll just have him run through Yaos legs on Offense and have him tickle Yao on D.

What do you all think?;)
The rockets won't have answer for clutchy bibby today . We will surely miss brad for his passing and shooting far away. We have to hope for the best with the players we have and ride the regular season out. We hopefully we get back brad and bjax for the playoffs, they will make or break the season .
I hope that Peja will finally show tonight why he was the best 3-point shooter 2 times!I expect from him to score 4-5 shoots behind the arc.Bibby just needs to continue with his magnificent playing.
We'll see Skinner against Yao tonight...
I beleve in this team!


Hall of Famer
Snapper Jones just said that we are DONE - ehich made me feel great about where we are.
Then BW gave us a subtle compliment - that scared the hell out of me

Generally - they are both hoooooorrible.

im not gonna be able to watch the game til later when i come unfortunately i won't be around til then (everyone calm down i know you'll miss me)

i really want us to pull a win out this afternoon....everyone is saying that we don't have a snowballs chance of winning this game...and this would be at this point in time the ultimate IN YOUR FACE game if we won....much like the Rockets/Suns game the other was a statement game for the Rockets and they prevailed...hopefully we can do the same

I believe we can

All I know is that i am PISSED OFF right now coz I just about settled in to watch the first game of the double header only to find out that the ABC broadcast we are getting here right now is some freaking telethon from Buffalo...... I am soooooo angry - I've been looking forward to watching KINGS the whole week!!!
Looks good, we should have Al and Hubie today. As long as it's not Walton.

I hope the team is not down from the news about Brad. This team has been through so much this year eventually you would think it has to wear on there emotions.
Big game...Pedja needs to step up big time now especially Brad being out.

I think Skinner will do well in place of Brad. Not a great shooter and passer as Brad, but I have a feeling Skinner will do well. He's being doing it these last few games and I think he don't mind continuing.

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