Report: Maloofs will file for relcation on Monday IF owners are receptive today

BOG UPDATE: Report Maloofs will file for relcation on Monday IF owners are receptive

George #Maloof, Kings co owner, just told us he and bros will make relocation application Monday IF #NBA owners are receptive today


#Maloofs comments are first clear statement #sackings are on verge of leaving. But it's not yet a done deal

#Maloof said he and bros will tell owners today the "good and bad" of both #anaheim and #Sacramento


Well, what we already knew, just verbalized.......Come on NBA! You owe us!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
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By Tony Bizjak
NEW YORK - In a quick interview on the sidewalk outside the St. Regis Hotel in Manhattan, Kings co-owner George Maloof this morning said he and his brothers have not yet decided whether they will file a request with the NBA to move to Anaheim this year, but indicated that they are leaning toward filing.
"We're making a presentation today about what's good and bad about Sacramento and Anaheim. If the owners are comfortable with it, we'll take the next step. We'll put in an application on Monday if things are right," Maloof said.
Maloof said they will be making a presentation at 12:45 p.m. New York time.
So in about 2 1/2 hours. Will there be any streaming to it or reporters? I really don't know, I can't say I've ever really followed anything like this so closely in my life.
So in about 2 1/2 hours. Will there be any streaming to it or reporters? I really don't know, I can't say I've ever really followed anything like this so closely in my life.
There are reporters standing outside, they are not even allowed inside the hotel, but I'm sure something will be leaked.
Classless and tactless. Just like I suspected (but hoped they wouldn't) do. Wait until the morning after the last game to break the silence and tell people what they pretty much already know anyways. What a shameful and cowardly move. I hope and pray that the owners put them in the place.
There only needs to be a majority vote. and since the resulting relocation of the kings would mean a couple million less for LAL and LAC, i don't see many more than a few owners voting against it. We live or lived in California, so we think LA has more power than it actually does. In reality many owners would be in favor of LAL loosing revenue because it might hurt them on the court eventually. Either way, its been stated that a relocation has never been denied in the NBA, and you have to consider the fact that the maloofs are one of the boys in that circle of owners, in addition to be very personable when they want to be. if they want Anaheim, its done. The problem doesn't arise with the departure of the kings, it will be long after, when we are trying to attract any sports franchise to the sacramento area. Will the owners vote against the move? no. but, there are still the 49ers, raiders, rivercats, and hopefully sac state gets something going now that they are going to be the main event in sacramento. Downtown is gonna be even more crowded now, GREAT.
There only needs to be a majority vote. and since the resulting relocation of the kings would mean a couple million less for LAL and LAC, i don't see many more than a few owners voting against it. We live or lived in California, so we think LA has more power than it actually does. In reality many owners would be in favor of LAL loosing revenue because it might hurt them on the court eventually. Either way, its been stated that a relocation has never been denied in the NBA, and you have to consider the fact that the maloofs are one of the boys in that circle of owners, in addition to be very personable when they want to be. if they want Anaheim, its done. The problem doesn't arise with the departure of the kings, it will be long after, when we are trying to attract any sports franchise to the sacramento area. Will the owners vote against the move? no. but, there are still the 49ers, raiders, rivercats, and hopefully sac state gets something going now that they are going to be the main event in sacramento. Downtown is gonna be even more crowded now, GREAT.
It's more complicated than that. They also have an issue to discuss revenue sharing from media contracts. This requires an agreement for the large market teams to share with the small market teams. That does take cooperation with votes and the issues do affect each other. And it's not just about this move, it's a precedent being set of the NBA abandoning successful small markets to move to big markets. So it's not a slam dunk like other relocation votes.
I'm still not sold on the Kings moving. People don't realize - any "relocation fee" is decided by the other 29 owners. If they decide the Kings were worth, say, $275m in Sacramento and $425m in Anaheim, they ABSOLUTELY can demand $150m as the relocation fee. Maloofs can't move without getting 15 owner votes. Price will not be cheap. And Maloofs are broke - they will have to sell to afford that fee. They don't want to sell. Big mess ahead.

The Board of Governors meetings are going on today and tomorrow. At some point they're voting on this Kings thing - supposedly Jerry Buss is at these meetings and he usually never goes. Buss + Sterling have been friends for 40 yrs. They are going to throw their bodies in front of this Anaheim thing OR demand big big big territorial bucks.

from bill simmons


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Staff member
It's more complicated than that. They also have an issue to discuss revenue sharing from media contracts. This requires an agreement for the large market teams to share with the small market teams. That does take cooperation with votes and the issues do affect each other. And it's not just about this move, it's a precedent being set of the NBA abandoning successful small markets to move to big markets. So it's not a slam dunk like other relocation votes.
Not only that, this isn't solely about the vote. I DO believe that if it comes down to an actual vote on relocation the request will be granted by a sizeable majority with no more than a handful of teams (LAL, LAC, maybe GS and a couple others) voting against it. But more important is the actual discussion of the move. While the board of governors will almost certainly allow the Maloofs to move the team if that's really what they want, they will also voice any concerns they have and possibly having those concerns lead the Maloofs to reconsidering. Other than a breakdown in negotiations or just flat out not being able to afford the costs involved in the move that's the only way I see the Kings staying in town.
It's more complicated than that. They also have an issue to discuss revenue sharing from media contracts. This requires an agreement for the large market teams to share with the small market teams. That does take cooperation with votes and the issues do affect each other. And it's not just about this move, it's a precedent being set of the NBA abandoning successful small markets to move to big markets. So it's not a slam dunk like other relocation votes.
Like Seattle was a slam dunk? Key Arena > Arco, Sonics fans = Sac fans. That place got loud too. THere is no way the Maloofs don't get the votes to move. We're all hoping the fees related to moving are so high, the Maloofs have to sell. That's the only hope.
Not only that, this isn't solely about the vote. I DO believe that if it comes down to an actual vote on relocation the request will be granted by a sizeable majority with no more than a handful of teams (LAL, LAC, maybe GS and a couple others) voting against it. But more important is the actual discussion of the move. While the board of governors will almost certainly allow the Maloofs to move the team if that's really what they want, they will also voice any concerns they have and possibly having those concerns lead the Maloofs to reconsidering. Other than a breakdown in negotiations or just flat out not being able to afford the costs involved in the move that's the only way I see the Kings staying in town.
Lakers/Clippers/GS plus Mavs and Portland voted against the Sonics move. Now add in that NJ is already looking to move a team in after the Nets leave you maybe able to add NY and NJ. That's 7 right there before you even get into the finances.
TonyBizjak Tony Bizjak
Anaheim officials are in St. Regis Hotel now briefing the #NBA relocation committee on what their city has to offer #SacKings #HereWeStay

Ok, looks like the order to present is: Anahiem, Maloofs, Sacramento.

We have the ball in our hands for the last shot! C'mon KJ!!!! :D


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I suppose I'm jaded since the BOG allowed Oklahoma to outright steal the Sonics from Seattle in a complete sham of a move. If they didn't move to stop that then I guess I have a hard time seeing them shooting down this move.

On the other hand, that move didn't hurt the other owners financially and this one could. It moves another team into the LA area which means that both the Lakers and Clippers are losing money.

The other owners have to realize that the move would inflate the value (perceived if not real) of the Kings/Royals which should strike them as unfair and eager to get their pound of flesh because of it AND it sets the precedent for teams moving from being the lone team in a small market to siphoning money from a larger market. If I'm the Bulls I don't want a struggling small market team envisioning being a second team in Chicago for instance.

And finally, it creates another LA/SoCal team that the other teams will have to compete with for free agents. One that (unlike the Clippers) could very well be aggressive in picking off premier free agents and giving them a more attractive destination than Milwaukee, Cleveland etc.

There are selfish reasons why the BOG could be against this move when every other relocation vote has more or less been a rubber stamp.

If the Maloofs were trying to move to Louisville or Kansas City I don't think there'd be any issues. But Anaheim may be reason enough to see significant resistance from the other owners. But I'd still put more faith in money issues/difficulties with the actual Anaheim deal being the reason to hope the Kings stay in Sacramento.
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If they deny the relocation then everyone who said they wanted to help or has been trying but felt it was too late needs to come together and get an arena deal done fast, I'll want to see Webber recruit more former players and such. I don't want to see hey they aren't moving we're safe mentality...if given a second chance everyone with power needs to get it done. If they don't move it will be contraction or they will have to sell and you can't assume that they would sell to anyone but the highest bidder. Then agains maybe they would be stubborn and never sell but contracted anyway.
I supposed I'm jaded since the BOG allowed Oklahoma to outright steal the Sonics from Seattle in a complete sham of a move. If they didn't move to stop that then I guess I have a hard time seeing them shooting down this move.

On the other hand, that move didn't hurt the other owners financially and this one could. It moves another team into the LA area which means that both the Lakers and Clippers are losing money.

The other owners have to realize that the move would inflate the value (perceived if not real) of the Kings/Royals which should strike them as unfair and eager to get their pound of flesh because of it AND it sets the precedent for teams moving from being the lone team in a small market to siphoning money from a larger market. If I'm the Bulls I don't want a struggling small market team envisioning being a second team in Chicago for instance.

And finally, it creates another LA/SoCal team that the other teams will have to compete with for free agents. One that (unlike the Clippers) could very well be aggressive in picking of premier free agents and giving them a more attractive destination than Milwaukee, Cleveland etc.

There are selfish reasons why the BOG could be against this move when every other relocation vote has more or less been a rubber stamp.

If the Maloofs were trying to move to Louisville or Kansas City I don't think there'd be any issues. But Anaheim may be reason enough to see significant resistance from the other owners. But I'd still put more faith in money issues/difficulties with the actual Anaheim deal being the reason to hope the Kings stay in Sacramento.
Good point. One other thing that could happen, is that some of the smaller market owners may have sour grapes about it. Sort of an "I can't just move to a big city and solve all my problems, so why should they?" attitude. I'm just basing that on how I'd feel if i were a small market owner. Why would i want to let another small market owner reap the spoils of a big city when i'm still stuck in a one horse town?
Its going to be SOOO awkward if the BOG says are the Maloofs going be treated in Sacramento? Still no Arena will we have to do this again in a year?
I'm still not sold on the Kings moving. People don't realize - any "relocation fee" is decided by the other 29 owners. If they decide the Kings were worth, say, $275m in Sacramento and $425m in Anaheim, they ABSOLUTELY can demand $150m as the relocation fee. Maloofs can't move without getting 15 owner votes. Price will not be cheap. And Maloofs are broke - they will have to sell to afford that fee. They don't want to sell. Big mess ahead.

The Board of Governors meetings are going on today and tomorrow. At some point they're voting on this Kings thing - supposedly Jerry Buss is at these meetings and he usually never goes. Buss + Sterling have been friends for 40 yrs. They are going to throw their bodies in front of this Anaheim thing OR demand big big big territorial bucks.

from bill simmons
Man I hope he's right.
Its going to be SOOO awkward if the BOG says are the Maloofs going be treated in Sacramento? Still no Arena will we have to do this again in a year?
It's definitely gonna be weird to say the least if they don't get approval to move. Would they still come to games next year? Would they sell the team? Would they work with ICON? Would they just try and move to another city next year? Hopefully we'll find out the answers to those questions. I honestly think that if they have to stay and this ends up getting an arena built that people will forget about this. Sure they'll still harbor some resentment for the Maloofs but I don't think there'd be any open hostility or anything. People just want the team to stay and as long as that happens i think they'll be happy and forget this whole ordeal ever happened.
Its game time!

@KJ_MayorJohnson just headed in to make pitch to NBA. He told press his adrenalin is flowing. Today is critical day for Sactown, he said.

Johnson declined to say how much money business community has donated but said, "This is new money that's going to contribute to the revenue stream that was not there."

As mayor of this city, and personally, I am committed to going forward, and we are committed as a community to going forward, with a new entertainment and sports facilty, whether the Kings are there or not."

"I think my adrenalin is flowing. Let me be very clear the stakes are high."

"My emotion today is this community is fighting to save its team and fighting to preserve a relation we've had with the NBA for 26 years."

"This is a playoff game for us. And we're competing against Anaheim."
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If the Anaheim deal falls through and the kings finally are able to build an arena in Sacramento, I will fly up from LA for the home opener(in whatever year it gets built ;))
Lakers/Clippers/GS plus Mavs and Portland voted against the Sonics move. Now add in that NJ is already looking to move a team in after the Nets leave you maybe able to add NY and NJ. That's 7 right there before you even get into the finances.
No, only Mark Cuban and Paul Allen voted against the move. It was 28-2. Allen most likely voted against it because of his Microsoft buddy Steve Ballmer. Ballmer was leading a group to propose a huge renovation to Key Arena.