real sports on HBO (doug segment)

they did a segment on doug and his wife and asked them about all the "weird" things about their marriage.

at the end of the show, they said doug and his wife will be doing the reality show and it will be "coming up soon." i don't know how true that is though, cause it wasn't doug and jackie who said it directly.

side note: they showed a short clip of doug, webb, peja, and hedo walking to the locker room and just laughing and talking. they were all wearing suits, so it was kinda cute.:eek:
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Ok well it's not on demand..i fast forwarded thru all 53 mins of real sports 95, and that wasn't the one. BUT I searched and found that it will be coming on again tomorrow (Sunday) at 1pm on HBO2E (sorry, don't know if that will help all of you but thats what I found) Good lookin out LMM!! I would have really missed out. Thanks :)
oh god i can't wait for this...

::sigh:: unfortunetly i don't have HBO anymore...if only it came on Showtime

oh well im sure ill be hearing all about it...providing this is all true of course
Well I saw it....yea... It was cute..I guess I could say that. lol. I enjoyed seeing Doug all dressed up in his suits and all that other good stuff. (When he came in, in that tan suit..wit the glasses..omg! ;) lol) But really..if their relationship is all how they perceive it to be then good for them. I think it's really sweet..BUT then again, a lot of it is still ridiculous as I've mentioned before. But hey, if it works for them and he's happy, that's all that matters.

Something for those of you who didn't see it..

They have poems for each other (that they write in their little notes to each other before games) and the man interviewing them asked Doug to say one of them, and Doug goes..

"Roses are red, violets are blue, every day that I spend with you, i love you more and more.." <-- He's so sweet!

and Jackie's poem to Doug was..

"Roses are red, violets are blue, if you look at a girl, i'm gonna beat you!"

Yep, that's what she said..I guess she claims that one to be a joke lol, we all hope...

and the interview man sarcastically goes.. "That's kinda touchy Doug"

and Doug's like..

"Yea..that would be touching" lol

Well...that was a clip of those two until the show comes on...
ImaDougaholic24_7 said:
Well I saw it....yea... It was cute..I guess I could say that. lol. I enjoyed seeing Doug all dressed up in his suits and all that other good stuff. (When he came in, in that tan suit..wit the glasses..omg! ;) lol) But really..if their relationship is all how they perceive it to be then good for them. I think it's really sweet..BUT then again, a lot of it is still ridiculous as I've mentioned before. But hey, if it works for them and he's happy, that's all that matters.

Something for those of you who didn't see it..

They have poems for each other (that they write in their little notes to each other before games) and the man interviewing them asked Doug to say one of them, and Doug goes..

"Roses are red, violets are blue, every day that I spend with you, i love you more and more.." <-- He's so sweet!

and Jackie's poem to Doug was..

"Roses are red, violets are blue, if you look at a girl, i'm gonna beat you!"

Yep, that's what she said..I guess she claims that one to be a joke lol, we all hope...

and the interview man sarcastically goes.. "That's kinda touchy Doug"

and Doug's like..

"Yea..that would be touching" lol

Well...that was a clip of those two until the show comes on...

im laughing so hard right now that im crying...thx for sharing ID24 7....god i wish i saw it
I also watched this the other day, i mean i don't think it is right for us to judge them on their marriage becuase it is working just fine(not saying that we are judging them, but some analysts on the show were) but jackie did seem a little strange, i had never seen an actual interview like that. Doug just seemed very submissive with her, which isn't a bad thing, i think doug just isn't a real big talker. But at times she seemed to be very overbearing. But ya know, if it works then don't mess with it ya know, they're happy and they ain't hurtin nobody, so let it be, ya know? It's just funny how much people look at a relationship that is very monogomous and look at it as "strange", tells a little something about our society huh...
^lol true true

one time i was watching PTI after i think DC was traded and they were making fun of DC a little (well Tony more than Mike ofcourse) but Mike is like "everyone knows about Doug and Jackie's relationship...and its a thing now that when a guy gets married his friends buy him a Doug Christie jersey"
iheartBrad said:
^lol true true

one time i was watching PTI after i think DC was traded and they were making fun of DC a little (well Tony more than Mike ofcourse) but Mike is like "everyone knows about Doug and Jackie's relationship...and its a thing now that when a guy gets married his friends buy him a Doug Christie jersey"
heh...i dont really remember that quote (even if i am an ADAMANT/semi-obsessed PTI watcher) it figures that Tony would do that...

(random thought on PTI...i kinda wanna have a daily discussion on what they talk about/what they say...any interest from anyone else on that???or am i just weird...)
id be in...i LOVE PTI...MIke and Tony are like the first couple of sports reporting...they blend so nicely with each other...and they always make me laugh...i prolly end up watching it like 3 days out of 5 cuz sometimes im just too lazy to get up and go to the TV....i didn't see it today but i watched it yesterday
k, lets do start a new thread tomorrow in this try to list the topics, but i cant guarentee anything :D...

this'll be fun

(trying not to get too far off topic so...)
and now, back to DC, on HBO...
If you're gonna capture a shot from that segment, I suggest the one with Stojakovic, Webber, Christie and Turkoglu walking/laughing together in their dapper suits. When I saw that I immediately pictured all the young ladies of this site signing in with a big message board swoon. ;)
uolj said:
If you're gonna capture a shot from that segment, I suggest the one with Stojakovic, Webber, Christie and Turkoglu walking/laughing together in their dapper suits. When I saw that I immediately pictured all the young ladies of this site signing in with a big message board swoon. ;)
LOL that was exactly what i was referring to in my first post! :D
It seem to me when the man was asking Jackie questions she didn't give a straight forward answer.I just feel that she was holding some stuff back.


Are The Christies still doing The reality show.


Super Moderator Emeritus
With the divorce rate in California approaching 2/3 of all marriages, I don't think most of their critics have any room whatsoever to talk. People may not approve or understand of their relationship, but it's lasted a helluva lot longer than a lot of marriages, especially marriages with athletes involved.
uolj said:
If you're gonna capture a shot from that segment, I suggest the one with Stojakovic, Webber, Christie and Turkoglu walking/laughing together in their dapper suits. When I saw that I immediately pictured all the young ladies of this site signing in with a big message board swoon. ;)
Now I really want to see it, can anyone post it?