Rashard/#10/Fortson for Marion/#27/Barbosa?

Yeah, DX again...

Draftexpress.com - The Seattle Supersonics and Phoenix Suns are rumored to be discussing a blockbuster trade.

The deal could potentially involve Rashard Lewis, the 10th pick, and Danny Fortson heading to Phoenix in exchange for Shawn Marion, the 27th pick, and possibly Leandro Barbosa.
http://www.draftexpress.com/viewarticle.php?a=1369 (can't paste full)

That'd be one hell of a deal...

Diaw or KT

Wilcox (likely)/Collison (this guy is gonna be stuck as a back-up, we should get him)

Suns get their strong 3 PT shooting back, and incase they can't get House/TT back. Possibly keep Fortson as another tough guy for the Spurs/Mavs, with Kurt Thomas and Raja Bell. Both Fortson/KT need to stay healthy though, and Fortson not in too much trouble. Wouldn't be surprised if they didn't use Fortson and then deal him, too.

Then Sonics get an energy stud in Marion, and a back-up SG. Both would be blasts to watch, still would be average/below-average defensively though.
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i dont see how this benefits the Suns. Who is good at 10? they should look to get an Aldridge or a Tyrus Thomas. Theyd have to be top 5.
If the suns do this...yea..i just dont know..I would NOT do this if i were phoenix..barbosa came on strong and..well..marion is marion..hes a good 20pts 10 boards, those are hard to come by...especially at SF (well..cept for our SG :))


Hall of Famer
Well the Suns "get tough" in the deal. But godd god there is tough and then there is psycho... bad idea for the Suns. Seatle wins BIG in this deal if you ask me.
Suns would get the short end of the stick with this trade if you ask me. Marion is suited for Suns type of play and he is a 20 -10 guy. Fortson is only good for his fouls in my opinion, plus he is kinda crazy so this would be a bad trade for Phoenix, at least thats what it looks like to me.
I have read rumors around the web that Marion wants out, so that's got to be where all these rumors are coming from. The only way the Suns move Marion is if he wants out. It's too late to change the game plan for them so if it's up to them I don't see him moving.
At first glance it seems bad for the Suns, but Rashard Lewis, Rodney Carney and Fortson's expiring contract (so they can re-sign Diaw) for Marion isn't such a bad deal. Lewis fits their inside/outside style and they can add a good young player. I would never do it if I were the Suns, but it's not completely lopsided.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
At first glance it seems bad for the Suns, but Rashard Lewis, Rodney Carney and Fortson's expiring contract (so they can re-sign Diaw) for Marion isn't such a bad deal. Lewis fits their inside/outside style and they can add a good young player. I would never do it if I were the Suns, but it's not completely lopsided.
Here's the thing -- the Suns are an absolutely terrible rebounding team. They have no idea how Amare is going to look like upon his return. To lose 6 rebounds a game out of your lineup just so you can get even more three point shooting...:eek:
Furthermore, the talk is that Rashard will opt out of his contract after next year and the Suns will let him walk. This whole trade is luxury tax motivated...
Here's the thing -- the Suns are an absolutely terrible rebounding team. They have no idea how Amare is going to look like upon his return. To lose 6 rebounds a game out of your lineup just so you can get even more three point shooting...:eek:
I agree with you, and even more importantly they become a much worse defensive team. But if you've made up your mind to deal Marion this isn't a horrendous deal -- just a not very good one. If the #10 turns out to be really good it wouldn't look so bad.

I don't know, Phoenix seems to believe that all of their parts are interchangable since they had the same success this year without Joe Johnson, Amare and Richardson. But they still had Marion. He's the kind of do-everything player that they might miss even more than Amare.
Agreed it's all about the luxury tax. Marion is paid like a franchise player but he's not. Watch, in a year the Suns will do a S&T of Lewis and bank another great draft pick. They're starting to get on my nerves.

Just checked and Lewis is a player option next year next year so they can't do a S&T. Basically it's Lewis for a year rental, Fortson likely to get rid of as an expiring contract and the ten pick for some luxury tax relief and the ability to sign Diaw. Given the Suns talent, availbale picks, if Amare comes back whole they're still in grreat shape for years to come.
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I don't understand why the Suns would want to get rid of Shawn Marion in the first place and secondly Barbosa. Both have really important contributors.


marion for lewis.... i understand... but barbosa? if they can somehow land a center... this trade wont be that bad....

center or diaw....

then the next year diaw or tim thomas would replace lewis at sf.... its really not that bad... if they dont over pay thomas.... and wont kurt thomas be an expiring contract as well? that could land them a good replacement also...
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Kurt Thomas or Boris Diaw WILL be their center....

Originally Kurt was brought there to play center so Amare didn't have to and could play PF.

Diaw worked for them at center this past season as well, and with them and their small line-up and Kurt being older, he may just get the spot.
I think the Bulls deal, if it was real, was floated more from the SUns side. Why would th Bulls want a max contract SF in Marion when they have Deng and Nocioni?


Understood the Chicago rumor far more -- at least there you ended up with athletic size and handed SF over to Diaw/Thomas.

thats kinda what i was thinking... but if forston is thrown how many minutes would diaw get at center with kurt thomas there? and who will diaw be setting up if marion and barbosa are gone? house? lewis can get his own shot for the most part........
House is a free-agent. As is Tim Thomas.

Don't think it's as clear with House now that he'll be back to Phoenix with Miami being interested in a scoring guard that can handle the ball.

Fortson would be playing PF behind Amare. Fortson's not a regular playing center. Kurt/Diaw/Grant/possibly Fortson would be playing center for the Suns.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I think the Bulls deal, if it was real, was floated more from the SUns side. Why would th Bulls want a max contract SF in Marion when they have Deng and Nocioni?

In that scenario I'm pretty sure Marion would be their PF as he was for the Suns this year.

I would not be high on that trade for the Bulls, but if they were going to do it it would be out of an interest in acquiring an actual star player -- although only a supporting star rather then the #1 option that could really change things for them.
I can't see why they might want to do that to "get tougher" when Stoudemire gives them a lot of edge down low. Thomas still has a good year or two left in him I think as well. Fortson would definitely help, but I wouldn't do it at the expense of Marion. Not if I had to deal with him in the Western Conference after the trade. Marion is in his prime and too unique a talent to give up in my opinion. I think they could just draft an athletic bigin the draft that can rebound and run the floor and they'll be fine.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I think they could just draft an athletic bigin the draft that can rebound and run the floor and they'll be fine.
Ah yes, but far easier said than done when you are picking in the 20s.

Ironically you get the feeling thqt at the same time that certainly acumenally challenged national commentators are jumping on the "small ball is the future" bandwagon, the Suns, sitting at home watching all the 7'0 behemoths running around in the Finals again (as there always are), may have drawn the opposite conclusion, and be looking at ways to acquire some size that works within their team concept.