
I wouldn't be surprised. He's the kind of big man Geoff & Rick like, can score in a lot of ways, can't defend. We could do worse, but what chance will we have in the playoffs? Man I hope Tag gets in shape and sees playing time.
My thought is Williamson to Portland for a signed Abdur-Rahim. Portland needs some sanity in the locker room and Corliss could back up Miles and Randolph. I don't know that Portland is going to get a better deal than that. New Jersey wants Abdur-Rahim, but not for more than the MLE. Atlanta may have the cap space, but after a gazillion years playing for crappy teams Shareef has to want to try his luck with a winning team. Plus, Bibby and Abdur-Rahim played together in Vancouver.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Rahim for who tho?

Diabeticwonder said:
To get him the Kings would either have to use the entire MLE on him or swing a sign and trade with Portland.
Lets hope the Blazers need a good shooting guard (aka Mobley). He went to Cal Berkeley, for what ever that is worth for local draw.

He is a PF but at 6-9 and 245 a bit on the smaller side. His numbers are good with bad teams (Griz and Hawks) 20-10 or so and 19-7 with Blazers and he is a career 81%+ free thrower. That alone is 4-5 pts a game we never had from a PF, Miller notwithstanding when he was there with Vlade and CWebb.

Comes with a bit of baggage but I think he is GOOD. :)
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CruzDude said:
Lets hope the Blazers need a good shooting guard (aka Mobley). And didn't he go to Cal Berkeley?

But what position would he play? PF?

Comes with a bit of baggage.....
I have a similar concern...he's 6'9"...most likely a SF. The last thing we need is another small PF. That could support the idea that Peja will be spending some time at SG.

And, yes, he did go to Cal.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Lets hope the Blazers need a good shooting guard (aka Mobley).
They do. Derek Anderson can't have any ligaments or cartilage left in his knees and he's the only shooting guard on the roster outside of newly drafted prepster Martell Webster.

And didn't he go to Cal Berkeley?
Yep. And not that it matters, but he actually went to class. A rarity for the more talented athletes on campus.

But what position would he play? PF?
Yeah. At least if he joined the Kings roster as it stands now. Although I still maintain that he is better suited to the three.

Comes with a bit of baggage.....
Not really. There are a couple reasons to be wary: (1) problems with Bibby in Vancouver and (2) has always put up good numbers on bad teams, but he doesn't have off court problems and although he's grumbled a bit (especially in Portland) I don't get the sense that he's a locker room cancer.

Rahim for the whole MLE? I don't know about that.
Rahim in a S&T for Mobley? Absolutely. I don't know that the Kings can reasonably expect more for Cuttino. Nene or Artest would be better but I just don't see Denver or Indiana ever making that deal.

I certainly wouldn't mind him at the three with Peja as bait for the big man the team needs.


Super Moderator Emeritus
funkykingston said:
...I certainly wouldn't mind him at the three with Peja as bait for the big man the team needs.
Sound of phone dialing...

voice a: Hello?

voice b: Hello. I have a call for Mr. McHale.

a: May I say who's calling?

b: Just tell him I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.

Theme from the Godfather starts to play in the background...


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I don't know if Rahim is the perfect fit for this team, but he is a talented player and more talent coming in (for the MLE it would be a relative bargain) is always a good thing. New Jersey has more money to spend though. If they can't get Swift (Atlanta might overpay to get him) I would think Rahim is #2 on their list.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Rahim is the scariest free agent of the entire offseason for us aside from Antoine Walker. He is a walking, talking advertisement to our front office's fascination with offense. There is a reason he's never won ANYTHING. He's a lottery PF. (who BTW should be playing SF like he did when he was young, although for some bizarre reason he was making a fuss about playing SF in Portland). He is Juwann Howard.

Before the offseason began I predicted Garcia in the draft and Rahim as a FA. If it happens it would be so utterly predictable it makes you want to cry. Or maybe trade franchises with somebody. (WANTED: franchise that reviles softness and realizes there is more to a stat sheet than PPG; willing to trade one former genius GM and two Vegas-the-show-must-go-on style over substance owners).
Bricklayer said:
Rahim is the scariest free agent of the entire offseason for us aside from Antoine Walker. He is a walking, talking advertisement to our front office's fascination with offense. There is a reason he's never won ANYTHING. He's a lottery PF. (who BTW should be playing SF like he did when he was young, although for some bizarre reason he was making a fuss about playing SF in Portland). He is Juwann Howard.

Before the offseason began I predicted Garcia in the draft and Rahim as a FA. If it happens it would be so utterly predictable it makes you want to cry. Or maybe trade franchises with somebody. (WANTED: franchise that reviles softness and realizes there is more to a stat sheet than PPG; willing to trade one former genius GM and two Vegas-the-show-must-go-on style over substance owners).
Hmm.... So Rahim is not stopping by the Bricklayer residence for dinner?

I agree that he's not ideal, but he's also not THAT bad. I'd take him over Walker any day. It's not often that you get an All-Star for relatively little, and when you weigh the benefits versus the potential costs I think you help the team without losing much.

Kevin Garnett is not walking through that door. Ben Wallace is not walking through that door.

Who would you rather the team pick up, Bricklayer?


haven't watch much of Rahim.......is he a good rebounder?
hes a decent rebounder not a monster or anything..... he can put up alot of numbers, but hes not a shotblocker.....
i looked up rahim's and kenny's stats. they are pretty much equal but rahim averages almost 5 points more than kenny thomas. he's also bigger and snatches down more rebounds. rahim doesn't look as good as webber when he was running our offense, but i think rahim will make good things happen. im considering that he wasn't a go to guy like shaq or someone for the blazers, so he averaged almost 17 a game just on his playing ability. if he gets in our system there is a good chance that we'll run the offense through him and brad miller. his points and assist may increase. i think he'll do well in our system. if we acquire rahim all we need is a shooting guard that can handle the ball and defend.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
nbrans said:
Hmm.... So Rahim is not stopping by the Bricklayer residence for dinner?

I agree that he's not ideal, but he's also not THAT bad. I'd take him over Walker any day. It's not often that you get an All-Star for relatively little, and when you weigh the benefits versus the potential costs I think you help the team without losing much.

Kevin Garnett is not walking through that door. Ben Wallace is not walking through that door.

Who would you rather the team pick up, Bricklayer?
People keep asking that question. The answer is almost anybody. Many of them theoretically "lesser" players who at least compete on defense and the glass. Our softness is already out of control. Rahim would just be a joke. The new unis would have to feature an optional skirt (that option only there until Skinner accidentally fouls someone driving the lane and we trade him away for such unmannerly thuggish behavior -- therafter we just make it mandatory).

There comes a point when you cross the line into truly puzzling behavior. If we were to pick up Rahim, just how bright a bball mind is Petrie really? Is he actually incapable of seeing our desperate need for help on defense and the glass? Does he have a crimp in his neck that only allows him to watch half the court during games, and he chooses the offensive side? Or how about this -- that we actually aren't really TRYING to win. Not really. Just trying to score points, knowing that you put enough offense on the floor its good for 50 wins over the lesser teams in the league. So you score lots of points, try to entertain the less discriminating fans with bull**** ball, and hope that nobody notices that the best teams are dismissing you out of hand when it matters. Just keep up the appearance of respectability with uptempo ball and maybe the networks keep on televising games and maybe somebody builds you a new arena to watch your exciting style of racetrack mediocrity.

So give me Nene, Or Swift. Or Chandler. Or Gadzuric. Or just about anybody long and athletic who blocks shots and can impede the middle. But please PLEASE no more tweener softies who play smaller than they are.

Now if you want to talk about Rahim as a SF -- we can talk.

P.S. One note, there was a time years ago when Rahim seemed to play with more passion. When he was good for 21pts 9rebs 1blk. But its been a long time, and what you have at this point is 17pts 7.5reb 0.5 blk. If he could regain his youth...his acquisition would still solve none of our problems, but at least wouldn't add to them.
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Bricklayer said:
People keep asking that question. The answer is almost anybody. Many of them theoretically "lesser" players who at least compete on defense and the glass. Our softness is already out of control. Rahim would just be a joke. The new unis would have to feature an optional skirt (that option only there until Skinner accidentally fouls someone driving the lane and we trade him away for such unmannerly thuggish behavior -- therafter we just make it mandatory).

There comes a point when you cross the line into truly puzzling behavior. If we were to pick up Rahim, just how bright a bball mind is Petrie really? Is he actually incapable of seeing our desperate need for help on defense and the glass? Does he have a crimp in his neck that only allows him to watch half the court during games, and he chooses the offensive side? Or how about this -- that we actually aren't really TRYING to win. Not really. Just trying to score points, knowing that you put enough offense on the floor its good for 50 wins over the lesser teams in the league. So you score lots of points, try to entertain the less discriminating fans with bull**** ball, and hope that nobody notices that the best teams are dismissing you out of hand when it matters. Just keep up the appearance of respectability with uptempo ball and maybe the networks keep on televising games and maybe somebody builds you a new arena to watch your exciting style of racetrack mediocrity.

So give me Nene, Or Swift. Or Chandler. Or Gadzuric. Or just about anybody long and athletic who blocks shots and can impede the middle. But please PLEASE no more tweener softies who play smaller than they are.

Now if you want to talk about Rahim as a SF -- we can talk.

P.S. One note, there was a time years ago when Rahim seemed to play with more passion. When he was good for 21pts 9rebs 1blk. But its been a long time, and what you have at this point is 17pts 7.5reb 0.5 blk. If he could regain his youth...his acquisition would still solve none of our problems, but at least wouldn't add to them.

I could not agree more. While I think the Garcia pick was solid, signing Rahim would be a joke. Unless we are also trading Peja and Rahim is sliding to the 3, in which case it could be a good thing.

As to your other point, I'm starting to wonder. I've stated before that Sacramento does not have bedrock basketball knowledge in its fan base. It is a baseball town first, football a close second. So, the front office is able to do some things that they would be screaming about in Philly, Detroit, or Boston. Furthermore, I am concerned that Petrie has adopted the Princeton O the same way Tom Cruise has adopted Scientology. In some of his interviews he has put himself out there as something of a standard bearer for the Princeton system, and seems intent on proving that it works on the highest level. Never mind that it does not actually work in the college game.
Bricklayer said:
He would be a perfect fit for this team.

Soft(check),no post game(check),shoots jumpers(check),does not rebound(check),does not block shots(check),does not defend(check).

Actually would not be surprised if he is on our team this year
I think I differ in philosophy from Bricklayer and Venom, and dare I say I have a bit more in common philosophically with Petrie. If you look back at past Kings teams, back before Webber's injury, the Kings were the second-best team in basketball, and had a real shot at the title. They were also one of the top defending teams a few years back, and Webber and Divac weren't exactly stalwarts. They didn't accomplsih these things with the traditional structure of having a superstar or two surrounded by role players, they did it by having complete players at every position.

I have to differ a bit with the idea that what the Kings need most is a role player at the 4. It works to have a role players when you're building around a star or two who will dominate the ball, ie, the San Antonio model. But the Kings don't have the luxury of a superstar, and they have to beat teams by being better than the other team at as many positions as possible. They've shown that the model works in the past, it almost won them a championship, and the offense depends on having capable offensive players at every position.

That's not to say that Abdur-Rahim is a complete player by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm not convinced that Stromile Swift is going to make the Kings much better. When you can pick up an All-Star, unless his name is Antoine Walker I think you have to go for it.
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