Quincy Douby Rookie Photo Shoot


Hall of Famer
Brick i like the way your post refering to any kings player is condecending. like "At Least his photos look good" Are you basically saying he will be a scrub and he was an idiotic draft pic but, the photos look good??
I don't think Douby was a bad pick at all. Can't complain about big men, since outside of Josh Boone (who had questions about his passion and consistency), there weren't really any available to pick from other than one-two year project, Joel Freeland. And Josh Boone ended up getting shoulder surgery and is out for awhile. Besides, were getting at least one of Amundson/Williams, who were both considered R2 picks, but the explosion of Int'l players changed that and put many solid prospects out of the draft.

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Outside shooting is much needed at Sac, whether you want to admit it or not. Bibby and Martin are not enough and Garcia is not consistent enough.


Hall of Famer
I don't think that will be an issue. Bibby and Martin are plenty to keep the defense honest. They will not be left alone.
GP always says with a late pick in the first round you can't try and pickup a big man that has slipped...has to be a reason why he slipped that far. Got to go with the best talent...no matter size. I think this kid is going to be solid


Hall of Famer
Big Men

I don't think Douby was a bad pick at all. Can't complain about big men, since outside of Josh Boone (who had questions about his passion and consistency), there weren't really any available to pick from other than one-two year project, Joel Freeland. And Josh Boone ended up getting shoulder surgery and is out for awhile. Besides, were getting at least one of Amundson/Williams, who were both considered R2 picks, but the explosion of Int'l players changed that and put many solid prospects out of the draft.


There was one big left that I liked and thought would be a first rounder. Alexander Johnson. Remember the name. Went in the second round to the Grizz I believe. :rolleyes:


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
How much does he weigh? He looks skinnier than Kevin!!
He's always been a skinny little guy. And there is simply no way he can guard OGs in the NBA with neither the height nor a fraction of the strength. But call him a PG and the strength issue isn't as large. Baron will bowl him right over and Cassel will post him at will, but most PGs aren't going to punish you that badly for being scrawny. Just a question of whether he can "learn" the instincts for the postion on the other side of the ball.