**PRAYER THREAD** (merged)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Excellent news, Proph!! Thanks for the update.

Update on my dad:

He went home Wednesday. He's doing pretty good and getting his appitite back slowly. Everything he does is exhausting to him, but he's definately on the mend. :)
I've been calling daily since I returned home...checking on both my dad and my mom. I think last night was her first good night's sleep in about 2 weeks. At least she doesn't have to drive back and forth to the hospital anymore. (It's an hour each way)
Excellent news, hoopsie.

my mom is back in the hospital for an overnight stay, getting checked out. :(

She had chest pains earlier today and failed the treadmill test. They will be doing chemical stress tests on her.

Please add her to your prayers.
My sympathies to your friend Rock. I'll add him and his family to my prayers.

My mom will be staying another night in the hospital, they didn't do the chemical stress tests but she had another attack(for lack of a better word).


Homer Fan Since 1985
Sorry to hear that, Proph. Prayers continue for your mom.

Rock, my prayers for your friend's dad, and the entire family.


Homer Fan Since 1985
My prayers go out to our Southern California neighbors, especially in San Diego County, who are dealing with serious fires and high winds. Over 250,000 people evacuated. Already over 100 homes and other structures lost.

Prayers especially for all firefighters, some of whom have been injured...some critically burned.
Me too, 6th. I have family and a lot of friends in the various areas. I've been calling and checking periodically. Sofar...so good.

As long as I'm here....

A very good family friend passed away suddenly a couple weeks ago. They are having a memorial service for her the weekend that I'm going down to see my dad, and I have been asked to sing. Besides praying for comfort for her husband and 2 sons, please keep me in your thoughts also, that I can keep my emotions in check.

Thank you.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Me too, 6th. I have family and a lot of friends in the various areas. I've been calling and checking periodically. Sofar...so good.

As long as I'm here....

A very good family friend passed away suddenly a couple weeks ago. They are having a memorial service for her the weekend that I'm going down to see my dad, and I have been asked to sing. Besides praying for comfort for her husband and 2 sons, please keep me in your thoughts also, that I can keep my emotions in check.

Thank you.
If the tears fall, let them. Don't worry about it. If you don't worry, I'm willing to bet everything will go fine.


Having said that, you know I've got you in my thoughts and prayers, hoopsie.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I am asking for prayers that my co-worker, Jill, will soon be found. She has been missing since Saturday. Officially the case is listed as: Missing Person At Risk, however it does not look good. :(


Homer Fan Since 1985
Will do, 6th. How sad and scarey that must be for her family.

Yes.........and for her friends and co-workers. We held short prayer services (at both of the lunch breaks) across the street from our office. Four of her close friends left work early today. Many of us are distraught.


Homer Fan Since 1985
<sigh> Still no word whatsoever. Prayers still needed. It has been a full week now. Back door was kicked in. Jill's purse and cell phone found in the house. House ransacked. No sign of Jill at all.

Wow, 6th. How very sad. I can't even imagine how her friends and family must feel. Prayers for all.

On another note: I'm down at my mom and dad's and dad is doing great. I'm glad I was able to comw down and see him...not in the hospital and feeling better.

Sang at my friends memorial service today...one of the hardest things I've had to do. I'm drained.


Homer Fan Since 1985

The body of the woman found a day or two ago in a ditch off Elder Creek Rd has been identified as my co-worker, Jill, who disappeared 2 weeks ago today.

Prayers for her family, and all of us who knew her.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Thanks for the prayers, everyone. It is difficult. I have never personally known a victim of homicide before. At my age, I have lost many many family and friends over the years, but usually to illness or accident. The deliberate taking of a life (outside of war) is just so hard for me to fathom. :(


Super Moderator Emeritus
Thanks for the prayers, everyone. It is difficult. I have never personally known a victim of homicide before. At my age, I have lost many many family and friends over the years, but usually to illness or accident. The deliberate taking of a life (outside of war) is just so hard for me to fathom. :(
In high school, a member of my class - I knew him but not very well - broke into the house of another classmate (whom I knew very well), intending to steal his father's coin collection. No one was supposed to be home. Unfortunately, the mother was ill that day and stayed home from work. She was murdered. The perpetrator was actually dragged out of class the next day, arrested, tried and convicted and spent about 25 years in prison, IIRC. And no one ever really found out why he murdered her rather than simply leaving as soon as he realized the house wasn't empty. There's a lot more to the story but it's not really what I was trying to point out, so I'll skip the rest of the details.

The hardest thing to accept is there are simply things that happen you won't be able to fathom. Honor her memory and remember how our native Americans looked at things - as long as you speak someone's name they're never really gone.

I hope that helps, just a little. My prayers are still with all those struggling to make sense out of something that is truly senseless.