Post your Photos

nice, so it works :D in that case, heres some more pics of tahoe

cave rock ( nevada side of the lake)

mt tallac from our beach

and thats the view from our deck

i'll post some more pics when i load them from my camera. i took a TON of pics last time i was up at the lake ( last weekend hehehe) i figured out some of the features on my camera and went NUTS, so i'll be putting some of them up soon

edit: wow i didn't realize how big the first 2 pics are. i'd like to resize them, but have no idea how. any suggestions?
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Before I had kids, I used to really like to take pictures, of everything. I was in grad school and had MOUNTAINS of free time and energy.

Then when I had one kid (in '01), I took boatloads of pictures of her, and that was just about the only thing I took pictures of (even though i SWORE before i had kids that i wouldn't do that -- <shrugs>)

Then when I had two kids (in '03) I took a some picures of them, but not a ton, it was too hard to herd two squirels at the same time.

Now I have three kids, and I am at work 50 hours a week. I am lucky just to survive. When my kids grow up my youngest is going to KILL me because of the dearth of pictures of her.

Anyway, here are some pictures of my kids that I took and scanned in to send to the grandparents. I'll look around and see what else I have scanned in for whatever reason. (like some of you <ahem, gadget> I too am a luddite, and have thus far fled from the obvious superior convenience of digital. I just LIKE film, dammit!)

I really like taking pictures. I'm sure I'll get back into it at some point, once I can catch my breath.

And finally, one of my kids trick-or-treating that only barely includes them, so it might actually qualify as a "non-kids" pic. Yeah!

for those who's mouth's water :D

the view of cave rock with the volleyball net

the day winding down ( i was playing around with the black and white lens)
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not to be outdone, the best sunset from my trip(s) to tahoe this summer

that was just a burning pink, oh it was so gorgeous!!! this pic isn't even close to what it was, it was so amazing.

the lake is pink!!!! :D


Alacron said:
This is one of my favorite pics I have taken. It's Lake Faucherie, July 2003. I love how it just looks like a puddle in the earth.


this picture is so peaceful...............


Super Moderator Emeritus
6th - You might want to look again. I believe a big cloud of POOF dust may have drifted over poor hoopsie's post...



Homer Fan Since 1985
hoopsfan said:
Awwww...aren't we posting our Kings photos?? I was joining in...:)
Sure! But if you are going to post your Kings photos, make sure there is no poof dust in the vicinity when you do. :p


I like turtles
I went to SAC Country Day school (pre-k through HS). I took photos for our school newspaper. This was when the Pre-K students celebrated the 100th day of school. The photo never ran, but I still think its cute. (2001)