Playoffs: Sonics or Mavs?...



Well I have been saying this all season and now decided to post here to see what you all think. In my opinion I rather play the Sonics in the first round than the Mavs, eventhough we have had a lot of trouble with the Sonics all season I think in the playoffs they will not hold up, they are just not experienced and we match up well with them in the PG, SF, and C positions and can actually out rebound them. The Mavs are always a challenge and we have had somewhat a success with them in the last few years, but they are stacked, the talent is undeniable. In any game anyone can explode, Dirk, Finley (always goes off on Kings), Terry, even Howard or Daniels. Playing the Sonics is simple, stop Ray or Rashard, and maintain Daniels (always hard for us), that is all, against the Mavs there are many more things to concentrate on: Great transition D, rebounding, etc. Basically I rather play the Sonics and drop to 6th, not like were getting home court anyways...
I've said this all along. If we are going to be without Brad in the first round I think we match up better with Seattle. I'd rather see Houston and the Mavs go at it.
OhBoy said:
Well I have been saying this all season and now decided to post here to see what you all think. In my opinion I rather play the Sonics in the first round than the Mavs, eventhough we have had a lot of trouble with the Sonics all season I think in the playoffs they will not hold up, they are just not experienced and we match up well with them in the PG, SF, and C positions and can actually out rebound them. The Mavs are always a challenge and we have had somewhat a success with them in the last few years, but they are stacked, the talent is undeniable. In any game anyone can explode, Dirk, Finley (always goes off on Kings), Terry, even Howard or Daniels. Playing the Sonics is simple, stop Ray or Rashard, and maintain Daniels (always hard for us), that is all, against the Mavs there are many more things to concentrate on: Great transition D, rebounding, etc. Basically I rather play the Sonics and drop to 6th, not like were getting home court anyways...
I feel pretty much the same way on the subject, although Brick brought up an interesting point after the Mavs game Thursday saying how the Kings have basically owned Dallas in the playoffs and know how to beat them when it counts. That being said, I'd take my chances with a strictly perimeter and inexperienced Seattle team.
The Kings owned the Mavs in the past due in large part to Webber, Vlade, Christie, and BJax.

I think I would take my chances with the Sonics and a rookie PG. I think if the Kings can gel defensively they are better suited to play the Sonics.

Just my opinion.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Arguments for both. Its true that Webb + our post game always used to be the separator, but I'd still rather face the Mavs. At some level they are just fundamentally unscary.

With the Sonics you are counting on their lack of experience, but you can see how they can hurt us, and hurt us badly, with their two monster rebounders against one of the worst rebounding teams in the league and three point bombers abounding to take advantage of our porous perimeter defense.

With Dallas -- lots of talent of course. More experience. But they're a mess as they've always been. We'd be in almost every game + would have a chance down the stretch in almost every one as well. Nothing that the Mavs do that we have no answer for. Mavs have the better superstar of course, and he could well beat us alone, but I think the Sonics actually have a better idea of who they are and how they want to play.
Well, neither team is a lock...I like our chances just about the same with both, although experience is a HUGE X-factor in the playoffs, and the Sonics have just about none on their team. We're more familiar with Dallas, but that road goes both ways. I'll be fine with either one, but I guess I'd rather play Dallas, simply because I love kicking Cuban out of the playoffs. :D
I'm still not sure here. We've always played Dallas relatively well and the Sonics historically poor, but Seattle seems to be fading. It's hard to not look past the first round though, and if we were the 5th seed we'd likely face the Suns in the 2nd round rather than San Antonio. But again, with the current state of our team, who knows? We shouldn't really be looking past the next game with any certainty.
I say Mavs...the Kings usually have good outings when they face them in the playoffs..I believe the Kings can handle them...If they play the way they played last time they played Dallas, they shouldn't have a problem.
i dont care who we play if our choice is sonics or mavs...i think we have an equal chance beating either one of those, for reasons that have been already stated in previous posts...but i think what we should be worrying about is falling to 7th or 8th seed like gman and piksi have lets finish the season first, then worry about who we are playing in the playoffs GO KINGS GO!!!

no radmanovich, plus big time inexperience, plus they are starting to fade a bit, some chemistry issues with that thug fortsen.

the mavs would be alright i guess. we have kicked their butts int he playoffs for the most part, but that was with the mav killer webber. whats appealing about playing them is the fact that the kings would be open all night long. damp has never been in the playoffs, plus he's pretty inconsistant. terry's never been in the playoffs either if i remember correctly. then theres the rookie harris, and an untested coach in avery johnson. i'd fear the mavs more if it were a nellie mavs.
It'll be a battle whoever we play. Seattle is inexperience, but with the kind of year we're having, it wouldn’t surprise me if that doesn't become a factor at all.

In the past, we've had Vlade and Chris to slow the game down with post plays, but this year Dallas looks like a team built more for the play-offs. They have their big star, their role players, and depth off the bench.
doesn't ,matter to me but if I had to choose, it would be Seattle. Dirk mentioned we are a much better defensive team since the trade we are. I think when Brad gets back into the rotation we will beat either team. Then if we can have Bobby back by the 2nd round, you never know what could happen. Peja is hitting his shot again and the Kings are a much tougher team to beat when his shot is on. I really don't care where we are seeded as long as we are in, we have just as much chance as anyone, imo.
Don't be fooled into thinking that Seattle is strictly a perimeter team...they have two monsters on the boards in Evans and Fortson. We'd need to play about 7 guys to their 5 to be equal on the boards. And people have been predicting Seattle's demise since day one this year...
Packt said:
It'll be a battle whoever we play. Seattle is inexperience, but with the kind of year we're having, it wouldn’t surprise me if that doesn't become a factor at all.
One point I would make is we don't have as much playoff experience as we used to, especially as a team. I'd rather play the Mavs, than Seattle though. Either series would be tough but I think Peja will be they key for us when it comes right down to it, and he can go off on the Mavs a lot easier than the Sonics. But you guys are right, we could definately could end up playing Phoenix or the Spurs if we aren't careful.
i told my friend ( who's a lakers fan) that the kings might face up with seattle in teh first round, he responded that the sonics would win in 5 games.

my response: i seriously doubt that.