We can't take a post scoring big in the lotto in 2021, we just can't. Sengun would be a horrible move in my opinion. Even if he does average 18 and 9, unless he's an all-NBA defender that's practically a replacement level player at the current going rates. Three point shooters are commanding $100 million dollar contracts right now and starting bigs are available for veterans minimum contracts.
Does his defense need work? Yeah, but he's not some slow-footed player. He's not Bam obviously, he's more like an Al Horford. But he had the second most blocks in the league and the most steals for a big man which indicates that he has good timing and reactions. He is a very smart player, I don't think he will ever be a defensive player of the year but he could be an Al Horford level defender if he puts in the effort.
He seems to be a hard worker. At 17 he was a bit chubby, I think I read he was around 260ish. He worked on his body and now he sits at around 245. Additionally, in the BSL they measure players barefoot, so with shoes on he's probably close to 6'11". There are photos of him standing next to NBA players like Mozgov and Cedi. He seemed to be around two inches shorter than Mozgov and a good 4 inches taller than Cedi. It's all speculation obviously, but he is obviously taller than 6'9" since that is measured barefoot.
You can even pick up a Nerlens Noel and play him along side Sengun to cover for him on the perimeter. Our defense would essentially be a worse 2019 Raptors d. By worse I don't mean a bad d I just mean not as good but still potentially good. Barnes is no Leonard on d, but Barnes isn't bad and is probsbly our best defender. Fox can d when motivated, similar to Lowry. Haliburton has a ways to go to reach Danny Greens levels of d but Haliburton has shown he can be good at it. Sengun can probably be a Horford level player at best, which is obviously is not there but he has good instinct and can get lazy on d at times. And well, Nerlens Noel would be like Siakam, obviously nowhere near him on offense but better on defense. The Delon Wright, a defensive specialist much like VanVleet coming off the bench.
That's all based on potential and you have to squint to see it from here.
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