Pistons @ Kings Game Thread

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Super Moderator Emeritus
Well, hopefully the people who post in the game thread will take things into consideration before simply ripping players apart.



Homer Fan Since 1985
Andriod_KiNg said:
eww the Throw Backs... can we stop with those already !
Yeah! I am way past sick of those. How can this team move forward if they keep making them wear throw backs?
ReinadelosReys said:
RA doesn't sound all too chipper... :/ : " Offensively, we don't know what we are going to do"... " We have to find someone to score, and I don't know who that is right now"
Yep...that explains why the offense haven't been great. :( ANd no good ball movement.


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
Well, hopefully the people who post in the game thread will take things into consideration before simply ripping players apart.

Fat chance... lets face it there are folks who like nothing better than to rip on palyers, these days Bibby and Cat seem to be the favorites, since Cat is out Bibby wil need to be flawless and shoot about 15 of 15 (no more or he will be stealing shots) and stop his man cold to avoid the balme... heck lets jsut start the "Blame Bibby" thread now.
Thanks to Pedja... it left Darius opens.. and thanks for knocking that shot down, Darius! You'll need to for Kings to win! :D


Hall of Famer
Good News is that Ben is small so Skiner will have a better go today, and Cat has been less than steller so MO might be an upgrade.

Love the way Darius is making them pay for the double teams.
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