[PHX/DET] The Finals *** Game 5 - Winner Take All ***

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Well, Phoenix is still getting killed on the boards, but they're doing a little better at forcing turnovers, which is clearly where they're going to have to get their transition offense.

And, of course, if they can keep shooting like they're doing, they won't have to worry about getting out-rebounded...
nevermind, I was wrong. We quit this game early. Just throwing up careless jumpers and not defending at all.

I'd rather see the end of the bench play than this.
reminded me a lot of game 1 of last year's finals. We'll be back.

Phoenix didn't even score as well as they did in game 1. the problem was we couldn't hit a layup to save our lives.
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post game ...

hats off to both teams for getting that over safely!

even if phoenix wins the next game, but loses game 4, the series would return to Detroit for game 5 ...

I'm glad this is a 5 game series! ... If it was a 3 game series, the next game would be the last ... We still have at least two more games to enjoy!

all that ... and Tange in the limelight!
Smack down in Motown! That back door from Taurasi was sweet....she was back today. What about Tan...she has a solid three stroke,the girl was on fire! Huge props to the Mercury for bringing their running game & swagger to Detroit. Not to mention a pretty clean game.
I was so sorry to see Katy ''Bruiser'' Smith on the bench late in the game;)

Another impressive note was Phoenix had only 6 turnovers in the 3rd period.

A solid game & very business like...except when Taurasi made that face to the fans. I always luv that when the player silences the crowd....

Gotta protect that home court Mercury...the ball is in your house!


Homer Fan Since 1985
The Mercury did just what they had to do...split in Detroit. Now, they can make a run at it. They must win both games in Phoenix to have any chance at all. Detroit may have lost game 2, but I do not see them losing a game 5.
halftime update ...

an exceptional national anthem played by the trumpet guy ... a goodly dose of left elbow fu from katie smith ... LOTS of missed threes by phoenix, LOTS ... as much katie feenstra as katie feenstra could muster ... a LOT of points at halftime 50+45 = 90 ... phoenix trimming what was once a 10 or more point lead for detroit down to just 5 at the break ...
..now THAT was Deeeeeetroit basketball. We forced Phoenix to expend energy on defense, defend, and we took their legs out. Those threes fell short tonight.

Props to Katie Smith for throwing back the clock 8 years. She carried is the entire 3rd quarter.

Just one more win and we can wrap up championship #3. Hope it's Thursday night. It'd be cool to sweep both games in Phoenix.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Ha! Katie Smith will never get props from me. She was disgusting in Minnesota, but with Bill Laimbeer.........she is just evil.:eek:
I thought I would chime in...

Katie Smith wasn't and Isn't my favorite player. But She is making my day. I don't want to jinx it so I will say no more til it is over. But I do want it over becuase somehow this finals just stinks to High Hell for me.

Do we have a count down til the DRAFT yet. The start of the 2008 season can't come soon enough.
game 4 -- hello -- elimination game if the finals -- possible last game of the season

wnba history in the making -- terrible first 2 calls against taurasi --- but will she overcome? ... and ... uggghh, it is killing me to see Tange miss shot after shot after shot ... still, gotta admire her moxie in being undiscouraged !!!
torrid ...

back and forth ... gladiators ... thrashing up and down the court ... plenette pierson can flat out score! ... detroit closing on a 19 -8 run ... to lead by 2 at the half ...
I love Pierson. She frustrates the hell out of the opposing team, and yet she still finds ways to score on the low block, despite being undersized.

She's perfect for this team. Perfect.
ten minutes left ... left ...

... detroit up by 9 ... mercury tie at 47 ... detroit up by 6 ... detroit by 3 after 3 ... every, woman on the floor, showed, me, a lot ... fantastic ... epic ...
knock down ... drag out ...

ten minutes ... ten players ... ten years +1 ... nba 2X mvp karl malone near tears ... kelly miller, for real ... phoenix by 1 ... phoenix by 3 ... cappie !!! ... pesonal break through .. appreciating taurasi ... beautiful hands ... detrot collective power ... 51.8 seconds lwft ... detroit by 3 ... phioenix with the ball ... cheryl ford taken off the court on the strong shoulders of her fellow players ... nolan, pondexter 18.6 ... phx +1 ... airball ... game 5 ... game 5 ...game 5 ... !!!!!!!!
I am Watching this Finals Under Protest...

But I have to Admit, it has been a lot of fun to watch. Somehow watching Detroit and Phoenix beat up on each other makes me smile.

But As much as Cappie and them want to act like they are ue to this, the pounding is taking its toll on them.
They were sucking wind in this one. But they did win and good for them I guess:rolleyes: .

Winner takes all.
For whom do I root thee?

[Sorry, but this is a long post]

Originally, I wanted to give my opinion before the Finals series started, but I didn't want to jinx anything yet. But since now that we've got a Game 5 this coming Sunday, I had to chime in sooner or later!

Like Luv13Fan said on another thread, out of all the possible Finals matchup of teams, this one (PHX vs. DET) was the one I least wanted to see but feared the most. Now that it is happening, it is difficult for me to fervently root for any team but easy to root against.

In political elections, I vote for the Libertarian Party or an independent candidate, and usually not for the two major parties. However, in this WNBA Finals, there is no "third choice". So, I have a dilemma: who to root for or against? A team that I despise, or one that I don't like (though I like certain individual players)? This is like the "lesser of two evils" situation.

Of course, before the entire playoffs started, my first choice would've been the Monarchs versus any Eastern Conference team except Detroit and Connecticut. But after we got knocked out by San Antonio, I was pulling for the Silver Stars to take out the Mercury. And when THAT didn't happen...well...I had to figure out if I was going to have a team to root for this postseason!

My secondary preference would've been San Antonio vs. Indiana Fever in the Finals, because they both play fundamentally sound basketball, and that they almost remind me of our Monarchs, in some ways. :) Besides, both franchises are starving for a Championship --- and I really do hope the Fever will get one some day --- so I would've been happy for either team to win.

And I was SO hoping that the N.Y. Liberty could've eliminated Detroit in the first round! And they very nearly pulled it off! If they had, that would've been the biggest playoff upset in WNBA history.

Anyway, it was becoming apparent that Detroit was well on their way back to the Finals, especially with the Fever's Tamika Catchings having foot injuries.

So, now here we are...looking at a Game 5, taking place in Detroit.

I realize that some of you don't like either team, and for understandably good reasons. But if I were to choose whom to root for, I would root for Phoenix.

Why? Let me count the ways (albeit trivial ones), in no particular order:

1. PHX is an original charter WNBA team, from 1997.

2. PHX has ex-Monarch Tangela Smith. Granted, it is a bit sad that the Monarchs won their Championship the year after she was traded, but I still want her to get a Championship Ring (even if it's with another team) because she deserves one.

3. FWIW, if PHX wins, ex-Monarch Olympia Scott becomes the first person to win two WNBA Championship rings with different teams. (Hey, I already said this is going to be trivial! :) )

4. I love Penny Taylor! (even more so after that %$^#*!! Pierson took a shot at her, in Game #3!)

5. I like this Cappie Pondexter kid!

6. Let's face it: the WNBA have been, shall we say --- "pulling strings" --- to get Taurasi on the league's biggest stage. How do you explain all those high draft picks they've been getting in the last several years, even after they've had winning seasons? I don't know about the rest of you, but to me, it is obvious that the league have been giving preferential treatment to the Mercury. I figure if the Merc wins a Championship, they'll be happy. And the Merc will not get any more lucky high draft picks in the Draft for the next few years.

7. If PHX wins, G.M. Ann Meyers will likely remain with the team. This means, there's less chances of her returning to the broadcasting booth next season! I surely don't want to see that happen next year, when her favorite "reigning MVP" (Wanna guess who that is? It ain't Lauren Jackson!) returns to play! :eek:

8. The Monarchs are in the Western Conference! Gotta root for the WC, I suppose!

As for the Shock, if there is any personal rooting interest I might have for Detroit...well... it might be for Shannon ("Pee Wee") Johnson, who has played in the WNBA since 1999 for mostly mediocre teams, and has also played with Katie Smith in the twice-ABL Champion Columbus Quest. That way, Katie would not be the only player to get a Championship Ring from both the WNBA and ABL!

However, my heart says to root for Phoenix, if only because for some of their players. But my head predicts that the Shock will win Game 5 and will repeat as Champions. They just seem to will their way to victory.

...And Bill Laimbeer will get that smug look on his face.

...And that's the precisely the biggest reason why I very much want the Mercury to win.

So, with some admittedly half-hearted reluctance, I say...LET'S GO, MERCURY!!!
