Peja to work on his game?

Well, there is an interview with Peja on B92 website. I will only translate the last part, where he talks about his game.

Here it is:

"There are always things you can improve on, especially in basketball. I have a lot of insufficiencies that I can perfect, to become a more complete player. I will go to Greece for a few days to rest and completely heal my injury (I guess he's talking about the hamstring that was bothering him this year or maybe his back?). When I prepare, I will try to add some new elements to my game before the beginning of the season."

He also says that he is sorry to see Bobby leave, because he was a great teammate and a really good person.

Here is the link:

Let's hope he is for real, not just dreaming of things. He chose not to play for SCG, so he better work on his stuff then...
He says this every offseason. I really hope he means it. If he could use his height and size correctly he could become a good rebounder and defender, even put on bulk and be able to muscle to the basket or create his own shots. If that happened, he would be a monster of a player. Whether it does, only time will tell. Not online interviews.
Talk is Cheap...

More media-talk from the master himself.

Last season he wanted a trade.

This season he's working on his game.

Peja, you'd better. Otherwise, you can look for a big pay day from another NBA franchise...
Well, let's not forget that the contract year IS coming ... he knows that one summer of workout might mean tens of millions of dollars extra ... if i were him i think i'd work on a couple of hook shots.
why does only Peja need to improve?

why doesn't bibby work on his defense?
why doesn't brad improve his game?

too much pressure on Peja, but ... he better improve

everybody wants to see that


LjuboDaMan said:
why does only Peja need to improve?

why doesn't bibby work on his defense?
why doesn't brad improve his game?

too much pressure on Peja, but ... he better improve

everybody wants to see that
U really wanna know why? Cause they don't dissapear in the playoffs like peja... The only good thing peja does in the playoffs is play good 1 on 1 D.... Everything else especially his offense dissapears.
LjuboDaMan said:
its almost as everyone is so good on this team, dont have to improve ... except Peja
I see what you're getting at, but Peja is the one who's going to get the MAX one way or another, and I think he still needs to improve to really earn it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Note: My original post, a rant, has been removed.

"There are always things you can improve on, especially in basketball. I have a lot of insufficiencies that I can perfect, to become a more complete player. I will go to Greece for a few days to rest and completely heal my injury (I guess he's talking about the hamstring that was bothering him this year or maybe his back?). When I prepare, I will try to add some new elements to my game before the beginning of the season."
His injury? Whatever...

At this point, I couldn't possibly care less what Peja says to the hometown media. Actions speak louder than words. I'm just going to see what happens in training camp this year. If he comes in fit and rested, having worked on his game, cool. If not, then it'll be just like every other year...

Talk is cheap. Peja's contract won't be.
LPKingsFan said:
I see what you're getting at, but Peja is the one who's going to get the MAX one way or another, and I think he still needs to improve to really earn it.
Bibby already has his MAX, so he does not need to improve his game, to earn it???


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well since he references the Bobby trade, this must have been in the last few days. Glad to know that halfway through the summer Peja plans to take some more time off for his injury (?) and then maybe add a few things in the last 4-6 weeks before training camp. What a trooper. :rolleyes:
I'm one of those that thinks Peja won't improve his game much, if at all. After all, his career stats would strongly suggest that his game is extremely consistent, year after year.

And being a good, consistent player is a good thing, if you understand what you are getting for your dollar. Perhaps another reason why Peja isn't worth the maximum for any team.

I hope he comes with his "A" game...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
mina16 said:
Bibby already has his MAX, so he does not need to improve his game, to earn it!!!!
1) Bibby is not being paid the max; and 2) the biggest remaining hole in his game (he generally had the finest year of his career last year) is one requiring hard work DURING games. You can run defensive drills or whatnot, but they are only modestly useful to an NBA player in mid-career. The key to him improving his defense is caring more IN GAME, not in the offseason.


Super Moderator Emeritus
When I prepare, I will try to add some new elements to my game before the beginning of the season
And I'm going to try and sprout wings and fly...


"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
LjuboDaMan said:
why does only Peja need to improve?

why doesn't bibby work on his defense?
why doesn't brad improve his game?

too much pressure on Peja, but ... he better improve

everybody wants to see that
Because Peja is one of the most one-sided of all our players and most one dimensional. Also, every other player on this team does need to improve, but Peja's attitude has made him more of a pariah. He demanded a trade, and that is probably a big part of why Chris is gone. Brad and Mike are very versatile players already and can do many things, even if only on one side of the ball. I also believe that they do work on their games substantially more than Peja and truly want to win. Peja is content where he is. I'm suprised European fans still defend him so adamently, especially after he abandoned his country during tournament play. Personally, I don't think it would have hurt his game in the NBA to play during the summer. Extra workouts and practices can't be a bad thing, unless he gets injured, but that's always a risk no matter what a player is doing so I can't imagine trying to design a regiment to specifically avoid injury. Basically, it comes down to a perception that Peja has no heart and hasn't truly dedicated himself to the game. If other players are lacking in some areas, they make up for it in dedication and heart. (You will notice that it's not just Peja people have gone after, Cat had no defenders on this board)


Super Moderator Emeritus
captain bill said:
(You will notice that it's not just Peja people have gone after, Cat had no defenders on this board)
Sorry, but I liked Cuttino and felt he was never really given much of a chance.
VF21 said:
Sorry, but I liked Cuttino and felt he was never really given much of a chance.
What about when he dissapeared in the playoffs? I liked him too, it's just that when he gave up on this team I was really unwilling to stick up for him.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't fault anyone for their performance in the series against the Sonics. The Kings were not going to get past round one, anyway...


captain bill said:
What about when he dissapeared in the playoffs? I liked him too, it's just that when he gave up on this team I was really unwilling to stick up for him.
I'm guessing u forgot about game 1. It would've been a blow out by the sonics had it not been for cuttinos late game heroics. The rest of the series? The whole team was unbalanced in that series so u can't blame anyone and u certaintly can't say cuttino dissapeard in the playoffs.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm guessing u forgot about game 1. It would've been a blow out by the sonics had it not been for cuttinos late game heroics. The rest of the series? The whole team was unbalanced in that series so u can't blame anyone and u certaintly can't say cuttino dissapeard in the playoffs.
I thihnk he disappeared in the final game -- literally. He just quit on us. It was over. The chemistry was fractured. He wasn't having fun, and was taking heat. Not at all the team or situation he had thought he was getting into. So things got tough and painful for him, and he just quit on us. I understand how it happened, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Shows jsut what a mess we were by that point.
I didn't say Cat never did anything for this team, but as Brick says, he just disappeared when we needed him. Was that series a lost cause? Likely. But had Cat stuck around and continued to put in a great effort we would have had a much better shot at winning that series. And isn't that the biggest criticism of Peja, that he disappears when we need him most? Maybe we wouldn't have several rings to our collection if he did show up and play his hardest, but he could have done better. Thus, similar situation to Cat. My point is that people weren't giving Mobley a free ride and coming down on Peja, but I guess I was wrong.
piksi said:
Because defense is hard work and Bibby is too "pretty to do that"
Oh please. That's not even remotely fair, and you know it.

If Mike Bibby's improvement had plateaued after his second season, people would be calling for him to improve his game. If there was any indication whatsoever that Mike's work ethic left something to be desired, people would be calling for him to work on his game. That's not the case, however. He has steadily improved during his time in the league. He has proven time and again that playing basketball and staying in game shape is of the utmost importance to him.

And, for the record, I don't recall ever reading a post here stating that Mike's game was perfect and needed absolutely no imrovement.
GoGoGadget said:
Oh please. That's not even remotely fair, and you know it.

If Mike Bibby's improvement had plateaued after his second season, people would be calling for him to improve his game. If there was any indication whatsoever that Mike's work ethic left something to be desired, people would be calling for him to work on his game. That's not the case, however. He has steadily improved during his time in the league. He has proven time and again that playing basketball and staying in game shape is of the utmost importance to him.

And, for the record, I don't recall ever reading a post here stating that Mike's game was perfect and needed absolutely no imrovement.
LjuboDaMan said:
he scores around 20 and plays good D ... thats not so bad ...
I don't think that people are losing faith in Peja because he's a lousy player. He's a very good player, as a matter of fact.

But, the only reason he's not better is because of an apparent lack of effort. Lack of effort is a tough thing to get over, as far as most fans are concerned. When you're sitting on your couch screaming at the TV during a loss, you want to think that the people you're rooting for are at least as worked up as you.

Also, if his effort doesn't improve, he's not going to get better. He'll stay a good player. But if it looks like a franchise is getting ready to sink a lot of money into someone who's never going to be better than a "good player," there's going to be a lot of rustling in the fan base.

If you're going to be the cornerstone of a team, your attitude about working in the offseason had damn well better be a bit more passionate than "I will go to Greece for a few days to rest and completely heal my injury. When I prepare, I will try to add some new elements to my game before the beginning of the season."