Peja Stojakovic


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
Bull hookie. Not against the Magic at Arco perhaps.
I was glad to see someone resembling the Peja of old. Is he back? Not completely. Would I like to see more? Hell yes! Should he get rebounds? Of course, but it's not at the top of my list of things I count on Peja to do.

I'm acknowledging the effort and the fact that for the first time in a long time I actually felt as though the OTHER Peja Stojakovic, the one that took our breath away and kept us on the edge of our seats, might still be inside that guy out there wearing #16.

He still has a long way to go but what I saw tonight gave me at least a glimmer of hope that he may have turned the corner and actually be going in the right direction. At this point, just seeing that much is okay...and worth noting.
yah he can definately get more rebounds but what i liked tonite was his effort to get loose balls. he didnt just give up like usual. i think he knows that hes been sucking big time lately but ill applaud him for tonite. just keep it up and i wont talk so much s*** about him anymore
VF21 said:
I was glad to see someone resembling the Peja of old. Is he back? Not completely. Would I like to see more? Hell yes! Should he get rebounds? Of course, but it's not at the top of my list of things I count on Peja to do.

I'm acknowledging the effort and the fact that for the first time in a long time I actually felt as though the OTHER Peja Stojakovic, the one that took our breath away and kept us on the edge of our seats, might still be inside that guy out there wearing #16.

He still has a long way to go but what I saw tonight gave me at least a glimmer of hope that he may have turned the corner and actually be going in the right direction. At this point, just seeing that much is okay...and worth noting.
Firstly, I agree with this post almost 100%.

That being said, I don't know that I can get overly excited about a player finally showing the effort that, frankly, should be there every day.

Again, I'm thrilled with the difference I saw in Peja tonight, but the fact that seeing him have what should be a pretty normal game (for Peja) feels so different raises more questions than it answers.
Didn't get to see the game.. From the stats looks like Peja had a good night.... Hopefully he return to his original form and become the great shooter that he is


Super Moderator Emeritus
GoGoGadget said:
Firstly, I agree with this post almost 100%.

That being said, I don't know that I can get overly excited about a player finally showing the effort that, frankly, should be there every day.

Again, I'm thrilled with the difference I saw in Peja tonight, but the fact that seeing him have what should be a pretty normal game (for Peja) feels so different raises more questions than it answers.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at this point. I'm willing to never know the answer to those questions or even if they were legitimate questions to begin with.

I am not OVERLY excited but I am happy because he is now showing the effort. Yes, it should be there every day but it hasn't been and there was a fear it might never return. I'm not going to continue to cry over the spilt milk that was his ineffective performance thus far this season. That ship sailed. If there's any chance at all of salvaging him and getting back the player we need to make our team complete, I'll be as encouraging as I possibly can.
VF21 said:
I am not OVERLY excited but I am happy because he is now showing the effort. Yes, it should be there every day but it hasn't been and there was a fear it might never return. I'm not going to continue to cry over the spilt milk that was his ineffective performance thus far this season. That ship sailed. If there's any chance at all of salvaging him and getting back the player we need to make our team complete, I'll be as encouraging as I possibly can.
Sounds good to me.
Kings needed Peja's points and they get it last night.I really hope that Peja will continue with good games and I expect that he will be 100% ready for the playoffs.
He certanly must rebound better,he knows that,so I hope that we will see that part of his game soon.
Good luck Peja,and kick Warriors ***!
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
VF21 said:
I am not OVERLY excited but I am happy because he is now showing the effort. Yes, it should be there every day but it hasn't been and there was a fear it might never return. I'm not going to continue to cry over the spilt milk that was his ineffective performance thus far this season. That ship sailed. If there's any chance at all of salvaging him and getting back the player we need to make our team complete, I'll be as encouraging as I possibly can.
Okay, but here are the remaining questions that I alluded to:

Tonight Peja played a very easy game for Peja. He did what he was good at vs. an opponent offering minimal resistance. He did not go over in the corner and twiddle his thumbs, but the fact remains that this was a relatively easy game for Peja, doing the things he likes to do. I don't see how that remotely answers the question of whether he is ever going to give us a "hard" game playing tough against tough opponents and doing the effort things which do not come natural to him.

Would have been far more of a "statement" game from Peja for me if he shot 5-14 but three of the five came in the last 5 minutes and he grabbed 10 boards dished out 3 assists and made a big steal with a minute to go to help us seal it. His ability to hit open jumpers is not in serious question for me. His heart and ability to play like a winner are. Guess I'm looking for a statement on different fronts.
Bricklayer said:
Would have been far more of a "statement" game from Peja for me if he shot 5-14 but three of the five came in the last 5 minutes .
Wow, last three Kings made baskets within your five minute mark were made by Bibby, Peja, and Thomas. So, being an uninformed fan, which Kings player did all of those things tonight that you were looking for from Peja? :)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
kingskings! said:
Wow, last three Kings made baskets within your five minute mark were made by Bibby, Peja, and Thomas. So, being an uninformed fan, which Kings player did all of those things tonight that you were looking for from Peja? :)
Mike Bibby has nothing to prove on that front -- he needs to make no statement. He's given us more big clutch performances in the last three weeks than Peja has in 7 years.

Peja NEEDS to make a statement whether he is man or mouse. And playing a "pretty" game entirely inside his comfort zone doesn't answer that in the least. The open question with Peja is, to put it bluntly, does he have a pair? When the going gets tough, where does Peja go? Peja needs the statement game to prove that he is not the kid you beat up on the way to school for his lunch money.
Bricklayer said:
Mike Bibby has nothing to prove on that front -- he needs to make no statement. He's given us more big clutch performances in the last three weeks than Peja has in 7 years.

Peja NEEDS to make a statement whether he is man or mouse. And playing a "pretty" game entirely inside his comfort zone doesn't answer that in the least. The open question with Peja is, to put it bluntly, does he have a pair? When the going gets tough, where does Peja go? Peja needs the statement game to prove that he is not the kid you beat up on the way to school for his lunch money.
Well, I was looking for an answer in tonight's game which you don't have. l guess I'll have to settle for your thinking that he did play a "pretty" game tonight. :) None of which is to say that I don't think he has plenty of room for improvement, or to say that I agree with you that he has never been clutch but we have different opinions on the player. I don't think he's God's gift but I don't expect him to be. I expect him to play well within his game, not load up the stat sheet at the expense of the team. I saw him playing an involved game (with room for improvement) and I am happy to see that. I hope to see it for the rest of the season and throughout the playoffs, however far the Kings go.

I am happy to see any Kings player contributing to a win, and very happy to see Mike step up and play to his potential without trying to compare the two players. I am happy to see the hustle and passion of the new guys. I am happy to see this team able to run and rebound and block shots without crabbing about the fact that our starting PF and SF grabbed fewer rebounds than our off-the-bench PF by himself. Everybody contributed and everybody played a team game which bodes well for the future, whether it's this year or next. But that's just my opinion, but I have to say, I really like watching this team play ball. I hope you do too.

Ready to join hands and sing Kumbaya yet? :D
The Freak said:
Can I get an encore?
Vlad said:
do you want more?

cookin raw with the serbian boy

many more times we need him to score
Crvena Zvezda said:
Bahaha dope remix
well there is nothing better than flickers of Jay-Z mixed into a Peja appreciation thread

and i agree great remix Vlad
Do ya'll want more of Peja?
Do ya'll want more of Peja?
Then say it with me..
Pay-ja Pay-ja Pay-ja Pay-ja Pay-ja Pay-ja Pay-ja....

(I couldn't resist--GO PEJA!)
It is nice to see that you are finally considering Pedja to be a superstar, and you do not expect anything less from him than that.

Bricklayer said:
Mike Bibby has nothing to prove on that front -- he needs to make no statement. He's given us more big clutch performances in the last three weeks than Peja has in 7 years.

Peja NEEDS to make a statement whether he is man or mouse. And playing a "pretty" game entirely inside his comfort zone doesn't answer that in the least. The open question with Peja is, to put it bluntly, does he have a pair? When the going gets tough, where does Peja go? Peja needs the statement game to prove that he is not the kid you beat up on the way to school for his lunch money.
Bricklayer said:
Okay, but here are the remaining questions that I alluded to:

Tonight Peja played a very easy game for Peja. He did what he was good at vs. an opponent offering minimal resistance. He did not go over in the corner and twiddle his thumbs, but the fact remains that this was a relatively easy game for Peja, doing the things he likes to do. I don't see how that remotely answers the question of whether he is ever going to give us a "hard" game playing tough against tough opponents and doing the effort things which do not come natural to him.

Would have been far more of a "statement" game from Peja for me if he shot 5-14 but three of the five came in the last 5 minutes and he grabbed 10 boards dished out 3 assists and made a big steal with a minute to go to help us seal it. His ability to hit open jumpers is not in serious question for me. His heart and ability to play like a winner are. Guess I'm looking for a statement on different fronts.
Oh, hockypuck!! Can't you give him a teensy weensy bit of credit?? ;)

Anyway, those must have been magic leotards he's been working out in. He did very well last night, I'll take it.

I imagine he will only improve.
Bricklayer said:
Mike Bibby has nothing to prove on that front -- he needs to make no statement. He's given us more big clutch performances in the last three weeks than Peja has in 7 years.

Peja NEEDS to make a statement whether he is man or mouse. And playing a "pretty" game entirely inside his comfort zone doesn't answer that in the least. The open question with Peja is, to put it bluntly, does he have a pair? When the going gets tough, where does Peja go? Peja needs the statement game to prove that he is not the kid you beat up on the way to school for his lunch money.
People blasted Webber haters on this site and the Pedja haters are just as pathetic in my opinion. Why dont I start hating on Bibby because of his crappy D and say he does not have a pair of ?? because he has no pride. You see, it sounds pretty lame.
It was like an old friend returning from a long trip. It was such a fun night watching Peja do his thing. I missed those sweet shots. He seemed present. He seemed ready. He seemed poised at all times. He was on. I think you will see him sinking into that and finding his groove more and more.
KKSloga said:
People blasted Webber haters on this site and the Pedja haters are just as pathetic in my opinion. Why dont I start hating on Bibby because of his crappy D and say he does not have a pair of ?? because he has no pride. You see, it sounds pretty lame.
Well, it does sound pretty lame to crack back on the guy that has completely and totally carried this team the whole year. If not for Bibby we would be in the lottery.

His defense at times is atrocious and there is no excuse for that but this guy is playing his *** off and competing every night....can't really say that about Peja.
It's one game. I'll hold of judgement until a few more. The thing is, Peja has this kind of game this season before, and then go back to his 6 pt 1 reb performance. I want to see more consitency before I'll start thread with "any questions"
Ryle said:
He now has a total of 5 rebounds in the last 3 games.....that is a big problem

I agree! I'm glad that Peja played well last night. I REALLY am!!

BUT, if this team is going anywhere Peja is going to have to rebound. The dynamics of the team have changed, so he need to help in that area.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
Okay, but here are the remaining questions that I alluded to:

Tonight Peja played a very easy game for Peja. He did what he was good at vs. an opponent offering minimal resistance. He did not go over in the corner and twiddle his thumbs, but the fact remains that this was a relatively easy game for Peja, doing the things he likes to do. I don't see how that remotely answers the question of whether he is ever going to give us a "hard" game playing tough against tough opponents and doing the effort things which do not come natural to him.

Would have been far more of a "statement" game from Peja for me if he shot 5-14 but three of the five came in the last 5 minutes and he grabbed 10 boards dished out 3 assists and made a big steal with a minute to go to help us seal it. His ability to hit open jumpers is not in serious question for me. His heart and ability to play like a winner are. Guess I'm looking for a statement on different fronts.
Bottom line is I'm willing to acknowledge a baby step in the right direction. You, on the other hand, are looking for that giant leap... So, yes, we are looking for statements on different fronts. I'm now more hopeful that you will see what you're looking for after last night's performance.

As I've said, I paid close attention to attitude, focus, interaction with the rest of the team, etc. On all those fronts, I saw a Peja I haven't seen in a long time and I was very glad to see it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
KKSloga said:
People blasted Webber haters on this site and the Pedja haters are just as pathetic in my opinion. Why dont I start hating on Bibby because of his crappy D and say he does not have a pair of ?? because he has no pride. You see, it sounds pretty lame.
Oh please.

You're a little late to the party to start spouting righteous indignation over legitimate criticisms of Peja Stojakovic. People are going to be critical of Peja as well as any other millionaire athlete they think isn't pulling his weight, and isn't even playing up to his own previous standards. It's not HATE and you can stop throwing the term around right now.

If you or anyone else starts "hating on Bibby" or any other player (do not confuse HATING with valid criticisms and concerns) you will not be here long. Please check the FAQs for rules of the board.
VF21 said:
Oh please.

You're a little late to the party to start spouting righteous indignation over legitimate criticisms of Peja Stojakovic. People are going to be critical of Peja as well as any other millionaire athlete they think isn't pulling his weight, and isn't even playing up to his own previous standards. It's not HATE and you can stop throwing the term around right now.

If you or anyone else starts "hating on Bibby" or any other player (do not confuse HATING with valid criticisms and concerns) you will not be here long. Please check the FAQs for rules of the board.

I am not going to hate on Bibby but there are alot of people that hate on Pedja, that is all I am saying. While Bibby is not a good defender he does so many other things will that you let it slide. When Pedja is on his game like he can be you let his rebounding slide a little. Thats all I am saying.