OFFICIAL: Kings trade Webber to Philly!!!!!

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If C-Webb was traded and they said Kings aquire KG or something. Then this wouldnt be so hard. BUT to lose C-Webb who is kicking a$$ this season for pretty much nothing in return really hurts.
Corliss is scrappy , and the other two are solid athletes and can rebound. It should solve some of our problems. We became a deeper team too...


Super Moderator Emeritus
Crackerman said:
I have not seen a post from VF yet, is she not awake, I missed her posts, or she is in complete shock and cannot type?
I'm here. I'm primarily doing moderator duties. People are going to vent and some of them seem to think the best way to do it is to make other members of this board miserable. That is not going to happen as long as I can help it.

I am truly shocked, stunned and heart-broken. NO PLAYER deserves to be treated the way Chris Webber just was. I cannot recall any time when I've seen a trade like this that gives away so much for so little. Our season is over. The team dynamic will NOT recover. Chris was the heart of this team, whether some want to believe it or not. Well, the heart just quit beating.

I certainly hope Peja can step up and fill the gap. I just wish I could say that without sobbing. There is no rhyme or reason to this deal and I truly have to consider if I can even step into Arco Arena again.



Super Moderator Emeritus
sloter said:
Corliss is scrappy , and the other two are solid athletes and can rebound. It should solve some of our problems. We became a deeper team too...
Solve some of our problems? We became a deeper team? You do realize Barnes went too, right? Matt Barnes, the OTHER player who had truly wanted to be a Sacramento Kings.

Corliss is scrappy? Well, you're almost right.

You have better hope Peja steps up and gets his bleeping head out of his arse and gets his game back because if he doesn't I'll predict right now that the Sacramento fans will blame him COMPLETELY for what just happened. I know a part of me does and I have ALWAYS tried to be fair about this. Not everyone is going to look at it the same way.

Celebrate now, because you may have plenty of time to mourn later.


Super Moderator Emeritus
kixrox said:
So what I want to know is ...will Pedja be on the floor tomorrow night??
Hmmmm. Wanna bet his hamstring is miraculously healed?

Sorry. I have to quit now. It's time for my medication.



Hall of Famer
Okay...Shock is gone...Anger is slowly leaving...I think I can think this out as much as I can...

Chris Webber...20 points, 10 rebounds, 5 assists. One of the best bigs in the game...Offensivly. A defensive liability, though. Not much lateral movement, pretty slow, bad transition defense. And Matt Barnes. Pure 100% hustle. Always gave it everything he had. A good rebounder, yet couldnt get much, if anything, done on the offensive side. Young, and definatly had some room for improvment. Bradley...Blah. Thought he would be a good fit in the Kings system. Hope you had a nice stay, have fun riding the Philly pine.

Kenny Thomas...Truthfully, I dont know ANYTHING about these new guys except their past and current stats. A career .45% shooter, averaged 10 rebounds last year (only averaging 6.6 this year, but in 8 less minutes.) Doesn't seem to be a passer. 1.5 carrer assitst. Averages nearly a steral a game. When Brian Skinner had a chance to play last year (For Milwaukee) he put up pretty decent numbers. 10 points (.49% shooting), 7.5 rebounds, and 1.09 blocks in 28+ minutes. This years everythings down...Dont know why, but if he can return to last years form, I'd be happy with him. Corliss scores down low...10 points. However, he doesnt pass, doesnt rebound (3.7 this year, 4.4 for career) Low post presence...Might help?

If Skinner gets back to last years from, and if Thomas can get back up to 10 rebounds with added minutes, This trade may not be as horrible as originally thought...Corliss will broaden our bench, as well...Chris's scoring is replacable, IMO. More shots are now open for Peja (Take em' soft one), Miller, and Mobley. If the new guys can become above average role players,scoring wise, I'll be happy as I can with this trade.
Agree... the season is far from over. We still have a group of guys who can win, and who knows, maybe Peja will come to life again.

It's frustrating how little we got back from this trade, but let's wait and see how the team comes together. And perhaps other moves are in the works...

I think Petrie came to the conclusion (as many have) that this team was not going to win with Webber and the chances of him going down again were quite high. So I understand dealing him, just not quite dealing him for what we got.

But let's wait and see what happens. We do have a lot of good players still on this team.
I really don't know what to say about this. I'm going through so many mixed emotions right now. I still can't believe this happened. I can't believe they traded CWebb! I never expected this to happen, and for him to come to Philly! I'm heartbroken yet i'm happy at the same time (he's now in my home town!!) I was afraid to post b/c I feel kinda guilty, I don't know why. I'm just so sorry for everyone in Sacramento b/c I know how much everyone loved CWebb and how much he meant to everyone (myself included) and if it were a choice I had to make I would have chosen that CWebb stay on the Kings. CWebb made the Kings and the Kings won't be the same without him. First Doug, now Webb. These trades are ridiculous to me! I just hope everything will work out for the best. I really don't know what to say, it's all still sinking in. *big sigh* Keep the Kings Pride Alive!


Super Moderator Emeritus
Heuge said:
While I hate this trade, I disagree. We still have a solid core that is capable of playing real well.
Capable of playing real well? Well, yes. But do you honestly think they're going to take the court against the Mavericks tomorrow and win? Honestly? And do you think they're going to go into Philadelphia and put up a huge game against WEbber?

Sorry, Huege. The whole team looked to Webber for guidance. He was the warrior this year. He was their leader. Who exactly do you see stepping up and filling the role? Bibby? Nope. He's just not that aggressive or interested in being a leader. Miller? I don't think so. Cat? He's too new. Pedja? Oh please.

Our problem now is we are a body with no heart, no soul.
VF21 said:
I'm here. I'm primarily doing moderator duties. People are going to vent and some of them seem to think the best way to do it is to make other members of this board miserable. That is not going to happen as long as I can help it.

I am truly shocked, stunned and heart-broken. NO PLAYER deserves to be treated the way Chris Webber just was. I cannot recall any time when I've seen a trade like this that gives away so much for so little. Our season is over. The team dynamic will NOT recover. Chris was the heart of this team, whether some want to believe it or not. Well, the heart just quit beating.

I certainly hope Peja can step up and fill the gap. I just wish I could say that without sobbing. There is no rhyme or reason to this deal and I truly have to consider if I can even step into Arco Arena again.

You know VF, on the flipside. It could have been way worse. We could have traded him to a hopeless situation, like Atlanta, Golden State, NO, etc. At least in Philly he will still have a shot now coming out of the East.
SacTownKid said:
But he also was on the Pistons. nuff said.
so what? he plays a little defense. DC proved that one guy can't play D for the entire team. you would have to dismantle the entire team (which i believe petrie is preparing to do) to create a more defensive atmosphere. the kings are an offensively charged team. we all know that. now we're disjointed, and more unbalanced, imo.


Super Moderator Emeritus
SacTownKid - Yeah, and I guess we could have traded him for a bunch of mediocre players, including one we'd already had...

Oh wait. We did do that.

swisshh said:
Disjointed is the perfect word to describe the Kings now.
which is why i believe petrie is not finished. and i dont say that in a good or hopeful way. we just saw the first step in the dismantling of this kings team.. mobley was the first addition, DC and webber the first major subtractions.


Super Moderator Emeritus
We are a ship without a rudder. We may be a really fancy ship with lots of brass and neat leather upholstery, etc. but we are still without a rudder.
Padrino said:
so what? he plays a little defense. DC proved that one guy can't play D for the entire team. you would have to dismantle the entire team (which i believe petrie is preparing to do) to create a more defensive atmosphere. the kings are an offensively charged team. we all know that. now we're disjointed, and more unbalanced, imo.
Yes that is true but, just thinking positive here, we just unloaded one of our biggest defensive liabilities.
sloter said:
Corliss is scrappy , and the other two are solid athletes and can rebound. It should solve some of our problems. We became a deeper team too...
don't the other two average less rebounds combined than Webber does? well, I'm glad the bench will benefit from this strade because our starting line up will stink. Oh wait, we lost Barnes too, don't think even the bench benefits from this one.


I can't even keep up with this thread. lol

This is the fastest growing thread I have ever seen......

Poor Chris....................
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