OFFICIAL: Kings trade Webber to Philly!!!!!

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A while back I made up an analogy of the Kings, comparing them to a car. We had a windows, steering wheels etc...Webb? He was the engine. Pretty car, you can have everything else, but if the engine isn't working, you aren't going far.
VF21 said:
We are a ship without a rudder. We may be a really fancy ship with lots of brass and neat leather upholstery, etc. but we are still without a rudder.
Wow I thought of all people you would be the one leading the cheers of GO KINGS!! I know its hard but most of us knew a trade was coming, not this trade specifically, but a trade anyhow. What feels worse to you, the lack of star power we got back, or the Webber trade itself?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Padrino said:
which is why i believe petrie is not finished. and i dont say that in a good or hopeful way. we just saw the first step in the dismantling of this kings team.. mobley was the first addition, webber the first major subtraction.
He may not be finished but our hopes for anything good to come out of this season are.

Dismantling a team in mid-season sends a HORRIBLE message to all those left. It gives them NO REASON to do anything but go throw the motions. If Webber who was clearly having a monumental year could be tossed aside how can anyone feel secure?

Damn you, Geoff Petrie.


Super Moderator Emeritus
SacTownKid said:
Wow I thought of all people you would be the one leading the cheers of GO KINGS!! I know its hard but most of us knew a trade was coming, not this trade specifically, but a trade anyhow. What feels worse to you, the lack of star power we got back, or the Webber trade itself?
What makes me feel the worst is that we traded Webber for nothing.
SacTownKid said:
You know VF, on the flipside. It could have been way worse. We could have traded him to a hopeless situation, like Atlanta, Golden State, NO, etc. At least in Philly he will still have a shot now coming out of the East.
at this point I think Webb has a better chance of seeing a ring this year than the rest of the Kings. Obviously not a good trade for the Kings!! Webb loved being a King and he gave this team his heart. Unfortunately, Petrie just ripped it out for no obvious reason. (And that, is me trying to be polite, because in my very bitter heart right now believe that Petrie ripped the heart out of Webb for Peja, a wonderful shooter who doesn't really care WHO he plays for, as long as it isn't us -- and that, to me, is even worse than trading him for no reason)
VF21 said:
Capable of playing real well? Well, yes. But do you honestly think they're going to take the court against the Mavericks tomorrow and win? Honestly? And do you think they're going to go into Philadelphia and put up a huge game against WEbber?

Sorry, Huege. The whole team looked to Webber for guidance. He was the warrior this year. He was their leader. Who exactly do you see stepping up and filling the role? Bibby? Nope. He's just not that aggressive or interested in being a leader. Miller? I don't think so. Cat? He's too new. Pedja? Oh please.

Our problem now is we are a body with no heart, no soul.
Sounds to me like there is a lot of exciting things to happen during this season, it certainly isn't over.
Who will step up and be that leader? What will the new offense look like? Will players, who were relying on Webb become better players, as they look to step up? How bright does our future look? I think the rest of this season could be exciting as the team answers some of these questions and more.

I am simply not going to throw this season and this team into the tiolet because I think the Gm made an absolutely stupid trade.


I have a good feeling we may hear some more trades tomomrrow, why else would we hear about this one today and not tomorrow... this makes sense......
LMM said:
see my sig.....

"i know i still believe in us" --cwebb.. just yesterday

:( ::cries::
i cant believe petrie traded that away. unbelievable. i know basketball is a business, but there's a difference between business and what is just plain wrong. employers dont treat employees this way, especially those who keep morale up and are performing at the highest level.


lets just all pray that peja wakes up tomorrow and becomes the larry bird that we all wished that he'd become.....
Explosive debate, no, complaint, no, disappointment, no, despair

R1LOVER said:
I can't even keep up with this thread. lol

This is the fastest growing thread I have ever seen......

Poor Chris....................
Padrino said:
i cant believe petrie traded that away. unbelievable. i know basketball is a business, but there's a difference between business and what is just plain wrong. employers dont treat employees this way, especially those who keep morale up and are performing at the highest level.
Well Chris' belief hasn't got a championship yet and by all accounts we were not going to get one in the currect state of affairs. Sorry but look at our record against the top teams this season.
Bibby_10 said:
If C-Webb was traded and they said Kings aquire KG or something. Then this wouldnt be so hard. BUT to lose C-Webb who is kicking a$$ this season for pretty much nothing in return really hurts.
Co-sign. It wouldn't be so bad if we'd gotten a quality player back, but it just seems like petrie just did the sixers a favor. Took some scrubs off their hands and then said "hey, why don't you take my teams best player too".
VF21 said:
What makes me feel the worst is that we traded Webber for nothing.
We Got three players back, Thomas is a great rebounder, Atheletic and can shoot from the high post, Skinner is a pounder defensive big man which will most likely be our backup centre And Corliss is a post player scorer off the bench who knows the system.

We lost Webber & Barnes.

Webbers Scoring will easily be replaced by Miller, Songaila & Thomas, who will all got more shots.

Our defence just got way better with quicker more agile defenders in the lane, Skinners a shot blocker and is STRONG.

Our Bench will now have Thomas,Williamson,Evans & Skinner all coming off of it, which is a really good bench.

We lost the huge contract of a guy that would have most likeyly got injured, at least we got something fo him before something happend to him and we would of had his huge contractand got nothing.
SacTownKid said:
Wow I thought of all people you would be the one leading the cheers of GO KINGS!! I know its hard but most of us knew a trade was coming, not this trade specifically, but a trade anyhow. What feels worse to you, the lack of star power we got back, or the Webber trade itself?
I felt shocked with the players we got back for Webber...i wanted at some point to trade Webber due to team chemistry issues...but we didn't even get Dalembert or Korver in return..and we gave up Barnes...

I'm just hoping our offense will run smoothly now and Peja get's back to his last year's form...Songaila improving on more minutes...and hope K.Thomas,Williamson,Skinner do the dirty work and hustles on defense. Just look at Seattle, they've got good perimeter players in Allen,Lewis,Daniels etc and had rugged tough players inside that rough it up with other players..more like the Detroit formula...

with Bibby,Mobley,Peja...perimeter threats...including BMiller and those 3 guys to grind it out in the middle...

just sucks now when i play nba live Kings won't have the inside presence/threat to open up my outside plays...

have to say it..GO KINGS!
This still does nothing to solve our problem of not having a threat inside. Webber wasn't great, but he could occasionally at least demand a double team.

Now we truly are a one-dimensional team.

Just, odd...
SacTownKid said:
Well Chris' belief hasn't got a championship yet and by all accounts we were not going to get one in the currect state of affairs. Sorry but look at our record against the top teams this season.
i'm not talking about a championship. i'm talking about a guy who had the heart to take us there. everybody's looking at the surface effects of this trade. its gonna run deeper than that. i love VF's and Reina's analogies. the kings are a pretty ship w/o a rudder, a flashy car w/o an engine. we're more disjointed now than when we started this season. we're moving backwards, and that aint right.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Variant said:
This still does nothing to solve our problem of not having a threat inside. Webber wasn't great, but he could occasionally at least demand a double team.

Now we truly are a one-dimensional team.

Just, odd...
We're rebuilding -- these guys are varieties of mediocre. Can't be long term solutions unless we want to go back to being a lottery team. Just looking at the guys we got back, I don't think there was much thought put into it. Three matching contracts. I say again -- not getting ANY of their young guys is just terrible. 76ers shed mediocre players with long contracts, keep all their young talnet -- great great day for them.
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