Now that Dallas advanced...

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It makes me kinda mad that they made in to the Finals.

We were always compared to the Mavs, we had the same style, same kinda owners, we always played each other in the playoffs. But through all that we were always considered the better team. It was like Dallas was the little brother. Now the little bro, surpassed its older sibling. Although we the lakers teams were better, it still sucks that in the end they are the ones to get there first. I hope we are the first to win it all...
I really like the Heat to win it all..

Dallas made the moves to get better, change of direction, but were young and still at a high level at the same time. We've had to do it with our main guys aging, not fitting in anymore, and have rebuilt on the fly. Direction change started with Artest, supported by Bonzi/SAR, continued with Musselman, and will continue in the summer.

I don't like them making it either.


The Mavericks are one of my least favorite teams in the league. I just can't support anything associated with Mark Cuban. The only team that could be worse to make the finals for the Western Conference would be the Lakers.

Go Heat!
And1 said:
The Mavericks are one of my least favorite teams in the league. I just can't support anything associated with Mark Cuban. The only team that could be worse to make the finals for the Western Conference would be the Lakers.

Go Heat!
But I thought you loved Josh Howard and Marquis Daniels;)
If chris webber hadn't gone down we'd have arguably been there in '03.

I won't bring up the year before.

It's a luck of the draw thing, we just had really crap luck at really bad times.

That's life.

If we're there next year, I won't care.
He was being sarcastic. I don't like either of those players in spite of the fact that Howard is very good. It goes back to when they first came into the league. They are just 2 more reasons why I don't like the Mavs.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
People always trying to find reasons to dislike Mavs players is...odd. One of the more innocuous groups of PLAYERS in the league, the Van Exel blip notwithstanding.

Now the owner is something else. If they were owned by anybody else, woould have no problem at all with them advancing. After 7 years of Spurs/Lakers, about time somebody else came out of the West.

As it is that self-promoting goober is still doing the obnoxious pathetic wannabe thing from behind the Mavs bench, so again I fear circumstances have conspired to make me a Heat fan.
Bricklayer said:
People always trying to find reasons to dislike Mavs players is...odd. One of the more innocuous groups of PLAYERS in the league, the Van Exel blip notwithstanding.

Now the owner is something else. If they were owned by anybody else, woould have no problem at all with them advancing. After 7 years of Spurs/Lakers, about time somebody else came out of the West.

As it is that self-promoting goober is still doing the obnoxious pathetic wannabe thing from behind the Mavs bench, so again I fear circumstances have conspired to make me a Heat fan.
At my house circumstamces have conspired to make me not care! I will not root for the Mavs because of Cuban and I will not root for the Heat because of the former "Queen" of the Lakers! The NBA playoffs are over for me. I'll take a month or so off and get ready for the NFL, and kids soccer!

I will be interested in the KINGS offseason moves, I still think we're 2 moves (or one move and an A$$ Beating!) from moving past the Suns and Spurs and challenging the Mavs for the west next year. If nothing else, I've got about 86 DVDs from 05-06 to tide me over (40 or so worth watching..;) )
Yeah, I'm bummed that they advanced, never really liked the owner or oranization. It still leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I saw a playoff game at the AAC in 04 and they were playing cartoon videos poking fun at C-webs knee and Christie being handled by his wife. Yeah they are videos and such, but it wasnt very classy it all.

And even more ironic is that I have Dallas in a playoff pool this year and having people wonder why I was rooting against them, lol. For money or not, I did not want them to get to the finals before the kings
Now that Dallas has advanced, it further fortifies the old adage that "defense wins champioships." But it's not as if we didn't already know that.
I'm leaning towards rooting for the Mavs. I like a lot of the players. I like a lot of the Heat players too, but I fear that Shaq will be at his most annoying, especially if he revisits his Dampier taunting. I don't care too much for Mourning, though I wouldn't begrudge him a title; about the same with Payton: annoying, but he did pay his dues. I like Walker more than I should, and I like Haslem and Posey. Williams is an ignorant racist (though I support his altercation with the Memphis writer), but I'm more inclined to pity him than root against him.

This sould be a great Finals, especially if you, like me, love Wade and Dirk. I'm also able to go about my life without being deeply affected by Mark Cuban's existence. Don't ask me how. It's all pretty Zen.


Super Moderator Emeritus
tubiscus said:
At my house circumstamces have conspired to make me not care! I will not root for the Mavs because of Cuban and I will not root for the Heat because of the former "Queen" of the Lakers! The NBA playoffs are over for me. I'll take a month or so off and get ready for the NFL, and kids soccer!
Pretty much the way I've come to feel although I would like to see at least one of the main guys who started our Glory Days get some jewelry. I just never thought Jason would be the first to get the chance...


Super Moderator Emeritus
KevinMartin'sShotDoctor said:
I'm leaning towards rooting for the Mavs. I like a lot of the players. I like a lot of the Heat players too, but I fear that Shaq will be at his most annoying, especially if he revisits his Dampier taunting. I don't care too much for Mourning, though I wouldn't begrudge him a title; about the same with Payton: annoying, but he did pay his dues. I like Walker more than I should, and I like Haslem and Posey. Williams is an ignorant racist (though I support his altercation with the Memphis writer), but I'm more inclined to pity him than root against him.

This sould be a great Finals, especially if you, like me, love Wade and Dirk. I'm also able to go about my life without being deeply affected by Mark Cuban's existence. Don't ask me how. It's all pretty Zen.
Please. Let's keep those kinds of comments out of the equation, okay? Whether it's true or not is not the point, BTW. The point is those kinds of comments NEVER end well, with emotions simply too highly charged on both sides. We don't allow talk of politics or religion for that very reason around here and we don't need allegations of racism.

Thanks for understanding.



Super Moderator Emeritus
KevinMartin'sShotDoctor said:
That Williams comment was in agreement with a previous post from a day or two ago. Please flag that one too.
I certainly would if I knew what post you were talking about.

The only reason I addressed this on the board and not in a PM is because we feel very strongly about using the terms racist, racism, etc. on the board.

You can either send me a link to the post in question or use the "refer a post."

I'm with VF on this. I will root for the Heat so JWill can get a ring, and I love Wade, and GP and Zo have had this coming for a long time. JWill isn't a racist, I've met him before, and he's pretty G himself, so I don't know what would make you say that.
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