Movie thread - PLEASE, NO SPOILERS!!

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The Last movie I watched in theaters was Rebound with Martin Lawerance, good movie!

My Fav movies are

All about the Benjamins
Without a Paddle
Be Cool
Scary Movie

I got alot more..
Twix said:
Saw War of the Worlds the day it came out in theaters. I thought it was pretty good but I didn't like the ending much.
I agree as well.

EDITED BY VF21 - Some people haven't seen the film yet. We ask you "PLEASE, NO SPOILERS" so everyone can enjoy discussing about movies in this thread without fearing they'll learn more about a new movie than they want to learn.
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I just finished watching "Boogeyman." As someone who really feared the monsters in the closet and under the bed, this movie had some pretty good stuff.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Three nights ago I had an urge to watch a movie. So I turned on On Demand to see if anything interesting was out there, and on a complete whim decided to check out some never heard of it before flick called "Alien 51" on the Starz channel. OMFG! My eyes burned. I was reduced to a stupefied drooling stupor withing 15 minutes -- has to be right up there with some sci-fi channel super schlocker my brother sent me called "Skeleton Man" as the worst movie I have ever seen, and I have seen some bad ones. Would have been hilarious if it were not so sad. Why you would make such a turd, and then release it after you have seen the results, is completely beyond me.

So, traumatized and most definitely still in the mood to see a REAL movie that mght lighten my spirits after that dreck, I switched that off after about 45 min and tried a movie that I remember coming out last year called "The Girl Next Door". A teenage comedy about a kid who has a former pornstar move in next door. Not a promising premise. But the movie really surprised me -- was funny and had heart. In fact, despite the subject matter was probably purer of heart than 90% of the movies of that genre, you actually liked the characters etc. (and did not hurt that the girl was a rather remarkable beauty who could actually act). Of course anything would have looked good in comparison to Alien 51, but I legitimately enjoyed it and has to qualify as one of the better teen comedies I have seen (was obviously inspired by Risky Business).
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Well, I loved Risky Business, so perhaps I will check out The Girl Next Door. Just went to and overall it got pretty good reviews. And now that Bricklayer has inspired me I will recommend other OnDemand finds that I have discovered recently. With a few hours to spare yesterday, I decided to take advantage of their free movie list and picked a little-known comedy called 'Nadine' with Jeff Bridges and Kim Basinger. It was made in 1987, set in Texas, 1954 and was a pretty good, clever, funny comedy caper. Kim Basinger is a better actress than I thought she was.
Bricklayer said:
I was reduced to a stupefied drooling stupor withing 15 minutes -- has to be right up there with some sci-fi channel super schlocker my brother sent me called "Skeleton Man" as the worst movie I have ever seen, and I have seen some bad ones.
My father and I are fans of cheesy crap cinema, and when I visit him on Saturdays we usually end up checking out what the Sci-Fi Channel movie of the week is. But we tolerated at most 15 minutes of Skeleton Man before he grabbed the remote. I didn't protest his decision. Not hilariously bad like a "Manos, the Hands of Fate" or entertainingly bad like a "Mansquito." Just waste-of-time bad.

When I mentioned the movie at work just after it premiered, a co-worker said she knows the guy who donned the Skeleton Man mask. I got an anecdote or two about the inherent cheapness of the production. But it's a made-for-SciFi movie, and it was probably shot in Bulgaria. So of course it's gonna be cheap. I guess you can look at it as a free trip to Europe.
I could not sleep last night so I sat up and watched Once Were Warriors on IFC channel. I have to tell you guys this New Zealand movie has the best acting I seen in a film in a long time. It is brutal savage depiction of domestic violence in urban New Zealand. While the subject manor is dark it is a movie that you be wonder why I did not see this movie earlier. It is a movie that you will not and should not forget.
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Don't know if its already on here and i don't feel like looking so i'll just put it out there.


One of my favorites. Its not for everybody, kind of off tilt/dark humor. What did everyone else think who's seen it?


Evenstar said:
i watched "amadeus" last night. VERY good movie. loved the acting, LOVED the music, it was fantastic. no surprise this won best picture.
if you liked amadeus, check out "fantasia 2000"
thesanityannex said:
Don't know if its already on here and i don't feel like looking so i'll just put it out there.


One of my favorites. Its not for everybody, kind of off tilt/dark humor. What did everyone else think who's seen it?
Loved Sideways. Incredible acting by both of the leads.


Hall of Famer
Out family just got digital cable, so I've been watching a lot of movies latley...Here we go.

-I love Adam Sandler. 50 First Dates and Anger Managment were two of the better comedies I have seen in awhile.

-Jack was awesome in Anger, as well. He made that movie.

-Punchdrunk Love, with Adam Sandler, confused me. I watched a bit of it, but got really confused with the whole movie.

-The first 15 minutes of Scary Movie 3 had to be one of the most funny things I have ever seen. Best Ring spoof ever.

-Freddy Vs. Jason is alright...Not as good as I wanted it to be, but still fun to watch, and the catepillar/bong scene makes me laugh every time.

-And Bad Santa is one of my favorite comedies of all time. Billy Bob Thorton is just insanley-funny, and the fat kid makes me laugh everytime I see/hear him. The midget was funny too...Everything about that movie was funny.


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Staff member
-Punchdrunk Love, with Adam Sandler, confused me. I watched a bit of it, but got really confused with the whole movie.
I liked Punchdrunk Love. I was waiting for the movie to evolve into a little something more and I thought the different plotlines could have been tied together a little neater, but I enjoyed it a good deal. It will probably go down as Sandler's most earnest and understated acting job ever.

I can be a movie snob at times, but I love dumb comedies as much as anyone. Spaceballs, Monty Python, Tommy Boy and Happy Gilmore are all in my DVD collection. But I have to be honest when I say that I don't think Sandler has made a good/funny movie since Big Daddy.


Hall of Famer
I can be a movie snob at times, but I love dumb comedies as much as anyone. Spaceballs, Monty Python, Tommy Boy and Happy Gilmore are all in my DVD collection. But I have to be honest when I say that I don't think Sandler has made a good/funny movie since Big Daddy.
Big Daddy was awesome, I love that movie...I'll agree, his movies haven't come close to as good as that one recently, but Anger Management got close to being close...But I just loved Jack...50 First Dates was more of a cute story that makes you go "awww!"

And right now I'm watching Freddy V. Jason for the umpteenth-thousand time, because it's on Cinemax every other movie.
i saw fantastic 4. it was good, not great. the fire guy is really HOT!!!! he did a good job, so did the the guy who played the thing, he stole every scene he was in. i liked the action, but it started too late. i would have liked it to have been longer, hopefully they make a sequel, becuase with the set up out of the way, i think the next one could be much better.

i also saw batman begins again.... i freaking love that movie :D

ooo and i watched the insider tonight, very good movie. very well acted. i had no idea just how complicated a little thing like doing an interview on TV could be.
i watched cellular and requiem of a dream last night.

cellular was a GOOD movie!!! it was kinda like phonebooth, if you liked that, you will definelty like cellular. very thrilling, and the acting was pretty good also.

requiem of a dream was also good, but it's not for squimish people. i loved the way it was shot, and the soundtrack was also very enjoyable. the story was dark, as most drug movies are. ellen burysten was outstanding.


Hall of Famer
Evenstar said:
i saw fantastic 4. it was good, not great. the fire guy is really HOT!!!! he did a good job, so did the the guy who played the thing, he stole every scene he was in. i liked the action, but it started too late. i would have liked it to have been longer, hopefully they make a sequel, becuase with the set up out of the way, i think the next one could be much better.

i also saw batman begins again.... i freaking love that movie :D

ooo and i watched the insider tonight, very good movie. very well acted. i had no idea just how complicated a little thing like doing an interview on TV could be.
The guy who played the Thing is Micheal Chiklis. That guy is just awesome, kind of off topic, but you should check out the Sheild if you like Chiklis, he's just awesome in that series.

And...I watched Freddy/Jason again, twice, last night...I swear, that movie is on every other movie on Starz...But this time it was different, I watched it in HD! Ohhhh!!!
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AleksandarN said:
Another very good movie is Whale Rider. The acting and over all story is awesome
Very good movie. Somehow I liked it less the second time around, maybe the novelty wore off. Oh well, worth a view for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Just saw War of the Worlds. That movie is seriously disturbing, and seriously lacking in plot. Definitely should not have been PG-13, R much more suitable. I can't understand why that kind of violence is accpetable but seeing a woman's breast is absolutely off limits. I guess that's the time we live in- glorification of war and violence, shunning of all morally suspect sexuality.

Death to Smoochy- always on comedy central. Amusing, clever, little bit of a let down- could have been better.
Evenstar said:
i watched "evita" tonight. LOVED it! madonna was freaking awesome. antonio banderas was pretty sexy. great music.

One of my all time favorites. I am a performer and Evita just happens to be my dream role. I will never get it because I am a 5'11 Brunette, but one can dream.

I to thought Madonna did really well and I was skeptical.
Antonio rocked my world as Che. Perfect part for him.
Peron was fantastic as well. Jonathan Pryce is always good though.
They added 2 songs for the movie that I did not care for, but oh well.
Movei was great. Glad you like it.
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