Monroe, Aldrich, or Johnson?

Who do we pick at number 5?

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Hall of Famer
I'd take Monroe. These are my reasons:

1) Monroe vs Johnson: Monroe is 3 yrs younger, and fills a need of the team. I want to see Greene getting a lot of minutes next year, because I think he can became a very good player if he keeps developing. I've seen a lot of Monroe, not very much of Johnson, but I think Greg is a Petrie kind of player.

2) Monroe vs Aldrich: I think he is just a better player. Maybe he's not a banger like Aldrich, but he has more skills. I would't mind getting Aldrich anyways, he could be a good player I believe.

3) Monroe vs Udoh: I really like Udoh, in the tournament he has shown that he is a beast under the glasses. But, he is 3 years older than Monroe and he does not have a good offensive game. I believe he will be just a role player in the nba. I see him like a better Warrick, but I could be wrong.
Then, if you have to take a decision between these two guys, you keed to think about age: don't you think that in 3 years from now Monroe will be a much better player than what Udoh is right now?

So, this is why I would take Monroe, even if I really believe that oneof the top 4 will be available at 5, and it could be Cousins.
Monroe is soft as a marshmallow. How does that fit in with the analysis? The Kings started last year with a them of toughness. Why would they embark in the opposite direction? It would be shocking to me if they took Monroe, like they entirely forgot what transpired in the pre-Tyreke era.
Yeah, it's not a perfect comparison as like you said Bogut was more advanced offensively coming out (far better passer and a better scorer as well). But Aldrich is a slightly better rebounder coming out than Bogut was and is a much better shot blocker (Bogut has developed into a good one in the pros). Overall I think Aldrich could develop into a double/double type of center who blocks shots and plays good defense. I really like him... it's not even a comparison between Aldrich and the other two guys in this poll as far as I'm concerned.
It'll be interesting to compare their measurements.