MLB Thread - 2024


Hall of Famer
New year, new World Champs (yay Bochy!), new free agency period. Let’s do this!

And to kick it off… stop me if you’ve heard this before, the Giants are set to pull out all the stops to get one of the biggest name free agents.

Who else cannot wait as they sign elsewhere and it’s reported the Giants were a strong number 2?!


Hall of Famer
Lol BOTH the Guardians and the Reds jumped up to 1/2 in the new Draft Lotteey… ahead of the A’s, Rockies, Royals, and … someone else with top odds.
If I were still a fan I’d be absolutely disgusted that the A’s dropped in the lottery despite fielding the worst teams in existence for like the third year in a row but John Fisher deserves it
Yeah, ownership needs to be punished for fielding teams like the A's did last year. You don't get to punt an entire season and just walk into the #1 pick. Good change.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
If I were still a fan I’d be absolutely disgusted that the A’s dropped in the lottery despite fielding the worst teams in existence for like the third year in a row but John Fisher deserves it
It's even worse. Because they receive revenue sharing, under the new draft rules the A's are only eligible for the top 6 pick lotto 2 years in a row. So finishing second worst and picking 6th last year and finishing worst and picking 4th this year also disqualifies them from next year's top 6 lotto entirely and the best pick they can have in the 2025 MLB draft is 7th overall, regardless of record. Why Fisher decided to move his team to Vegas and lock in revenue sharing money for the next 30 years instead of finding a way to make it work in the 6th largest media market in the country remains a mystery.


Hall of Famer
Padres just traded Soto to the Yankees. Online is telling me it’s a pretty definitive minus from the prospects they sent out for him a year ago.

Way to go, Pads. And that’s right there why I never subscribe to the rental market.


Hall of Famer
Yeah, Padres lost big time on the guys they sent out to obtain Soto and then compared to what they got.

I feel like the Giants could have potentially matched that offer except SD may not have wanted to deal in division.

If or when Zaidi misses on Ohtani, he needs to land the Korean CF, Yamamoto AND Matt Chapman or similar guy or this is going to be a bust once again.


Hall of Famer
The Giants real offseason has begun as they’re showing aggressive interest in HARRISON BADER!

Bring the disappointment on!!!


Hall of Famer
There’s too many tweets hinting at the Giants landing Ohtani…..I’m not falling for it. Decision imminent. Phone in hand waiting for a notification.


Hall of Famer
Zaidi is going to play the 1 year rental rehabilitation game with SP’s again, so that if they do come back, they can go sign somewhere on a big contract. Sure didn’t work with Manaea or Stripling……kind of worked with Wood…..was good with Gausman but he’s not with us.

Overpay Ohtani… in overpay the next team by like $100M.
It's been nice having no expectations on Ohtani. If it's magically us, I'm stoked beyond belief. But when you have no hope he signs here, doesn't sting at all when he inks somewhere else
It's been nice having no expectations on Ohtani. If it's magically us, I'm stoked beyond belief. But when you have no hope he signs here, doesn't sting at all when he inks somewhere else
Lies! We all know that, deep down inside, you have the most hope in the world that Shohei signs with the Giants. And, when he doesn't, you'll be shattered...:p:p:p


The Game Thread Dude
Matt Chapman? He’s a free agent.
Exactly. In true A’s disciple fashion, Farhan (who I believe was still with the A’s when Billy drafted Chapman) is going to give him a one year deal to rehab his value and then either dump him for middling prospects at the trade deadline or balk at his price next offseason and let him walk for nothing (another Oakland Athletics special)