
I'm following the game through the stats. I dont know how much yall know about Erin Buescher, but she played 2 (maybe 1 having a brain fart right now) in Minnesota, she's a good player. But I think she is making a strong statement in the last few games. I mean I can't watch the game I haven't seen highlights, but looking at the stats and reading the play by play, she is doing the little things. I hope she makes the team.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I've been hearing good things about Buescher. We can count on a full report from those that attend the game. Glad to hear the stats are showing another nice game from her.
Interesting game tonight....we pretty much saw the offense up against WNBA level talent and although the M's did not run the pants off Phoenix like they did Team China, I still like how it looks. At times it flashed back to those goshforsaken moments of typical Monarchs offense where nothing good happens for about 5 minutes and that's pretty much what kept Phoenix in the game, because when Reina would listen to the game ;) the Monarchs' offense would shut off. They had Phoenix down by 12 or 13 and then for some reason stopped scoring in the 2nd half and Phoenix caught up and eventually it came down to shotmaking in the final minute or so, and the game winner that Anna DeForge hit...there was pretty much nothing you could do about that but tip your cap - she had two defenders on her, and Newton was about as close to her with a hand in her face as she could get without another whistlehappy group of refs blowing a whistle for looking in her direction. Did something change with the rules in the offseason because I honestly am not getting why so many fouls are being called now. This is getting ridiculous.

But DeForge and Taurasi as usual went nuts on us and it again was the ol' leaving the perimeter shooter uncovered thing that bothered me last Friday, and pretty much was the story of all last season. No Penny Taylor (thank goodness) or Vodichkova (they still outrebounded the Monarchs so her not being here really didn't help us out). Taurasi and Deforge finished with 39pts combined. I think last Friday they gave up 20 something pts to a guard. So their perimeter defense specifically or guard defense generally is still in need of some serious work.

The FT shooting was A-TRO-CIOUS. That needs to get cleaned up quickly. Especially if the first half of the season is going to be a foul-fest for the refs.

Brunson, Walker and Griffith played limited minutes tonight. So I think the rebounding issue may resolve itself once they're back in the mix. Looked like coach gave everybody who was vying for a spot a good opportunity to showcase themselves. If coach was playing to win this game, I think he would have changed to the lineup he finished the game with a little sooner than he did. He had Lawson, Grima, Maiga, maybe Greenwalt and one other player who I'm sure everybody knew wasn't going to take a 3pt shot I think it might have been Newton. And I remembered saying to my neighbor that there really isn't any other shooter out there but Lawson (a phrase I muttered quite a bit it seems last season). At that time, that group of backups and players scrapping for a job were going up against pretty much Phx' starting lineup sans Vodichkova and Taylor. To finish the game he brought in Powell, Miao and Buescher or Haynie and I got a little bit excited about that with the game tight. Wanted to see how that group responded. Powell and Lawson had decent looks at game winners/tiers from the Monarchs' end in the final 36 seconds, Powell actually had a much better look that she should have been able to get, she just was off center with the shot.

Buescher - not nearly the same game as she had last week offensively, but she still got it done in the minutes she had. I don't think she hurt standing today.

Maiga - she made some spectacular finishes tonight. The freakshow underneath the basket reverse was fantastic. She had a great game offensively. She might have moved off the bubble for me. I'm still torn about which C/F combos to keep.

Greenwalt/Grima - Greenwalt showed better tonight to me, and I had to give her a little bit more consideration than I had. My log jam is re: keeping both Anderson and Scott, so she might sneak under the wire if she shows she can score and defend. Grima, I like her, but she did not outplay Greenwalt enough to survive another week.

O-Scott - I STILL love her. The refs STILL are whistling her too much. Which is now making me rethink keeping her over Anderson. But I gotta think she'd just have the purpose of picking up fouls while Yo and/or DeMya are on the bench and that much she's shown she can do well ;) But if she has 3 fouls in a half, how effectively can she spell those too? So I have to keep Anderson and her 6 fouls, but that's probably costing me somebody like Maiga. Decisions, Decisions.

Anderson - BY FAR her most aggressive game in her young career. Reminded me of the night I saw a young Tangela Smith square up to throw down with Isabelle Fijilkowski. She was getting tired of being grabbed and yanked on the low blocks and gave a Phx player a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle itty bitty shove in the back after the play ended. Taurasi blocked her shot on one end of the floor, Anderson follows that with a block of her own on the very next play on the other end of the floor. She needs to get rid of the LaKeisha Frett hands and all will be good. Nice face-up jumpers from her tonight too.

Haynie - looked good for somebody with a sore ankle. She shot and scored in addition to running the offense. So that's 3 point guards now who have shown that it can be done like that in Sacramento.

Miao - um...WOW. I'm thinking how do you not keep her around? Fei Fei is the more highly touted of the two, but sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, I'm getting more and more impressed with Miao. She had very nice interior passes, she hit Grima with a no look over the head pass for a transition layup.

Still don't have a definitive final 11 plus a couple of IR slots. But I'm still pretty darn happy with this offense.
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ReinadelosReys said:
I was listening...then not listening. Every time I listened PHX made a run, the last time being when the game was 70-69. :/ Didn't work.

Whew. And I thought it was me.;)

Thanks for the report MBF!

Coach T said that it looks like Ticha will be here by the 3rd game of the season.


Homer Fan Since 1985
slugking50 said:
Whew. And I thought it was me.;)

Thanks for the report MBF!

Coach T said that it looks like Ticha will be here by the 3rd game of the season.
Not till the 3rd game of the season? Well, that sucks.

MBF, again, thank you so much for your detailed report. For those of us who cannot attend games, it is invaluable. And, that is not even mentioning how much I value your judgement. I am very very happy that I don't have to make the decisions facing C Whiz.
This doesn't happen very often but....

DITTO to everything MBF said.

And I am extremey Impressed with Maio. She has alot of style and a soft touch on her passes. Very easy to catch for her teammates.

I always have an opinion on everything, but I have to agree with MBF on this one... I don't have a clear final cut.

Chantelle Looked impressive athletic wise. She really ran the floor well. I mean she not only ran a guard down after getting her shot blocked, but she shot a passing lane in the open court and broke up a Phoenix fast break. She was very aggressive on defense. Now if she can put her offense together and that wasn't totally bad either.

I think Grima and/or Greenwalt maybe our next depatures. The post is looking pretty solid.
So I am gonna eat a little crow.
OSR and Bueschler... good pick ups.

One note of interest... Brunson looked extremely good in warm-ups. Very good attacking the basket with her left and right hand and her jumper looked very good. She looks very promising coming in this year.

And DeMya... Well her shots didn't fall but the move to the basket looked really nice. I am gonna chock that up to Jetlag.

I do like the direction this team is going.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Thanks, Luv13fan! Nice report. Now, if you and MBF are together on all this, I am really liking what I am hearing about this team.

Monty'sBiggestFan said:
Miao - um...WOW. I'm thinking how do you not keep her around? Fei Fei is the more highly touted of the two, but sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, I'm getting more and more impressed with Miao. She had very nice interior passes, she hit Grima with a no look over the head pass for a transition layup.
Ditto on this, MBF. She has been very impressive both games. I checked her stats from last night and in 17 min., she had 9 pts., 3 reb., 3 assists and 1 steal. I'll take that any time! And that pass was Ticha-like.

Speaking of which, Ms. Penicheiro better be hurrying back before people start saying "Ticha who?" Several players are showing they can handle the point.
Glad you said it JD...

Cause alot of the people I was sitting around said just that.

Actually after Haynie hits a jumper on the break somebody yelled...

Good Lord... A point guard who can shoot.

IS it true that she is not expected until the 3rd game of the season???
I think monarchsgamepicker posted the schedule for the playoff games for her French team and if the series goes the full distance, Ticha's last game there would be the Monarchs' opening night in Phoenix. I don't know why she would not be back to the States before the third game of the Monarchs' season since that would be a week later. I could see her maybe not playing until the 2nd or 3rd game of the season since she would need to have time to practice with the team. But I would have a very hard time if she does not expect to even be here until the 3rd game, if that's the case we probably won't see her play in a game until the home opener on the 4th.

It sounds like Phoenix is in the same boat, so I'm grateful for that. Vodichkova and Taylor aren't expected back for a couple of weeks too. At least our starting lineup is and reserve corps is going to be solid w/the exception of Ticha.

Compared to previous years when Ticha was either rolling into camp late or hurt, or both...this is the first time I'm completely comfortable without her here. Defensively, she has no equal in the league at her position, Haynie might eventually get there. But the offense has run pretty well w/o her. It might be another story once the guards see more pressure defense than they have in the preseason - but if they are going to penetrate to the basket and hoist shots up when they get open looks, I'll give up some defense to get that.
Just chiming in with a couple of notes --

Ticha's team handily won the second game of the best-of-five series, so their last game could be as soon as Monday. If so, she could make it back to Sacto to join the team between road games next weekend (I think I heard Coach T say they were coming home after Phoenix May 21).

Greewalt and Grima, as has been posted elsewhere, have been cut -- although why the coach did it this soon, I don't know. I guess he just wants to give more time to the finalists. That is one tough job he's got.

I think Maiga and Buescher have some sort of psychic connection. The passes from Buescher to Maiga in the paint were awesome last night. It looked like Buescher was just shoveling the ball to the backboard stanchion, and Maiga deftly layed it in.

And Maio is awesome! She isn't fazed at all by defenders (thinking of Mikiko Hagiwara) -- she will drive the lane if given half an opportunity, plus those passes. That's another thing I like about Buescher -- she will drive to the hoop. That certainly adds another dimension to the Monarchs they lacked last year.

BTW, MBF, there was a rule interpretation change regarding the hand-checking on the perimeter. Apparently a light tap is okay, but full hand contact or forearm contact is no longer permitted. That's going to take some getting used to for everyone.

I'm with JD -- if Ticha doesn't get her real soon, she's going to find herself lost. I'm not in a hurry to see her just yet, although I know she's going to be a better defender than Haynie just for being taller and having those quick hands. I'm loving the offensive weapons, though.

I've got no idea who is going to make the final roster -- we were saying last night that Coach has a hard job now. I think even Maiga and Anderson are on the bubble, and it would be really hard to let either one go and not get anything in return.

Tomorrow night's game vs. Seattle will be interesting to listen to. I'm eager to see how the defending champions will play with their retooled team.

Thanks Hoopmatron for the background. I just could never figure out what was all of a sudden a foul. I'm still not clear why Scott is being eyed so much other than the fact that she is physical. But I swear in that game against the Chinese Nat'l team, Chantelle was standing in the paint with a hand full of jersey which was stretching because she and the player she was guarding had stopped in their tracks at the whistle - and my guess was that Chantelle grabbed some jersey and held on to keep the player from cutting to the basket. I swear the refs let that go so they could call Scott for some ticky-tack foul.

The last G/F I saw in a Monarchs uniform who passes like Buescher does was Katy Steding, and that's about all Steding did here that was noteworthy.

Anderson on the bubble too? Somebody suggested that to me a week ago and I had to think about it a little bit. She's the better option if you want/need cap flexibility in the future because she's still relatively inexpensive. But I might be wrong on that since she was a lottery pick. If you could blend her and Scott together into one center, I'd be much closer to having an idea who I'd take into the season as the final roster. I absolutely agree that coach needs to maybe move somebody because I do not see how you don't find an active roster spot for Miao. I'll be joining you in eagnerness about the next preseason game and how that goes.

Roster finalization day is going to be like Christmas!!!!! I'm very excited to see how this turns out.
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
The last G/F I saw in a Monarchs uniform who passes like Buescher does was Katy Steding, and that's about all Steding did here that was noteworthy.
You're obviously forgetting the time she came out with her shorts on backwards.:D

(At least I think that was Katy)
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
Anderson on the bubble too? Somebody suggested that to me a week ago and I had to think about it a little bit. She's the better option if you want/need cap flexibility in the future because she's still relatively inexpensive. But I might be wrong on that since she was a lottery pick.
Scott would get the veteran's minimum of $45,427. Chantelle, because of her first round pick, gets $41,600 this season. The rookie salary (ie which includes Greenwalt) would be $31,200.

I believe Chantelle has one more year on her contract, which is why I think they would have to trade her, not just release her. Kara also has one more season on her contract. This is based on the CBA regarding first round draft picks (salary and contract length), although I can't remember off-hand if the last year is firm, or whether there is a player/team option.:confused:
slugking50 said:
Um you saying Im lying?:confused:

I heard it from Coach T himself talking to Koz and Krista Thursday night.

Yes, Slug. Everyone knows you have a problem with the truth (something along the lines of not being able to handle it, or something like that). Not to mention you trying to place ALL the blame for the Monarchs loss on poor little me!

Oh, and just for the record: I'm can't listen tonight, I'll be at a party.So, I'm doing my part, make sure you do yours! :mad:

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Why would I accuse you or anyone else of lying???

That is silly...
I just think that 3 games into the regular season is an alot of time. I don't doubt it since Bill Lambier has mention his displeasure with the amout of time the players are missing in camp.

Thank goodness we have 2 quality players stepping up to the plate.
ReinadelosReys said:
Yes, Slug. Everyone knows you have a problem with the truth (something along the lines of not being able to handle it, or something like that). Not to mention you trying to place ALL the blame for the Monarchs loss on poor little me!

Oh, and just for the record: I'm can't listen tonight, I'll be at a party.So, I'm doing my part, make sure you do yours! :mad:


ROTF!! < wipes tear from eye > Thats Halarious!

We won by 1. See ......It was your fault afterall:p;)
Luv13fan said:
Why would I accuse you or anyone else of lying???

That is silly...
I just think that 3 games into the regular season is an alot of time. I don't doubt it since Bill Lambier has mention his displeasure with the amout of time the players are missing in camp.

Thank goodness we have 2 quality players stepping up to the plate.

Note to Luv13. Use an exclamation point every once in a while then. Or a ;) :p