Norway is a peaceful country with the only noteworthy conflict being with a Neo-Nazi movement. There is no evidence that this was religiously motivated. Violence is almost unheard of in Norway and a lot of the police don't even carry guns.
Obviously it's a tragedy but I don't really want to discuss it because people are jumping to conclusions already. This is one person who had his personal reasons that I suspect will make no sense. Why the Columbine killings, why does a military psychiatrist open fire and kill, why the other killing rampages at schools, why did Ted what's his name send bombs to people's offices, why the anthrax letters, why did McVeigh set off a bomb in Oklahoma City and kill 168 people, why did the Congresswoman get shot at the beginning of the year? Heck, why was Kennedy killed? Endless amounts of thought and investigation have gone into the Kennedy assassination and I'll bet that even now, there is no coherent and undeniable reason for his killing.
We are a violent race and sometimes the stray person is so angry that he explodes at whoever or whatever he thinks is the cause of his anger. Almost every instance of this that has happened in the end makes no sense except in a twisted, personal way.
There is no justification for what happened no matter what this guy thought. That is obvious. Why does it happen? I don't know. The "fundamentalist nutjobs" make more sense to me than people like this. He's alive and can be interviewed. We'll find out more but McVeigh was alive and in prison and for the life of me I can't remember why he killed so many people.
To me this will be something I won't forget but I have long since passed the point of being shocked that this kind of thing happens. Perhaps I have just become too cold. Perhaps also it is not worth discussing TO ME because it is one of many episodes of inexplicable violent behavior and I doubt anything meaningful will come of knowing the reason "why."
Maybe calling him a "nutjob" is good enough.