Malone fired

I am far from the biggest Malone supporter out there. I find his offensive schemes to be pretty stagnant and overly reliant on iso from his stars, but he made a night and day defensive change for the whole team and Cousins in particular.

Maybe this turns into a good thing for the team, but I thought Malone had a team with minimal talent punching above its weight. My gut reaction is that this was a stupid, reactionary move by the front office. I hope you land on your feet elsewhere, Mike.
I am far from the biggest Malone supporter out there. I find his offensive schemes to be pretty stagnant and overly reliant on iso from his stars, but he made a night and day defensive change for the whole team and Cousins in particular.

Maybe this turns into a good thing for the team, but I thought Malone had a team with minimal talent punching above its weight. My gut reaction is that this was a stupid, reactionary move by the front office. I hope you land on your feet elsewhere, Mike.
Some might argue Cuz's defensive awakening came in the summer... just playing devils advocate.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I am far from the biggest Malone supporter out there. I find his offensive schemes to be pretty stagnant and overly reliant on iso from his stars, but he made a night and day defensive change for the whole team and Cousins in particular.

Maybe this turns into a good thing for the team, but I thought Malone had a team with minimal talent punching above its weight. My gut reaction is that this was a stupid, reactionary move by the front office. I hope you land on your feet elsewhere, Mike.
I wish Mike nothing but the best from here on out, but I am seriously much more concerned with our own feet landing from all this.

Twin areas of concern: 1) what is the moron who did this going to do next? Having dispatched a defensive halfcourt oriented coach who has the players' trust, what lily-livered stat padding kiss ass run n gunner is he going to hire next as a replacement? 2) Cousins. Has repeatedly said Malone was his guy, and he'd go to the end with him. Gulp. You want to start reading between the lines now on everything Cousins says going forward. He had finally found a coach he could trust, who had his back and vice versa. If this was Gerbil doing the firing I hope somebody spills hot chocolate on him during his Christmas shopping. That would be selfishly ballsy in the extreme to put your own agenda over your franchise players'. If it was Vivek...that might even be worse. Cousins belief in the front office could be shaken. To have a franchise player growing right in front of you and believe in you is a gift not many get. To take a dump on that gift because you have the basketball mentality of a 10 yr old with ADD and need to see scoring scoring! scoring!!!...pathetic.
I'd like him to ease on his control over the basketball operations.. but to want him to sell the team and move out.. that's too much. We wouldn't have a team if it wasn't for him. That doesn't excuse poor decisions like this... but we don't even know if this was his call. Malone was his hire in the first place
yeah it was his hire but he wants to play 4 on 5 cherry picking ball. malone's style is not about that. i think nellie disciples mully and gerbil convinced vivek to do the run/gun.

i'm totally shocked they fired him this early in the season after a hot start. he wasn't given a fair shake.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I don't know who that is. the idiot up at Reno?

Anyway, I've been pondering names like Jim O'Brien -- will run n gun with no prompting.

Of course same thing as Karl, has never proven he can actually coach a post player, and may be actively abrasive to the one guy in the entire league you don't want to be abrasive with, but hey, after you do the big stupid might as well complete the thought.
I wasnt a fan of a lot of thing s Malone was doing, and I think he coat is games. But, unless George Karl is coming along this is one of the dumbest moves I've seen in a while. It makes our ownership/management look like petty children.

The players loved Malone. Now the players loved Mark Jackson too but Kerr was a great hire and you can see the players getting over that quickly because they're winning. But to just fire him with no replacement... Just what the hell is going on? Malone deserved better than that.


Hall of Famer
Stunned by the news when I woke stunned that I forgot to shave!

Malone got Maloofed
It's apparent that PDA is just a yes man
Vivek is so intelligent in the business can you be so moronic in the hoops world
They probably told Malone how to play Casspi and so his response was to not play him at all...I could see a hard nosed guy like Malone do that.

Remember that draft video where Vivek basically picked Stauskas....yeah HE wanted Stauskas

Only thing that matters right now is what Cousins thinks

I love how the media is shredding Vivek's decision....bravo

Someone needs to stop with the softball questions to the ownership group and PDA and have them explain what the hell is going on in this something that you are going to try and do in the NBA? All signs point to this. Look who you got to coach Reno....a nobody...because that's the only person you could get to coach this crap.

Malone will land a head coaching job based on what he did with the Kings this year....that is guaranteed.
Boy O'boy, That was something I could not even think of. Totally stunned when I finally got to the pages. I actually thought that he was doing a very good job most of the time. I can't see that this decision was based on performance. The Kings were considered a really strong team. These games without DMC were not perfect, but they were OK. With his this years record, he will easily find a new home.
Wow. This is a bummer.

I'm less bummed out about Malone being fired than I am about who is in charge of this franchise. I liked Malone, he seemed like a good guy, and he was developing as a head coach. He got the rawest of raw deals, and that brings out an emotional response for a lot of the fanbase. Most of us have been screwed by management, held down, passed over, etc. Its a very relatable thing. And I keep thinking of more and more little instances of how Malone got totally screwed by Vivek and PDA. It sucks. Malone deserved better.

With that being said, I don't think this is equivalent to trading away a star player or anything. I think Malone was getting better as a coach, I don't think he was great. I never thought he'd be elite. I had issues with how he handled various rotations throughout the past two seasons. He did the complete first and second unit line switch we all hate. He went to the Reggie Evans / Carl Landry backup big group we all knew would fail. He stuck with Sessions longer than he probably should have.

So the firing is bummer number one. Bummer number two, and the much bigger bummer, is that we have to move forward with PDA. The roster construction for two consecutive seasons has been much more head scratching than the coaching decisions.

I don't want VDN. I sure as hell don't want Mark Jackson. I don't even want George Karl. If you're going to fire Malone, you better have something better than that up your sleeve.
Skocked honestly. But, I was never sold on Malone. I was warming up to him, yes, but I'm not sad to see him go. He was young and unproven.

I'm looking forward to who we get next, honestly. Im really hoping for a solid vet coach who can come in and have the basics down. Nothing flashy and he dosent need to be some xs and os genius, juse a reliable, consistent coach. I have no idea who's avaiable, but thats the type of guy I'd love to see the Kings get.

I will say, I'm am worried about Vivek acting like he's a GM. This may not be the case. But if it is, then regardless if Malone stayed or went, Vivek will be a major roadblock because of his complete control of the franchise with very little basketball knowledge. That's dangerous. Again, hoping that's not the case, but I'm paying this a whole hell of a lot attention.
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I wish Mike nothing but the best from here on out, but I am seriously much more concerned with our own feet landing from all this.

Twin areas of concern: 1) what is the moron who did this going to do next? Having dispatched a defensive halfcourt oriented coach who has the players' trust, what lily-livered stat padding kiss ass run n gunner is he going to hire next as a replacement? 2) Cousins. Has repeatedly said Malone was his guy, and he'd go to the end with him. Gulp. You want to start reading between the lines now on everything Cousins says going forward. He had finally found a coach he could trust, who had his back and vice versa. If this was Gerbil doing the firing I hope somebody spills hot chocolate on him during his Christmas shopping. That would be selfishly ballsy in the extreme to put your own agenda over your franchise players'. If it was Vivek...that might even be worse. Cousins belief in the front office could be shaken. To have a franchise player growing right in front of you and believe in you is a gift not many get. To take a dump on that gift because you have the basketball mentality of a 10 yr old with ADD and need to see scoring scoring! scoring!!!...pathetic.

With Malone being fired so quickly it starts one to wonder. Does Vivek somehow compare this to the Mark Jackson firing with the GSW??? Lacob had wanted a fancier offense and had disagreements with Jackson. Now we have a similar firing in Sacto.

Vivek and company are quickly using up all the good will with the fans they earned by saving the Kings. First not signing Tyreke, then not signing IT and now firing Malone. Each of those moves alienated a portion of the fans. Then there is the goofy style of play in Reno which most know is not a system that will work in the NBA. Now we have Malone fired before the season even gets rolling. With Boogie out due to being sick it just appears to be a bogus firing of a successful young coach. This is not the Spurs ladies and gentlemen.

To top this off is all of the negative ramifications firing Malone will have with DeMarcus Cousins and Rudy Gay.

Vivek, Pete and Mully....dumb, dumb, dumb..... Have they tossed in the towel on the season already??? Is this the begining of a tank?

This is hauntingly familiar for those of us that were around to see the Magoofs fire Adelman. Allegedly Adelman could not coach Defense. This after "The Greatest Show on Earth team" had very good team defense.

This is shaping up as another NBA disappointment for us Kings fans:(


Hall of Famer
Vivek Ranadive = Jerry Jones

Meddling owners who think they know better than their coaches....coaches who are hardcore hoops guys who can only coach what they are given.
Anyone else worried that management/ownership is actually looking for just a yes man that will just do whatever they say? Seems to me a guy like Karl wouldn't work for them, and they just want someone they can give directions to. Knowing that it was Malone that nixed the Josh Smith trade we are forever in his debt to him for taking one for the team.